Stabby X Blessie - Tumblr Posts

There was an old joke in the Once Upon a Time fandom that you could put a coconut and a lighter next to each other and people would start shipping them... But like... I can see Stabby the Roomba and Blessie the Plant Monster making a great team, haha. They have a compatible spirit; they both resulted from humans messing around and now they enjoy messing around with humans.

How did I stumble into this madness? My friend was telling me about Stabby a while ago, and I noticed that a lot of the posts about it made reference to some kind of sci fi fandom; she told me that Stabby had been adopted by a podcast called Wolf 359. This Monday I needed something to listen to while I was fabric painting a shirt for the play I’m in, and now I’m 33 episodes (plus mini episodes) in and I needed some Stabby-flavored levity again. 

Stabby and Blessie for interstellar domination 2k19! Now excuse me while I check if there’s an AO3 tag for this ship, lol. 

Wolf 359 Aesthetics- Stabby X Blessie For Anon(i Promise There Will Be No More Shitposty Aesthetics From

wolf 359 aesthetics- stabby x blessie for anon (i promise there will be no more shitposty aesthetics from now on… maybe)

(requests are open)

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