Stanislaus Katczinsky X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Somebody please write Stanislaus Katczinsky X reader fanfiction. I'm begging you. 🧎🏻♀️
Stanislaus Katczinsky X f!reader
Part 2
Warnings: NSFW, smut, fluff, family problems, age gap, mention of death and war.
Summary: You're a sister of the little boy who kills Stanislaus in the movie, but this time you're here and you try to stop your brother.
A/N: I wrote this like a month ago just for myself but after a while I decided to post it somewhere. It's my first fanfiction ever and my English isn't the best so... Enjoy. :)
Word count: 1,3k

You followed your brother's steps though the forest. Every step you took left a crack sound on the frozen ground. You were aware of what he's about to do and the only thing you had on your mind was that he can't end up like the animals all around you. War destroys people. It stains their souls. It destroys innocence. Take husbands, sons, brothers and father's from their families. And your brother will soon became one of the destroyed people. A murderer. You understood why the two soldiers did what they did. Desperate people do desperate things. But everyone was suffering, not only soldiers in trenches, but civilians too.
You haven't heard a shot yet, at least not a close one. So it's not too late, there's still time to fix things. You took you few more steps before you saw your brother. He wasn't facing you, but you could see he was holding a rifle he took before and was aiming with it at someone. You recognized him, he was the older soldier from the couple who's stolen your goose and eggs. He was unarmed and seemed resigned to his fate. The plan was clear - no one will be hurt. You slowly walked to your brother and without a word carefully placed hand on his shoulder. The kid stood still with dead look on his face constantly aiming at the man. You glanced over the soldier who was now looking at you. You had to think quicky, if your brother shoot, he'll have blood on his hands forever but also the other soldier is probably somewhere around and the shot will only provoke him to start looking for his friend. You leaned forward to be close to your brother's ear and whispered:
“Klaus,” you paused for a moment, forming words in your head, “if you shoot him the other one will came here and shoot both of us without hesitation.” The little shit didn't react at all. “Think, we'll have better chance when they'll be together. We don't even know where the other one is or if there isn't more of them.”
Your brother was thinking for a moment but then he lowered the rifle. “Father needs your help, go back home. I'm right behind you.” You carefully took the gun from his hands. He turned around and ran away. Unlike you, he was your daddy's little boy and Klaus always did everything to please his father.
You turned around facing the older man, still with the gun in hands. He seemed a bit relieved now but then he straighten again as you aimed at him. The silence was worse than all the shots and bangs both of you knew very well.
“What's your name?” you called his direction.
“Stanislaus.” he answered after a while.
“Is your little friend somewhere around?”
He probably shouldn't answer but when someone is pointing with a gun at you, you can't dare to do stupid things. “He's outside the forest waiting for me. He's unarmed like me, we didn't came here to hurt you.”
“You've already hurt us enough.” you shouted back. You felt the anger boiling in your veins and before you realised it, your finger took place on the trigger. The older man probably didn't see you as much of a threat as he saw your brother because he slowly started to approach you with his hands in the air showing he's not an enemy to you. But he is and you knew it. You froze in your place, trying to find the courage and pull the trigger, but shooting him would make everything worse. He stopped few steps from you, your eyes studying his body language expecting him to do something bad to you. The older man's hand slowly reached out for the weapon, his eyes not leaving yours as your grab eased and a big hand slowly took the gun from your shaky hands and threw it away, your heart was racing. This is wrong really wrong. You should've just shot him and run away. Your family would probably compliment you for killing their enemy. It would be a nice feeling to finally feel like you're actually someone to your family and not just a burden. Tears started filling your eyes as you thought about it, you tried to hide it with your hand. But right now it was just two people who had lost a lot facing each other, not knowing what will happen next. Stanislaus had to notice your sudden change of mood, because he came closer and, after a short hesitation, wrapped his arms around you, pressing you on his chest. You collapsed on your knees and he followed, you placed your hands on his chest. He put his hand on the side of your head and let it rest on his shoulder as you cried your eyes out.
Moments later you put yourself back to face the older man, still locked in his arms. You were finally able to see him properly, his thick moustache, cap on his head, his lips and beautiful blue eyes that were studying your face. Before you knew it your lips were pressing on his and soft moan formed in his throat as a result of a shock and slight arousal. His reaction was like an invitation for you to do more, you put his cap off his head and ran your fingers though his hair. His body was reacting positively to your touch and his hands were now placed on your hips squeezing them a little. The warmth of your bodies in a cold forest, the war all around you, you didn't care about right now because all your senses were focused on him, his touch and kisses making you melt on his lap. His lips moved to your neck leaving marks on it. You couldn't help yourself but moan. But this wasn't enough, you wanted to feel him, really feel him. Don't you deserve it? Don't both of you deserve it? A moment of pleasure in a world full of dying?
You started lifting your skirt up, he quickly understood what you want to do and started unzipping his pans, his dick was already painfully hard. Stanislaus skilfully helped you with your soaked up underwear, leaving you with bare crotch on his lap. He paused for a moment and focused on your face wait for a consent, you quickly nodded. He smiled, it wasn't a smirk but a warm smile that made you feel safer. He finally entered you, stretching you out as you slowly moved your hips down. When you were finally full of him, you couldn't help yourself but laugh. He laughed too but after a while he broke it with a harsh kiss. Your minds and bodies were drugged with pleasure. It was beautiful.
You were too busy with fucking that old man to think about all the bad things your family would do to you if they saw this scene - you shamelessly riding an enemy soldier who's old enough to be your father in the middle of a forest right after he robbed your family.
His fingers found their place on your clit, gently rubbing circles on it. After a while you could feel yourself getting closer. His free hand started squeezing your breast under fabric, it was enough to send you over the age. Stanislaus moans were getting louder as well, suddenly he quickly lifted you and pulled himself out, leaving hot drops of cum on your lower abdomen. Still heavily breathing both of you buried your faces in the other's shoulder.
“Kat!?” unfamiliar voice echoed through the forest making you jump a little.
“That's Paul, he probably started looking for me.”
Stanislaus softly kissed your forehead and handed you your underwear. When both of you were fully dressed and cleaned up, it was time fo say goodbye.
You kissed him on his soft lips for one last time. You probably won't see him ever again. Stanislaus and you walked different directions trying to find some excuses for what you have been doing the whole time.
(I also may do another part.)
I finally started second part of my FanFiction. I feel like I need to get drunk. At least a little bit.
I haven't forget about the second part of my FanFiction, but it was supposed to be short smut and now I have like 2k words and no spicy parts yet. I'll finish it soon I promise. 😭
How do you guys write smut without getting ashamed? I have to stop every minute and just look away, do nothing, because I feel so embarrassed.
Stanislaus Katczinsky X f!reader
Part 1
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, fluff, sexual themes, age gap
Summary: This final part is set few months after the first one, the war has ended and you still live with your family, but then you receive an unexpected letter.
A/N: This took longer than I expected and I wanna apologize for that but it's also longer than the first part. Also my English isn't the best, so please don't mind some mistakes. :)
Word count: 3,3k

After the ‘incident’ in the forest your family seemed to be suspicious or maybe your feeling of guilt made you feel that way. They never asked you about it, you never talked about it, but you felt around them more uncomfortable than you did before.
So a letter from your aunt saying she needed help at her farm, because her husband died was a relief for you, but you didn't know it yet. Someone had to go to her farm and stay there until the work was done. Your father fell ill so your mother had to do most of the work on this farm and take care of your father. Before your father made up his mind, it was already obvious to you, that your father wouldn't let your brother leave. There was only one person left.
Early in the morning you packed your things without single objection and left. The only person who said goodbye to you was your mum. She was quite the opposite of you. She wasn't stubborn, she always did everything as your father said and never argued with him. You were worried about her, because now it's gonna be just her and them. You gulped back your tears. Nobody knew how long you'll stay at your aunt's farm, but you didn't really care, your home was now hell on earth for you. Your aunt was completely alone for few months and you didn't know in which state you'll find her. Over the years she and your uncle became more friends than partners, but it's kinda normal, isn't it? They always wanted children but somehow it never happened. ‘It's better to never have children than watch them die in war’, you thought.
The war was over but it didn't really left, aftereffects were everywhere around you. On the ground, on the people. Widows, drunks, children, beggars, handicapped... – you met many people during your journey and every one of them could tell you a different story.
After the sunset you finally arrived to the farm, everything was calm, the only source of light came from the kitchen. You knocked on the door and waited. After a while the door swung open. Your aunt stared at you for a while and then gave you a tight hug. It was nice to see her again, she looked more tired and older than the last time you saw her.
“I'm glad it's you and not your... Nevermind, come in, you must be tired after the way.” She was right, you were tired. You followed her to the kitchen and put your suitcases down on the floor. She served you soup, you didn't eat anything whole day so if felt like a gift from heaven. After you were full she finally spoke, you didn't know how you should talk to her, if your questions couldn't be too harmful for her right now, so you just let her talk and listened. Your uncle didn't die in war, but because he was sick and nobody had drugs for him. Of course they tried to cure him with more natural ways but it wasn't enough. After he died your aunt was left here alone and she needed help with farm, especially from a man who can do hard work. Well you have to be enough.
When she said everything she wanted to she asked you about the news at your home. You told her that your father also fell sick, but it's not something serious and he should be alright soon, about how much your brother look up to him... You also mentioned how two German soldiers stole a goose and eggs from your farm and how you stopped your brother from shooting the older one.
“What did you do after that?” she asked you after you moved ahead in our story and didn't explain this thing.
You felt your cheeks getting red. “I just-”, you tried to find good excuse, “stayed there for a moment, made sure he's not armed and that he's not going back to hurt my brother and then ran back home.” That sounds believably, right? Guessing from her reaction she believed you and you continued. You felt bad for lying to her, but you also couldn't tell her the truth.
After your conversation you were really tired and so was she. She showed you the room in which you will now live for you didn't know how long. It was nice little room, with single bed, wardrobe and window on the south.
You laid on your bed and before you fell asleep you couldn't keep the thought about the fact the war actually brought something good to you off your mind. Of course you knew that war means the worst things a human can think of, but if the war didn't happen, you most likely wouldn't be here. And you felt happy here, you finally were free and useful. Another thought came through your mind... It was about the soldier, Stanislaus. You tried to keep him off your mind, because he was most likely dead or back with his family or that other soldier, trying to live normal life and he never thought about you ever again. You sighted. No matter how wrong or weird it was, he made you feel good and wanted and you liked it.
After you woke up you opened your window, it was springtime. Everything was again full of energy after tiring winter. It was time to get to work.
You spend 3 months here now, the work was hard but you got used to it. The most important things that should be done earlier are now finished and now you got yourself into the endless circle of everyday work on the farm. You were preparing lunch for your aunt and yourself when you heard her talk with someone on the farmyard. It didn't sound like she's talking with some neighbour or someone she knew, it was more like an argument. You went outside to see what's happening. Your aunt was arguing with someone and before you were able to see the other person you already realized why was she upset. The other person wasn't speaking French but German and she hated when someone tried to speak German to her.
“What's happening auntie?” you walked to her and didn't pay much attention to the other person, yet.
“You can speak German, am I right? So please tell this gentleman to turn around and go where he came from, I don't have time for this,” after she said that she went to the barn and didn't care about the man anymore.
You finally paid attention to the man she was speaking with. He was already looking at you and looked as surprised as you did.
“Jesus...” (He's not gonna help you right now.) You took a step back. You didn't know if this was a nightmare or a dream. He was really there, in front of you, looking at you with the same eyes he did when you first met. It was this shit all over again. It was Stanislaus.
“What- What the fuck are you doing here?” You screamed this sentence although your voice was quiet.
He didn't answer, just kept looking at you. Your eyes searched for your aunt, she was still in the barn, that's good, this will take some time. He laughed, but it wasn't a laugh of happiness. What are you supposed to do? Tell him to go away? Just like that? And act like you don't know him? What was he even doing here? Did he come to steal again, to hurt you, do hurt your aunt? Was he also at your farm? Did he hurt your family? Where was the other soldier?
“What are you doing here?” You needed answers there's time for mental breakdown later. It seems like he finally got to his senses.
“I was looking for you everywhere, but now when I found you... I don't know what to say.”
This cough you off guard, but before you could say something your aunt got back.
“What does he want? Tell him we don't have anything for him and that he should go away.”
“He's asking me for a direction,” you lied. Again.
“Send him to hell where he belongs,” she answered and walked into the house.
“You can't stay here, you have to go away,” you grabbed his hand and led him away.
“Listen to me, I don't know why are you here or what you want here, but you need to leave,” you insisted.
“No, you listen to me, I didn't come all the way here just to leave when I finally found you.”
You didn't understand anything.
“What do you want here?”
He was pretty straight with that and you appreciated it, but what the- does that mean??
You sat on a stone that lay on a wayside and rested your head on your knees, your head was full of thoughts and your feelings were mixed. Were you happy? Worried? Upset? Probably all of that.
“I'm sorry I just storm here like that...” The tone of his voice changed. He stroked your shoulder and sat next to you.
You looked at him: “How did you know I'm here? You don't even know my name.”
He was thinking for a moment. “I didn't know you're here, I went to the farm where I met you, but you weren't there, so I just... I just wandered around...” he looked so lost.
“Why didn't you go back to your home after war and stay there?”
“Y/N!?” your aunt called your name from the farm.
You didn't know how you've done it but after a long conversation you've managed to persuade your aunt to let Stanislaus stay for some time.
“You shouldn't be so nice to him, you'll regret it later,” your aunt whispered as you two watched him undress himself in the kitchen.
“He just needed to wash himself,” you responded as you looked at the washtub laying on the table.
Your aunt sighed and rushed off the door on the farmyard. “I agreed to see my friend today, but now I'm not sure I can leave you here alone,” she called to you. You finally stopped staring and left before it became too creepy.
“When I get there, I'll ask her son Martin to go here and help you.”
You couldn't help yourself but roll your eyes.
“He's not getting near me, he thought it was funny to push me into water when I couldn't swim and put dead rats in my bed-”
“You were both kids back then,” your aunt responded and smiled a bit.
“But he's still idiotisch.”
She signed. You came to her, “Please believe me, it doesn't seem that he came here to hurt us, besides thanks to my brother I know how to fight with a man.”
She held your hands and said: “Please just promise me that if anything would happen, you will run away and won't try to be a hero.”
“I promise.”
You were sitting on a bench and enjoyed hot weather when Stanislaus came out. He sat next to you and asked you, “She's not here?”
“No, but she'll come back soon, meanwhile you can finally explain what you're doing here.”
He lighted a cigarette and inhaled the smoke, “I'll tell you everything after you will finally introduce yourself to me,” he looked at you and offered you his cigarette which you accept. “I'm Y/N.”
As you enjoyed the cigarette he started: “When the war ended I tried to go back home, to my wife and live the same life before I left, but... I just couldn't, we couldn't. I wasn't the husband she knew and after few months she left me. Everyone I knew from the front died and people from the place I used to live just didn't understand...”
You passed him the cigarette. “What about the other guy you were with in the forest?”
“He died the day the war had ended.” You noticed the tears that started to fill his eyes, but he tried to avoid it. They had to be close.
“I'm sorry to hear that.”
“You don't have to be sorry, he didn't mean anything to you, he was just some guy who stole from you farm.”
You both fell silent and just enjoyed the shared cigarette together.
After a while you had to ask: “But I still don't understand why you tried to find me?”
Stanislaus threw away the cigarette butt and looked at you: “Don't you get it? You are the only one I've left.”
You couldn't help yourself but smile at that sentence. “What do you expect me to do? Why do you think it's gonna be different or better with me, when it didn't even work with your own wife?”
“It's my last chance, you are my last chance.”
You felt sorry for him. How hopeless and lonely must a human be to go and find the girl he once hooked up with in the forest, because he doesn't have anyone else? But this wasn't your fight, you didn't own him anything and you already had enough problems.
“I'm sorry Stanislaus, but this isn't my fight,” you stood up, walked through the gate and headed to meadow.
You laid down into the grass, made yourself comfortable and tried to collect your thoughts.
Not long after, Stanislaus arrived and sat down next to you. He scanned your entire body and you did notice that. You couldn't blame him, you were wearing a summer dress which sometimes showed more than you wanted.
“Looking for something?”
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't...”
“Just like I shouldn't seduce you in that forest, but I did,” you sat up to get closer to him, “To be honest, I didn't have it easy at home after that, well before it's wasn't perfect either, but-”
“You saved my life back there.” He looked straight into your eyes, he was serious about it.
“I know... and I don't regret any moment I had there with you. And that's probably the bad thing.”
He held your hand and then kissed it. He was really testing your morals right now. He moved up to your arm and continued kissing it. He put his leg between yours, laid you down and started kissing your collarbones. His hand moved under your dress and started squeezing your thigh, you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer to you. He finally kissed you on lips, it's was passionate, like he wanted to do this for a long time and now he couldn't get enough. You couldn't believe you're doing this again, are you really that easy, or was it just easy with him? Of course some guys have shown interest in you, but you usually straightaway refused or kept them waiting for a long time, but with him it was different, you felt like you don't need to keep him waiting. You excused your first time with an outburst of emotions and a lack of satisfaction on both sides, but now you both knew what you were doing.
“What's wrong?” he studied your face. You were completely lost in your thoughts.
“I don't know what I'm doing,” you pushed him off yourself, “this would never work out...”
“Y/N come here,” he grabbed you by your waist and hugged you.
“I hate the effect you have on me.”
“And you can't even imagine what you're doing to me,” he replied. You shook your head.
“I want you to sit on my face,” he said while he was stroking your hair.
“What?” You pulled away from the hug.
“I'm serious about it.”
You hesitated for a moment and looked around in case someone was nearby, but everything seemed quiet. You stood up, took off your panties and did as he said. He kissed your inner thighs, and slowly moved to your slit. His moustache was scratching you, but you didn't mind. He grabbed your hips to help you stay in the right position.
You bit your hand to keep yourself quiet, but it didn't really help. He knew exactly how to make you fall into pieces on him, it was overwhelming for you and the fact that you're doing something wrong turned you on even more. He kept licking and sucking your clit until you finished. You sat down on the ground next to him and tried to pull yourself together. He wiped his mouth and then licked your wetness of his fingers. This was the first time someone ate you out and he definitely wasn't ashamed about it. It was getting really hot, the whole time you were in the sun. You picked up your panties but didn't put them back on.
“Let's get inside,” you smiled at him and headed back. Your aunt wasn't back yet, so that meant you had whole farm for yourself. As you entered the kitchen, he closed the door and grabbed you from behind. He started kissing your neck and lifted your dress up until he took it off completely, leaving you fully naked. His hands that were exploring your newly exposed skin made you gasp. He bendt you over the kitchen table and kissed your back. You heard him unzipping his pants.
“Please,” you begged quietly. He didn't keep you waiting for too long before he slipped his hard cock into you. You whined, the last time you fucked with someone was with him, months ago in that stupid forest. You almost forgot how good it feels, how good it feels with him. He started thrusting, first slowly but after a while he sped up. You had to grab the edge of the table to prevent yourself from moving. He bent over for a moment to look at your face, you were completely trapped under him and he liked it. You already looked like a mess and him hitting your sweet spot inside you really didn't help you. His hands were squeezing your hips as he was thrusting forward hard enough to fill you completely. After couple of minutes he pulled his dick out and finished on your ass.
After a short rest he started looking for something to wipe you with. When he didn't find anything, he decided to clean you up himself. He started licking his own cum off your butt cheek. It caught you off guard, but you immediately remembered this man was at war, he surely ate and experienced worse things than semen on a hot woman he just railed.
You turned around to face him. “You are indeed beautiful Fräulein,” he said as he looked at you in your full beauty. “Not so beautiful after you screwed me like this.” He smiled and cuddled you tightly as you rested your head on his chest.
You jerked as you heard someone opening the gate door. “Fuck,” you quickly picked up your clothes from the floor and ran to your room as Stanislaus zipped his pants.
Your aunt came through the farmyard and came inside and looked around, “Where's Y/N?” she asked Stanislaus suspiciously.
“I'm here,” you entered the room dressed, “how was your visit?”
“It was nice, we had plenty things to talk about... And here? Everything alright?”
You looked at Stanislaus, “We talked about his past, he seems nice...”
The rest of the day went by fast. You went to bed and Stanislaus slept on the sofa in a hall.
It was midnight when someone knocked on your door. You stood up and opened the door. It was Stanislaus, without a word you invited him in and lit a candle on your nightstand.
You broke the silence first, “If you want to stay longer you could help us here, but I'm not the one who decides of you will stay or not...”
He sat next to you and kissed you.
Something told you this was the beginning of something new.
The end.
I finally posted my Stanislaus Katczinsky/reader fanfic on AO3!
(it's the one originally posted here on Tumblr)