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4 years ago

Get ready for another event in cooperation with @steoevents​ ! 

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4 years ago
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents
For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents

For SteoBack2School Day @steoevents

Part II of a little social media AU: where Stiles goes to college and realizes that his summer fling from less then a week ago is on his floor on the dorms, gets bullied into partying by Jackson, and this time he’s just resigned to accept his fate. 

Part I

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4 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

My story for Steo Back2School

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4 years ago

Love, Stiles/Studying Theo

It’s the first day of school, and Stiles is determined to learn more about Theo for reasons completely unrelated to him being his secret internet boyfriend.


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4 years ago
Although Stiles Is Very Aware Of The Other Schools In The USA, Hes Never Actually Met A Wizard That Hasnt

Although Stiles is very aware of the other schools in the USA, he’s never actually met a wizard that hasn’t gone to his school. Apparently, nobody aside from the headmaster even knows where said other magic schools are. While Scott and Lydia couldn’t wait for the new students to arrive, Stiles was neither interested in them nor in the tournament. He had two reasons for that. One, everybody and their brother knew that Lydia and Scott would be their school’s champions. Two, Stiles was sure Theo used his veela powers on him last school year, and he’s about to fucking prove it. Tournament be damned. That little shithead will get what he deserves. 

His plans for revenge are completely derailed, however, when their headmaster declares Stiles and Theo as the school’s champions. 

What the actual fuck? 

Instead of sabotaging that cretin, he now has to work with him - and not only that, he will have to keep his sorry ass alive because rumour has it that more than one champion died while competing. That’s not exactly comforting. And it doesn’t get any better after Stiles figures out the solution to the riddle the champions have gotten after dinner. It wasn’t easy. Not because the riddle was particularly hard, but because Theo is flaunting around in the now empty common room, wearing nothing more than a pair of low hanging sweatpants. Stiles is constantly torn between ripping his head off, or continuing where they’ve left off, consequences be damned. At the very least, Theo isn’t a complete disaster when it comes to magic. If they’re lucky, they won’t suffer a torturous death in the first task.

Then again, how the hell do you fight a dragon - and what could possibly come after that?

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4 years ago
Steo: Stiles!Nerd X Theo!Jock
Steo: Stiles!Nerd X Theo!Jock
Steo: Stiles!Nerd X Theo!Jock

Steo: Stiles!Nerd x Theo!Jock

We are not meant to be

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4 years ago
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The
Part I Of A Little Social Media AU: Where Stiles Takes Some Time For Himself And Ends Up Spending The

Part I of a little social media AU: where Stiles takes some time for himself and ends up spending the whole night with a hot stranger after some ice cream and then panics.

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4 years ago
The Moment Stiles Sees His New School For The First Time, He Knows This Will Be A Disaster. Maybe He

The moment Stiles sees his new school for the first time, he knows this will be a disaster. Maybe he should’ve relented when his dad warned him about going too far. He should’ve listened this one time, and he certainly shouldn’t have laughed when his dad threatened to send him to boarding school. But Stiles didn’t listen, and he laughed because his dad tried to punish him in lots of different ways. More often than not, it didn’t work out. Plus, he had straight As, but his lack of attendance as well as behavioural issues could become a problem. Natalie told his dad she might not let him graduate unless Stiles proves that he could do better. 

Stiles didn’t get the chance to prove himself. Right after New Year’s Eve, he’s been shipped off to a boarding school in the middle of nowhere. Zero distraction. Zero bad influence. At least, that’s what his dad hoped, and when Stiles heard his roommate will be the principal’s only child, he’s ready to throw himself out of the highest window. 

When he meets Theo Raeken, however, Stiles immediately notices that the polite and well-raised attitude is nothing more than a farce. This boy with his pretty face, impressive blue eyes, his motorbike, and perfectly tailored school uniform reeks of trouble. Stiles loves trouble. Even more when it comes in the shape of one of the hottest guys he’s ever met. 

Maybe this school isn’t going to be so bad after all.

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4 years ago

For or SteoBack2School Day @steoevents​ (dedicated to @mercheswan​ who suggested writing “Steo skipped school day”)

Today, Stiles was supposed to college.

But he isn’t going.

He glances one last time at the map in his hands, folds it, and stuffs it into his back pocket. Sighing, he looks up at the gas station in front of him. Well, at least he’ll have some food for tonight, and at this point, it’s pretty much the only thing that matters.

He raids his pockets but comes up empty. Okay, looks like he won’t have any food tonight. He looks through the glass door longingly and turns around, heading God knows where, away from the warm light of the station.

Like he has been doing for the last month or so, he’s not sure. He tries not to think about what made him run from Beacon Hills.

“It’s dangerous, you know? To walk around that late, alone, in the middle of nowhere,” Stiles jumps at the voice, hand involuntary going for the gun under his hoodie. The guy sitting in the back of a truck holds his hands up. The car is parked a bit to the side of the gas station in the shade, and in this dark with all the lights off, of course, Stiles didn’t noticed him. “I’m not going to do anything.”

Stiles squints, trying to make out the guy’s face, hand still hovering near the gun. “How do I know?”

The guy smirks and takes a bottle of water from the plastic bag by his side. “You don’t. But I have food and am willing to share.”

“You’re offering a random stranger food and expect him to agree?”

The guy shrugs. “Not really, but you look sad, pretty, and hungry, and as a proper gentleman I had to try,” he opens the bottle and makes a cheers gesture toward Stiles before taking a sip.

Stiles can’t help feeling somewhat intrigued. He turns more fully to the car. He knows he should just walk away and keep going, but his stomach helpfully growls, reminding him that he hasn’t eaten today. The guy’s eyebrow definitely shots up and he tries to hold back a smirk, Stiles feels it more than sees.

But he’s sure he is standing too far away for the guy to hear that. It’s just his luck, isn’t it? The guy totally is supernatural.

Stiles could ask, it’s not like it matters.

“Are you a werewolf or something?” he decides to strike for something he is most familiar with.

Now the guy’s expression changes more clearly, first to surprise, and then to something a little guarded but still arrogant somehow. “What if I am? Are you a hunter?”

Stiles cocks his brow now. “What if I am?” he repeats.

“Well then either I’m doomed, or you’re a terrible one, and you’re doomed.”

“Oh, you’re so sure that I can’t take you?”

The guy looks Stiles up and down. “Yeah.”

It is true, but Stiles still feels a bit insulted. He barely resists the urge to turn to the guy completely and cross his arms over his chest. But somehow the knowledge that he is supernatural calms Stiles a bit. Something is very wrong with him.

But again, it’s more like he has less choice now. If the guy actually wants to do anything to him, Stiles can’t do much to stop him here. Statistically speaking, nothing here makes the chances of Stiles getting killed higher.

And maybe this way it would be better anyway. Easier then to go on like that trying to get some money to survive while not getting found.

“Well you don’t know anything about me, do you?”

“I don’t.” The guy pushes the bag toward Stiles. “I’m Theo.”

Stiles looks at the bag. At the guy. At the road. Well, at least this way he’ll have some food and even someone to chat for some time.

He makes a step toward the truck, and then another, and finally, he tugs a sandwich pack from the bag, sitting down on the edge with this back to the side of the truck. “Stiles.”

Theo visibly tenses and looks at Stiles more closely. “That’s not a name.”

“Well, you should respect what a person prefers to be called,” the first bite of the terrible sandwich tastes divine, but Theo’s reaction makes Stiles tense again. Why is he looking at him like that?

Although… does it matter?

“Yeah,” Theo chuckles more to himself and takes the second sandwich. “It’s just funny how I used to know someone who also preferred to be called Stiles,” and then, obviously trying to distract Stiles from this information, “What are you doing here anyway?”

Okay, Stiles is in no state to push and, more importantly, has no desire to. So what if Theo heard about him? Stiles can’t place him right now, so it’s whatever.

And if the worst comes to worst, and Theo tries something, Stiles has some aces up his sleeve. 

“Running,” why not be honest?

Theo nods thoughtfully and relaxes back into the car, so Stiles let’s everything slide. Possibly just for now. “Do you know where?”

“As far as I can.”

Another nod.

“I can give you a lift in the morning, drop you off where you feel like it,” it sounds like a question, and Stiles is pretty sure he hears some hopeful undertones in there.

That sounds like a pointlessly dangerous idea. But what is he losing?

“Okay, we can run together for now.”

They both chuckle.

Theo nods for the third time and bites into his sandwich.

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4 years ago

“Mr Stilinski?”

Stiles turned around and got face to face with a young man.

“I knew it was you! You haven’t changed at all!” The boy said with a bright smile on his face.

“Oh… thanks” Stiles responded trying to identify the boy. His face was familiar but he couldn’t place it.

The boy noticed. “I’m going to be very offended if you don’t recognise me, I know it’s been seven years but I thought I left a good impression on you” The boy smirked

The smirk did the trick. Oh yes Stiles couldn’t forget that smirk. “Theo… Theo Raeken”

Theo smiled. “The one and only!”

Stiles laughed. “How are you? You are looking so grown up! What are you doing in Beacon Hills?” Stiles questioned

“I finished College and I’m back… I guess you can’t really stay away from Beacon Hills forever, can’t you? This town keeps calling you back” Theo claimed.

Stiles huffed a laugh. He was right. “What did you study?”

“Guess” Theo smirked again

“You always looked like an asshole lawyer to me, breaking people free form jail and all that” Stiles teased.

Theo laughed out loud. It was a nice sound. “Not quite, I cut people open for a living”

“Oh so you are a serial killer, yeah that works too” Stiles joked. Theo snorted rolling his eyes. He really was pretty.

“Med school, huh? Congratulations! That’s big” Stiles declared

“Thanks! What about you? Still terrorising teenagers?” Theo teased.

“You know me… I have a reputation to maintain” They both laughed. Stiles was actually one of the favourites teachers at school. He was cool okay?

A person on the street accidentally bumped into Theo making him lose balance and crash slightly against Stiles. “Sorry…” Theo whispered. He was close, and up that close Stiles could see no longer the features of a teenager. Theo was an adult, a young adult, but you could see a little bit of a beard growing in his face, firm chin, strong and muscular arms… Theo had always been handsome but he was looking incredibly hot. And Stiles shouldn’t be feeling those things for an old student, right?

“It’s okay…” Stiles managed to say separating a little bit from Theo. “So… how long are you staying?”

“A year for sure and then we will see… I’m going to be a resident at the hospital, there was a vacancy and I took it, thought it would be nice to do it here… maybe in that year I’ll find a reason to stay permanently” Theo explained.

“Well that’s great! So I’ll see you around” Stiles said waving and turning around.

“Well actually…” Theo said running to stand before Stiles again. “I was thinking maybe you wanted to grab a drink tonight? I don’t know anyone here anymore…” Theo proposed.

“Umm…” Stiles hesitated. Was that okay?

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4 years ago
Theo And Stiles Take A Day Off...

Theo and Stiles take a day off...

“What do you think about skipping school today?”

“Let’s do it”

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4 years ago
Stiles Learnt That Hes Been Stuck In The Wild Hunt For Eight Years. Eight Years. Life Moved On Without

Stiles learnt that he’s been stuck in the Wild Hunt for eight years. Eight years. Life moved on without him. Life pretended nothing happened, and his friends forgot him. Everybody did. Now, that Stiles has returned, his dad thinks it’s perfectly normal that his son is 17, but Stiles should be 25. He should have finished college. He should be working for the FBI. 

He should definitely not go back to Beacon Hills High. He should not be in High School, having classes with people he’s never seen before, suffering through Natalie treating him with the distance necessary between a student and a principal. The only person who doesn’t treat him any differently is Coach, but that’s because it’s Coach. 

Resigning himself to his fate, Stiles studies his schedule, stumbling over a class that certainly hasn’t existed before. Supernatural Studies. What the hell? Has Beacon Hills finally discovered what’s lurking in the shadows, or has the Wild Hunt tossed him into some weird parallel universe? Maybe it got the coordinates wrong, and now he’s stuck in this hellhole instead of regular old Beacon Hills. It certainly would explain a lot. 

However, once he enters the classroom, he’s confronted with the one and only Theo Raeken. No matter, how hard Theo tries to keep his expression in check in front of the other students, he remembers him. Stiles knows he does. So he confronts Theo after class.

Turns out Theo never forgot about him. Turns out Theo is the reason he’s back. Theo who grabs him by the collar of his shirt and kisses him in the middle of his office. Theo who is the only one who remembered, who stayed, who cares. Theo who is his teacher now. 

Turns out Stiles still couldn’t care less about rules.

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4 years ago


Steo (teen wolf) -  Alternate Universe - College/University

rated: Explicit/ NC-17

6403 words

summary: Theo shrugs a little, “I just, I thought I heard you doubt my anatomy knowledge just earlier, maybe I should study.” The hint of sarcasm, mixed with fake seriousness has Stiles biting off the urge to laugh, “maybe you should shut up,” Stiles tells him instead, matter-of-factly. Fucking little shit.

Theo laughs, has the audacity of pulling away to dodge Stiles when he tries to go for another kiss, and Stiles groans in frustration, head falls back on the bed as he rolls his eyes. Fuck this is going to be a thing, isn’t it?

“No, I feel like I need to show you,” Theo says, voice low.


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4 years ago

Love in a bottle


Stiles is a five year student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was placed on Slytherin House. He is ambitious, brilliant, incredibly smart and a troublemaker. He is also one of the students with more potential from all the School, he is sure to become a powerful wizard.

For being a Slytherin he is also kind, he has friends from all houses, he is social, but there is one person who he can’t seem to get along with: Lydia Martin, fellow Slytherin housemate with whom Stiles is in love. But Lydia has never taken any interest in him apart form the academic in which they both compete, so Stiles has made up his mind to change that fact.

Stiles has been researching in the library and he believes he has found a solution. A love potion. The love potion is one of the hardest to do but Stiles is confident about his abilities. All he needs is for Lydia to spend some time with him, she would realise that they are meant to be and when the potion wears off she would fall in love too.

Stiles believes his master plan is perfect, so he collects all the ingredients he needs. He pours the potion into a cup of coffee. Black and no sugar, just the way she likes it, all that’s left is for Lydia to drink the potion…

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4 years ago

Steo teachers at a supernatural school AU for SteoBack2School Day @steoevents​

Stiles has always felt weird about the first day of the school year, both as a student and as a teacher. Before, it was the unfortunate end of mostly free time, but he also was so excited to study. Now, it’s the end of the boring part of the paperwork and going to the terrible part of actually dealing with children. Not that they were terrible. In general, he loved his job. But still.

The first day back then was waiting for his schedule and getting unpacked in the dorm room. Now, it’s looking at the older students and trying to figure out how puberty hit each one of them over the summer and how unstable their magic will be this year because of it. Looking at the new students and trying to figure out who of them is going to become the next Little Terror Of The Year and who is going to be the impossible nerd with a ton of questions about everything.

Or both, the way he was.

God, he hopes he won’t ever get one like him.

This year, however, it’s a bit more exciting.

From now on, he’s not the newest and youngest teacher here.

The WereCreatures class lost their head last year, surprisingly, to old age, so now they got a new one.

The thing Stiles didn’t expect is that it will turn out to be Theo, the guy with whom, despite being in different classes, they went from friends to enemies to a weird love/hate will they/won’t they state in the three years Theo had been studying here.

They did not, but it doesn’t make the awkward feeling go away.

He just really hopes that now they are both adults and can be over it. Even if it’s definitely not what he thinks when he sees Theo for the first time in eight years.


It’s also absolutely not what Theo thinks about when he sees Stiles. There’s not a single trace of the idea of being over it in his mind.

He has a very vague idea about teaching, but, unlike some of his old classmates, he had a very low bar for life quality since he got turned, so he wasn’t about to turn down a perfectly good job offer with housing and a cafeteria. He might have come to the school much later than others, so he only got a couple of years here, but it still was easily the best place he has ever lived in.

He can’t say that he didn’t know that Stiles was the head of the Magic class, but he didn’t actually think about it accepting the offer. However, it’s an amazing bonus that Theo is going to use to the fullest.

The first day makes him a little nervous but well, it is a big change and he has never been in such a position. It’s new and unusual and sort of exciting to see the first assembly from this perspective.

Also, trying to assess and remember all the children, or at least those who are his responsibility, is a lot of mental work he’s forgotten how to do properly. He’ll have to get used to memorizing a ton of useless information again if he wants to get the contract next year.

Even if the way every single one of his older colleagues sees him as a child and feels the need to give advice with varying levels of patronizing gestures sprinkled on top is mildly infuriating.

But it’s worth it when he gets to quite openly tease and flirt with Stiles for the rest of the semester. It looks like other teachers think it’s adorable, so he’s not worried about getting in trouble for that.

And students, who, unlike the teachers, haven’t seen them circle each other during their teenage years, seem to agree. They rarely get new teachers here, and young ones at that, so Theo and Stiles are pretty much paired up in everyone’s eyes. After all, it’s free entertainment for the whole school. Except maybe Stiles, but Theo’s sure he’ll come around.

 It’s also absolutely not what Theo thinks about when he sees Stiles. There’s not a single trace of the idea of being over it in his mind.

He has a very vague idea about teaching, but, unlike some of his old classmates, he had a very low bar for life quality since he got turned, so he wasn’t about to turn down a perfectly good job offer with housing and a cafeteria. He might have come to the school much later than others, so he only got a couple of years here, but it still was easily the best place he has ever lived in.

He can’t say that he didn’t know that Stiles was the head of the Magic class, but he didn’t actually think about it accepting the offer. However, it’s an amazing bonus that Theo is going to use to the fullest.

The first day makes him a little nervous but well, it is a big change and he has never been in such a position. It’s new and unusual and sort of exciting to see the first assembly from this perspective.

Also, trying to assess and remember all the children, or at least those who are his responsibility, is a lot of mental work he’s forgotten how to do properly. He’ll have to get used to memorizing a ton of useless information again if he wants to get the contract next year.

Even if the way every single one of his older colleagues sees him as a child and feels the need to give advice with varying levels of patronizing gestures sprinkled on top is mildly infuriating.

But it’s worth it when he gets to quite openly tease and flirt with Stiles for the rest of the semester. It looks like other teachers think it’s adorable, so he’s not worried about getting in trouble for that.

And students, who, unlike the teachers, haven’t seen them circle each other during their teenage years, seem to agree. They rarely get new teachers here, and young ones at that, so Theo and Stiles are pretty much paired up in everyone’s eyes. After all, it’s free entertainment for the whole school. Except maybe Stiles, but Theo’s sure he’ll come around.


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4 years ago
Stiles wink
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Theo Raeken, School
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House
Steo AU: Key To My Heart Or My House

Steo AU: Key to my heart… or my house…

Stiles is going crazy. And the reason for his madness has a name: Theodore Raeken.

Theo enrolled in BH High School at the beginning of the year. Everyone is charmed by the new student. He is handsome, smart, rich and a top-level athlete.

He is the type of boy that Stiles despises. A jock. He is also the type of boy who usually ignores Stiles’s existence or picks on him just to get a good laugh. But not Theo.

Theo has been nice since the begining, in fact the first week of school Theo followed Stiles like a lost puppy, even when Stiles told him that he should hang out with Jackson and Danny, that was the type of people he should be around with.

“Why do you think so?” Theo asks.

“Dude it’s kinda obvious, hot people tend to go together, I don’t know why you waste your time with me!” Stiles responds

Theo smirks. “Oh…you think I’m hot?”

Stiles refuses to blush “D-don’t… don’t use my words against me! And don’t pretend… it is not required to take off your shirt when you work out… you’re always showing off!!”

“I was hoping you would notice” Theo says with a predatory smile. “You’re hot Stiles”

“W-what?” Stiles asks confused.

“I’m not waisting my time. See you later Stiles” Theo waves and turns back.

After that the flirting began. And Stiles discovered that Theo is very aggressive with his way of flirting, and that’s why Stiles is going crazy. He wants Theo. He really does. Theo who passes way too close when Stiles is waiting in the cafeteria queue, pushing their bodies together. Theo who helps him practice lacrosse after class, and teaches him how to grab firmly the stick and shoot to goal, and uses every change he gets to grab Stiles by the waist. Theo who actually comments with him the lasted number of the comics he is reading. Stiles won’t be able to resist him much longer.


Stiles exits the last class of the day. It’s Friday finally, he doesn’t really have plans for the weekend, specially since Scott is going to spent it with Allison, again, but at least he would get a chance to rest and play the new video game he was meaning to try.

Stiles reaches his locker. “Coach! Enjoy the weekend!”

“Stilinski, I’m going to enjoy not having to see your face for two whole days!” Coach proclaims.

Stiles huffs a laugh. To be expected. Before having a chance to open his locker Stiles feels a presence. Someone watching him. He sees Theo at the end of the hallway taking to Hayden, but looking directly at him.

Stiles nods at Theo with a questioning expression. What’s he doing?

Right after opening his locker and grabbing a book, a set of keys fall from the mentioned locker. Stiles picks them up but realizes that the keys aren’t his. The keys are from a house most likely but they are not his…

Stiles glances Theo who is still with his eyes fixated on him, notnpaying the slightest attention to Hayden.

Oh the keys are his! His house keys! Why would he…? Oh… his parents aren’t home for the weekend, he told me.

Stiles meets Theo’s eyes. Theo smirks, challenging him, provoking him.

But it’s Stiles’s decision to go or not to go.

And who is he kidding he is so going.

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4 years ago
For Steo Back2SchoolDay - @steoevents

For Steo Back2SchoolDay - @steoevents 

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4 years ago

Steo (pre-slash) AU for SteoBack2SchoolDay @steoevents

After getting stuck in his wolf form and trying to survive, Theo understood one thing: he is absolutely useless when it comes to hunting as an animal. So, when Stiles picked him up, he was happy for two reasons at the same time: Stiles picked him up, and now he’ll get food! And those were pretty much the only requirements he had to find his life comfortable.

He might have enjoyed it too much, but who wouldn’t? He spent the previous almost five (honestly, it’s hard to count in an animal form, and he wasn’t very sure when he got stuck exactly) month running around the preserve, trying not to die. Which was hard! Barely anything lives there due to a werewolf pack being around for years, and Theo wasn’t sure enough where else to go to decide to move, plus his car was still in Beacon Hills and he was hoping to shift back one day.

He was in a rather bad shape when Stiles found him, and at first, it looked like Stiles was genuinely concerned for his life, which Theo thought totally adorable. Because as long as he got some food there were definitely no risks of him dying. Or going anywhere, like hell he’d voluntarily ditch Stiles.

The thing that surprises him the most is that for some reason no-one of the supernatural creatures who could recognize his scent (or even look – Malia could do that) ever comes over. Theo guesses that it has something to do with the fact that, by his estimation, all of them have to be at college right now, but it’s not like he can ask. It only works in his favor, after all – no-one can tell Stiles that Theo isn’t just an unfortunate lost domesticated wolf-coyote hybrid. Which is a weird situation to begin with, and Theo has no idea how Stiles haven’t figured it out by now.

He also got a new favorite pastime (some might argue it’s not much different from what he used to do): to annoy Stiles for no reason. Stiles tries to play some shooter? It’s a great time to lie across his lap and be extra affectionate. Stiles tries to study or whatever? What a perfect opportunity to throw all the towels from the cupboard.

Theo doesn’t suspect anything when Stiles tells him to get into the car. They do this sometimes – Stiles brings him to run around in the preserve, “wolves need space to run, Dad”.

But this isn’t it.

This is a betrayal.

A stab in the back.

As soon as he gets out of the car, he just sits down. Stiles tries to coax him to go, but in response, Theo lies on the concrete and just looks at him.

It’s much harder to read in the animal shape, but Theo does recognize the “Puppy School” sign immediately.

Even if he was an actual animal, wolves and coyotes are terrible at being trained, even the domesticated ones, and anyway, he’s way too old for this.

“Come on, I know you understand me, but we both need some more training, okay? Just so I could go out without worrying that you’ll break into the fridge and that you could follow me without straying away,” Stiles pets his head, but Theo shakes the hand away. The fridge happened once because he was hungry, and it’s not like he’s going to get lost in this town!

He can’t believe Stiles would bring him here. He looks at Stiles trying to render how deeply hurt he is.

“I know you’re smart, and you must have been trained before, you follow some commands, don’t you? You already know everything, we just need a little refresher!” Stiles looks him in the eyes pleadingly. “Please? You’ll get treats after!”

This piques Theo’s interest. He considers the offer. It’s not like the class is going to be hard. And Stiles looks so pretty asking him… He huffs and stands up. He can do this once. But just once. It’s going to be his first and last day here.

Or so he thinks.

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4 years ago

Sharing Is Caring (2034 words) by tabbytabbytabby Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Theo Raeken/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Human, Fluff, Bad Days, Rain, Ramen, Grumpy Stiles Stilinski, First Kiss Summary:

Stiles is having the worst day in the history of days. He hasn’t slept in what feels like days. Finals are coming up. And now he’s out of food and caffeine. All he wants when he walks into the grocery story is some Mt. Dew and ramen. The problem is, there’s only one thing of ramen left, and he’s not the only one after it.

For @steoevents Steo Back2Scool Day, and the College AU space for @twbingo​. Card under the cut.

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