Speedo Tf - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Pride Month Isnt Over Yet, Dude! Although Your Buddy Here, His Life Might Be. Yeah, Thats Right, Man,

Pride month isn’t over yet, dude! Although your buddy here, his life might be. Yeah, that’s right, man, your homophobic friend here is now part of my Grand Axis swimwear collection for the summer. The magic I worked on him is irreversible, so I hope he can get used to this. Maybe he shouldn’t have called me the F-slur, I mean do you know who I am? Of course you probably don’t. Forget about your pal here, there’s nothing you can do for him now, unless of course you wanna join him as some of my personal briefs too. Could use some blue ones so I can have every color of the rainbow. No?

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1 year ago

Oh shit! Completely forgot!

Oh Shit! Completely Forgot!

Dan went down the slide at his favorite water park, got out of the pool and stopped abruptly.

"Damn! I completely forgot about my sister and her boyfriend."

Dan came to the water park and had to turn his new fake swimming trunks and swimcap into his sister Nat and her boyfriend. Dan didn't even remember his name. The plan was that this way they would save on tickets and once they got inside the territory, Dan would turn them back. But he completely forgot to do this and went for a swim alone. It's been almost 4 hours since when he suddenly remembered what he forgot to do.

Dan decided that there was less than an hour left before the closing of the park and there was no point in the appearance of Nat and her boyfriend.

"Sorry guys, but looks like you'll have to stay like this for the evening itself. Hope you don't get bored"

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1 year ago
It Was First Time When You Saw Yourself In A Mirror After You Was Transformed Into Your Lean Roommate's

It was first time when you saw yourself in a mirror after you was transformed into your lean roommate's favorite swimsuit. First you though that it will be funny to rub and scratch his junk in public pool while he wasn't aware of your presence. But something goes wrong when he left you on after pool. He didn't pull off your damp body and wear you all day along under these pants. Turns out that you was rather comfortable than original swimsuit so Seb was able to use you as daily underwear every day. You are waiting for a rest in laundry basket to transform back, but Sebastian keep using you during his routine at least 8 days. You are still clean and nice because he visits pool every day. Seems like you set a trap for yourself...

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1 year ago

Supportive pal

(one more reupload from my banned captions)

-Are you serious? Do you really want me to replace your damn swimbriefs for the race by myself? No way!

-Cmon, Lars! This is only for a hour. Coach gonna kill me if he would know that i had forgot my racing speedos again. I need a pair for replace. Please, save me! Othervise i will be kicked out from the swimteam. Swimming is my life!

-Damn you. Okay, but only once. It will be very big favor for you. No one should know about my transformation.

-You are lifesaver! Let’s get me dressed in you. Faster, out start in 10 minutes. - Lars undressed and placed his stuff into friend’s bag. - Now, come here closer and hug my waist- said naked young man -… not here, lower..

- shit! Am i suppose to lean closer to your member? Do it faster!

- otherwise its not gonna work. Speedos are made to cover their owners members, Lars - said Ryan and pressed Lars head to his junk. Lars only eeked and transformation took place very fast. His skin turned red while his body begin rapidly shrink and shange it’s structure from flesh to stretchy fabric. Ryan watched at his friend transformation with a grin. This situation making him aroused. Soon, Ryan was alone in locker room, clad in brand new red speedos. He was rock hard while tight swimsuit keeps his cock up

-Wow, Lars! You are natural swimsuit morpher! Maybe i should keep this comfy pair speedos for a whole season? Lars, can you hear me? Anyway, i think speedos are always want to be speedos. Rayn snapped his waistband in a joy and left lockers

Supportive Pal

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1 year ago

Unaware swim lessons

Thanks @Vore_writer and @headwether (from discord “inanimate paradise” server) for a help with grammar edits. Your help inspired me for a new captions.


"We have only 2 minutes before my memory wipe will take place. You can tell him your last goodbye.” said Lars, standing in Andersons’ house.

He was a professional swimmer who turned a penny with a part-time coaching. He takes a young swimmers for a intense 3 month course. He takes these guys everywhere with himself as his favourite swimsuit - branded blue speedos. Being worn by Lars during all competitions and workouts, his clients gain muscles and experience. He usually wears his swimsuit 7 days a week.

But so he is not too distracted on transformees who are wrapped around his waist 24 hours 7 days a week (even when he faps at home), Lars casts a temporary memory-wipe spell on himself and family of transformees which deletes all memories about his current client until contact is over. For a 3 months Lars and everyone else will know his Speedos as an ordinary swimsuit and would treat it as usual.

And now he stood before a couple of Andersons. They were parents of his current client - Michael. They stared at his speedo-clad crotch with a worried look. It’s so hard for them to say goodbye to their transformed son before a three months parting. He became a tiny piece of wardrobe for a star swimmer and they cannot even talk about their son with Lars because Lars wouldn’t aware all the time.

Before Lars zipped up his jeans and plunged their son in darkness, mister Anderson said “See you in September, Michael! Good luck.”

Unaware Swim Lessons

OK. It’s time to go.” Lars said to them and pulled up his tight jeans. With a short zzzziip sound, the blue speedos were covered with denim. Just when Lars buttoned his jeans, the memory spell hit three of them. He blinked several times and asked the Andersons what he was doing here. As they set in the spell before, they think that they call him for a small help and then let him go.

So they thanked him for a small consulting in pool maintenance and lead him through the doors. Meanwhile poor Michael was left alone on Lars waist

“Hey, Lars? Lars! I’m having second thoughts Lars!” Michael silently yelled. As Lars walked away, what he’d agreed to began to sink in. It was going to be a long 90 days while his parents would think that their son is in a long travel.


After 80 days of constant usage by Lars blue speedos became a bit stretched but still comfortable. After so much time with his owner, Michael’s elastic body and mind were broken in

Unaware Swim Lessons

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1 year ago

Pesky brother

I like to search pictures which may be used in one story. So here are bunch of photos of one swimsuit model which I found at AliExpress (in customers reviews) and Tumblr.


One day two brothers bought a Chronovac 4.0. They experimented with it for fun until Kyle, oldest brother was invited to the corporate pool party. He want to impress his colleagues and needed to perfect swimsuit. Time before the party is up and his brother was home. So why not to capitalize it?

Poor Gabriel lay on the sofa in living room when Kyle fired him with a ray.

Pesky Brother

Gabriel was transformed into very nice pair of speedos which Kyle saw at AliExpress. His yells were mute for others and Kyle got a perfect suit. He would like to transform his brother back later.

He carefully examined his acquisition. There are was a bulge cup in a mesh pouch.

Pesky Brother

"Nice look Gabriel. You make a very cool swimsuit. I owe you a favor. Oh! I am in a rush!" Kyle undressed to his birthday suit and pulled up his former brother now speedos. He was covered in a film of sweat and was eager to go.

Pesky Brother
Pesky Brother

Gabriel cupped his ass and junk very nicely. Kyle was ready to go. He put on tight jeans and plunged speedos in darkness.

Later that day Kyle had a lot of fun time at the party. He was very pleased with his swimsuit. He totally forgot about his brother. More and more he drunk, more and more he forgot.

Pesky Brother

Kyle came home drunk, changed clothes and throwed his damp speedos in the bin. Next day speedos were washed by their mother while Kyle slept. It was a big wash because brother's parents are going to the vacation tonight. They washed all holiday outfits including swimsuits.

After all day on the sun, Gabriel was packed in suitcase by his own mother. Parents said goodbye to Kyle and left. They want to call Gabriel later unaware that younger son fly with them.

Father loved his new speedos. He wear them every day during all three weeks....

Pesky Brother
Pesky Brother

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1 year ago
I Didn't Think That I Would Get The Most Itchy And Wiggly Speedos When We Agreed With The Guys About

I didn't think that I would get the most itchy and wiggly speedos when we agreed with the guys about our deal.. Damn. It sucks that I can't talk to them. These merge speedos are of course very comfortable .... I would even say too comfortable.... but their wiggles makes me hard again. Okay... Seems like I need to blow some steam in toilet or sauna and add one more cumstain to them.

Red: - Hank! We didn't agree that you would wear us 24/7 during this month. We tried very hard to merge ourselves into your snug, nice and comfortable pair, and we are glad that you appreciated it, but we have our own plans and our own lives. Can you hear me?? You must turn back all three of us to human form every day. We can't be your swimsuit every day. Please! That's why we are wiggling. This is only way to get your attention. I can't hold anymore, please don't cum on us again!

White: I don't know why are you so angry to our wearer, Red. You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be one-third of your master's racing swimsuit. Being a swimsuit is not only about showing off during training and racing. It also helps him in such things as being underwear, cocksleeve and cumrag. I love our new life and don't want to turn back.

Cyan: It seems to me that Red is indignant because he gets most of all the liquids from the owner. We are on the sides, White, that's why we are almost anytime clean and freshy. How I wish I could trade places with Red! I don't want to miss all fun. Maybe we should merge completely into one being? Our owner is a nice person who take care of us everytime.

Twenty minutes later, Hank came out of the closet. He straightened his cock through his swimming trunks, made sure that the new stain was not visible from the outside and went towards the pool. He fucking loved this pair and was thinking about leaving it at the end of the month. It's more useful than three worthless friends..

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9 months ago
Fitting End For That Homophobic Douchebag Steven, Being Transformed Into Kevins Colorful Speedo. During

Fitting end for that homophobic douchebag Steven, being transformed into Kevin’s colorful speedo. During the magical transformation process, Steven’s anatomical structure was altered drastically. Every part of his body, now turned into this stretchy lycra material, is now rearranged in a way. His arms and legs have been turned into pink, orange, yellow stripes wrapping around the swimsuit, where his hands used to be now permanently gripping twink buttcheeks, as long as he’s being worn, and his trunk and ass have mostly been relocated to the front of the swimsuit, completely filled up by dick whenever he’s being used by his new owner. Worst of all for Steven, is that his full face is now on the ass of Kevin’s speedo. This picture is just what he looks like now. No longer a man, no longer anything when he’s not being worn, only represented as tightly stretched across this gay man’s nice butt, shown off at the beach or by the pool. Never again will Steven spout another homophobic slur, as what once was his mouth is now the part of the Speedo specifically placed on the butthole part, so he can kiss Kevin’s ass permanently. This is his life now:

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8 months ago
Pride Month May Be Over, But Not For You. Youre Gonna Represent The Pride Flag Forever. In Fact, You

Pride Month may be over, but not for you. You’re gonna represent the pride flag forever. In fact, you are the pride flag now. You really shouldn’t have said all that homophobic stuff to me. Now you’re cursed to be my bright, colorful, sexy rainbow speedo for the rest of your life. I wore you to the club last night, with matching chaps to show you off, I danced all night, sweating into what used to be your face, now just pride flag fabric stretched across my ass. Dicks grinding on my ass, smothering you. Hunky daddies slapping my ass is like a slap in the face to you. You’re mine now. I guess maybe you should’ve realized I was a warlock before calling me all those slurs. Us gays are more powerful than you think.

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7 months ago
What Happens In Vegas [Free Post Friday]

What Happens in Vegas [Free Post Friday]

How much would you be willing to pay for this VIP package? ;)


Posting 6 days a week at link in Bio! Free post every Friday.

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7 months ago
Bro, Come On, Smile! Dont You Realize How Lucky You Are? Not Only Are We Giving You The Experience Of

Bro, come on, smile! Don’t you realize how lucky you are? Not only are we giving you the experience of becoming an Olympic athlete’s own speedo, we’re letting you choose which swimmer gets to own you! You should be happy! Now pick.

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