Stardew Valley Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

y’know i know a lot of people talk about how they love shane and seb because they’re the damaged men in the game, and like same 100%, but i also see a lot of people kinda dismiss sam as a golden retriever, positive, happy character. but if you really think about it, sam fits into the same category as seb and shane too. like:

1. his mother expresses multiple times to the farmer that although she loves her children, she very much longs to have a life where she doesn’t have to constantly worry about kids. in a way a part of her deep down wishes that sam and vincent didn’t really exist and it tears her apart and vincent isn’t necessarily old enough to grasp the concept, but sam is and you know he notices it. this is the woman who raised him and (i at least headcanon him) as someone who is very observant. he definitely notices these behaviors coming from her. and idk about you, but having an inkling that your mother is unhappy with her life in any capacity would really screw me up personally.

2. his father went to WAR. like fully went to war and i’m thinking he was in the army for 2 and a half years at least because he has a corporal badge (even though it’s upside down) but that means that he was away for bootcamp, then deployed, and if sam is around what? like 19? 20? that means that he became the “man of the household” at 17 or 18. Because I personally believe Kent was away for three to three and a half years. Bootcamp for about 10 weeks, straight to a base for more training, and it seems as though the active war made it so he got deployed into action fairly quickly. So, not only did Sam have an absence where his father should have been during the years he became a young adult, but he has to adjust to his father coming back and struggling with PTSD and quite honestly being shellshocked. (i also believe kent was honorably discharged, meaning something bad happened to him in the war. perhaps it was the same event where he lost many of his friends, but i fully believe the war is still ongoing even when kent returns to the valley considering the traveling merchant is still smuggling things into the town.) all the memories he had of kent are just memories now because his father will never be the same as he was before. And sam KNOWS that! even vince notices it!

3. he’s literally a rebellious skater kid, one of his heart events is him getting in trouble WITH THE MAYOR because he’s skating where he’s not supposed to, AND he purposely tries to sabotage the soup for the potluck and leads in community service hours. he’s a teenage dirtbag baby! a misunderstood edgy kid who acts out because he doesn’t know how to express his feelings! and on top of that, with his adhd he’s even more misunderstood and people don’t take him seriously at all. he gets scolded for things that he seemingly just can’t help all the time and that just hurts him and makes him act out even more.

4. sam is also a damaged individual - he’s just better at masking it. seb embraces the darkness and accepts that he is an outcast and doesn’t try to hide the fact he is. shane struggles with addiction and depression publicly and it’s not negative necessarily, but he can’t hide it from anyone. sam has a warped idea that he cannot show his ailments, physical or mental because he needs to be strong for his little brother and give an example of what he believes a man should be (and because of the patriarchal society he lives in he doesn’t know that he can be vulnerable because no one told him because the man who would have been able to explain that to him during the years he really needed to hear it wasn’t there). i fear he suffers a bit from toxic positivity and desperately tries to rely on hobbies to distract him from his reality. 

long story short, sam is not just a silly guy, he has depth. i mean come on, he’s best friends with sebastian for a reason! they’re similar in ways! he just doesn’t know how to talk about or express it. all this to say, sam is an interesting and deep character that shouldn’t be written off immediately by people.

sam supremacy! lmao

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11 months ago

small crackfic request ??? anwyays, how would Seb, Abigail and Sam (seperately) react/say if you asked them "Would you still love me if i turned into a frog???☹️" HAHA TYSM

I love this idea so much. What more can I say? T0T

I sometimes wonder the exact same thing-

Enjoy this fun little crackfic!


Sebastian, Abigail, and Sam with a Farmer Who Asks, "Would you Still Love me if I Turned into a Frog?"

Small Crackfic Request ??? Anwyays, How Would Seb, Abigail And Sam (seperately) React/say If You Asked



Honestly, she's a bit confused. She had absolutely no idea where that question had even come from. One second you two are playing games and the next you're asking a question like that? What's the connection??

She starts laughing at the silly question. You couldn't mean it literally, right?

"You've been around Sebastian too much babe."

She doesn't take it seriously until you give her that face.

She feels a little bad if she hurt your feelings. She didn't mean to! She just... didn't know you actually meant it so seriously!

"Aww baby don't look so sad it's making me feel bad! You know I'd love you if you were a frog! I'd still love you if you were the slimiest, weirdest looking frog ever!"

Is that a compliment??? Was that an insult?? You don't even know. At least you know she'll be stuck with you forever, right?


You instantly got this man giggling. Not in the way Abi was, where he doesn't take you seriously at all, but more of just a flustered, sort of teasing giggle.

"Sunshine, of course I would."

You felt at ease he said it in such a kind way. It instantly makes you sigh in relief.

"...Though, it would be hard. I mean... I wouldn't be able to take you to many places like I do now. Wait... You wouldn't even be able to farm! A chicken might eat you or something too if you try to be cool with other animals! -"

...He's overthinking the question.

He suddenly looks panicked, grabbing you by the shoulders.

"Babe, how are you gonna come to my concerts? What would my family say if you were a frog!?"

He suddenly rests his head on yours, his mouth lifting into a bit of a smirk when out of your view.

"Just don't turn into a frog, okay? That would kinda suck."



He didn't even think about it. His answer just kinda flew out of his mouth when he comprehended the question at hand.

He gives you a soft smile, resting his face in his hand as he stared at you with pure adoration.

"I'd get you a little frog house and a little frog farm. I'll make sure you're the happiest frog on the planet."

You turned bright red. It was just a goof and a gaff kinda question Seb not a serious life or death one.

He realized what he said, blushing a bit and avoiding your eyes.

"Sorry... Too weird?"

Not even in the slightest. He's just... A cute, frog loving dude T_T

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