Spencer Reid X Transgender Man - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Handsome | S.R.

Spencer Reid x Trans Man!Reader

summary: Y/N is an agent in the BAU. On a case involving trans males being murdered, secrets are revealed, but all that matters is how one person feels.

genre: fluff, angst

warnings: murder, transphobia, details of death, use of dead name, emotions, kissing

request: yes / no

word count: 1,335

A/N: if you have a problem with the LGBTQ community, you know where to the unfollow button is. I personally am pansexual and will not tolerate homophobia and/or transphobia. To all the men/ women out their, you are handsome/ beautiful. Also, don’t tell me Spencer isn’t bisexual. He is a bi KING!


          JJ turns away from the tv that shows five pictures of men on it. “These are five men found in ditches in the last week.” She says as she looks around the table. “What is the connection?” Emily asks.

     “All were stabbed in each breast and in the clitoris.” Confusion sets throughout the table so JJ continues, “Everyone of them were trangender males.” Y/N eyes widen at her words. Hotch turned to him, looking at Y/N with a knowingly expression.

     With that, the group dismissed to get ready to head to Pennsylvania. Y/N grabbed his to go bag which was conveniently placed below his desk. When Y/N turned around he got startled by Spencer. 

     “Jesus man, you almost scared the life out of me.” Spencer chuckled at his comment before the both of them started walking to the elevator. “W-what do you think about this case?” Y/N asks him, nervous for Spencer’s thoughts.

     “What do you mean?” Spencer is clueless. “I mean, like, what do you think about the men, transgenders?” He ponders the question for a minute before answering, “I think no one should be murdered, even if their gender does not correspond with their birth sex.”

     Y/N lets out a heavy sigh of relief. Spencer clearly heard it, but chose not to comment on it. The elevator came to a halt and dinged. Signaling it was on the first floor. Both parted once more to get to the jet.

          Y/N sat next to Spencer as the group, once again, went over the case. It wouldn’t be long before they arrived. Y/N looked out the plane window at the beautiful blue sky. Without notice Y/N fell asleep.

     A tap on his shoulder woke Y/N up. He groaned before swatting the hand away which earned a chuckle from the person. Y/N finally opened his eyes when the hand returned to his shoulder.

     When he turned to slap the hand away once more, he found the hand to belong to Spencer. He smiled down at Y/N which made him blush. “We are here. Hotch wants you and me to go to the crime scene.” Y/n quickly nodded and began grabbing his things.

     On the way there, Y/N didn’t talk much as did he when he got to the scene. Spencer noticed and asked countless times if he was alright. Y/N always replied with “I’m fine” or “It’s nothing” on the inside, though, something was terribly wrong.

     Y/N had never dealt with a case so close to home. Yes there were cases involving children and mental illnesses but, that was more a feeling of remorse. This case involved something to do with him. Something which involved the community he was in.

     He couldn’t bring himself to look at the body. Y/N felt he was looking at something personal and felt he would disrespect the dead man.  

     “This was personal,” Y/N finally decided to say, “the unsub is definitely transphobic. The places he stabbed are places a trans man would want to forget about and remove, replace.” Spencer stared at him almost profiling Y/N. “Don’t profile me, doctor.”

     After inspecting the body and asking local police the two decide to regroup with the others back at the station. The group had come together and shared their thoughts. With all the information they got, JJ could announce the profile to the press. 

     Now the group had to wait for more information or for Garcia to find something. Luck was on their side because moments later Garcia rang Morgan telling them about a man by the name of Alex John who fit the profile exactly.

     The sirens rang loud as they arrived at the shack John called home. A team including Morgan, Hotch, Spencer, Emily, and Y/N entered the house. John had a knife to the throat of a missing man named Aiden. 

       “I’ll kill her!” He said, putting more pressure on the knife. “John put the knife down. We don’t want to hurt you.” Hotch calmly said. He tried getting closer but John only put the knife deeper.

      “John!” Y/N yelled, “Put the knife!” His eyes are pulled to Y/N. John looks at him up and down. “You- you’re one of them aren’t you!” With his anger he cut Aiden on accident, a little blood coming out of the wound.

     Y/N stepped out of the team's formation, “Stop! This isn’t right! They are humans just like you!” Everyone looked around at each other in confusion. 

      “No they are not! This is a girl,” John touches Aiden’s binded breast. “Her name is Lily! She was born a girl and it’s God’s will that she stay a girl!” Aiden was now crying in John’s arms. “This is disgraceful act-”

      Before he can finish Y/N steps forward again and interrupts, “You doing this is a disgraceful act! That is a man in your arms! His name is Aiden! You have no right to call him otherwise! You are not capable of understanding what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong in your own body!”

     John looked at you shook then it turned into anger, his hand shaking around the knife handle. “You are one of them!” His change in grip on the handle was enough time for Aiden to break free of John’s hold. As he grabbed for him again, Y/N shot his arm.

     Hotch and Morgan ran over to John, cuffing his hands and holding his wound. Y/N was breathing heavily, gun still in hand. Spencer walked up to him and slowly raised a hand to take the gun from his hand.

     Y/N finally bust out crying, falling into Spencer’s arms. He quickly wrapped his arms around Y/N, letting him wet his blazer. “It’s okay.” Spencer comforted him. “It’s okay.”

                    Y/N was huddled in a corner of the jet with a big blanket wrapped around him. John was put in custody while Aiden was put in a hospital for healing of his body and soul. He should be happy, but for some reason Y/N was sorrowful.

     The plane was fully silent aside from the little hum of the engine and someone lightly snoring. Y/N couldn’t sleep like the others, though, he was busy thinking.

     A shift in weight on the couch made him look beside him. Spencer was smiling down at his curled up form. “Hey.” He said quickly. Y/N said a quick hello back before facing the other direction again.

      Spencer frowned at him before talking again, “I figured it out.” Y/N closed his eyes, humming a response. “Ya, and what is that?” He laughed which sounded more like a sob. Spencer grabbed his shoulders and forced him into a hug.

     “Why did you not tell me?” Spencer sadly asked. “Did you not trust me?” Y/N shook his head that was on Spencer’s shoulder. “N-no. I trust you, it's just- I didn’t know h-how you would react a-and I thought you might be disgusted like John. I-i didn’t want to lose you b-because i-i like you, a lot!”

     Y/N was now weeping into Spencer’s shoulder once more. Spencer carefully brought Y/N’s face away from his shoulder, so he could look at him. Softly, he brought their lips together into a gentle kiss.

     Spencer lightly put his hands on Y/N’s upper waist, careful to watch his binder. Eventually both pulled away and put their foreheads together. “I like you too, a lot.” Y/N chuckled which made Spencer’s smile widen.

     “Now go to bed, Y/N. You need to sleep.” On cue Y/N yawned. He got comfortable on his shoulder while Spencer combed his hair. “I’ve got you.” He reassured him. “I’ve got you, and I will never- ever be disgusted by you. I think you are so handsome.” Spencer kisses his head as he starts to fall asleep.

     “So handsome.”

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