SPOOF MENTION - Tumblr Posts

Anyhoo this is my silly you saw in that post I made earlier! Yeaup that's her alright! In all her blue gumball sonuvabitch glory. That's her‼️ SPOOF!!!!
Man oh man
This art is old I made it a couple months ago not so proud of how I went about rendering it, but the angle is nice and the colors are scrumptious! This design of Spoof is SLIGHTLY behind in the newer design of her. All that's changed is her antennae thickness and her sharp girlypop lashes !
And as I've promised I will RANT ABOUT HER...
I have a notes app FULL of info on just HER....
Now I don't wanna spoil my crowd of willing participants/cult followers!!! Nonono!! That'd be too much for your human psyche to handle,
Instead I'll give it to you in bite sized doses!
Spoof is a young, feisty, silly, mischievous yet manipulative juvenile. She immaturely mature, she's aloof, witty, cunning, clever yet overly complicated in problem solving.
Dubiously moral'd and individualistic yet not selfish!
Also she listens to JVB ( Joey Valence & Brae )