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1 year ago

Happy vore day!

Happy Vore Day!

It’s a day late for me because I was busy but I quickly put this together

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4 years ago
Name: Glop
Name: Glop
Name: Glop
Name: Glop

Name: Glop

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Slime Monster

Digestion?: 90% of the time. Won’t digest you if he likes you enough.

Abilities: Shape-shifting, Absorption, Slime Inflation

Height: Usually 6-8 feet tall.

Weight: ??? (He’s never weighed himself and nor does he care to)


Had an idea for a pred OC. His name is Glop(Imaginative, I know.) and he’s a slime monster! He tends to like filling his prey up with extra slime before eating them so he feels a bit fuller. Although he is made of goo he can hold forms with ease and can change into the basic shape of anything he’s eaten(Like he has a humanoid form because he’s eaten humans before, or he can turn into animal forms if he’s eaten them. Though he’ll still remain his large size.) The skull in his head is from the very first person he ate way back when he was just a little slimling, he chose to keep it as a memento representing the beginning of his gluttonous adventures. He never lets his food go unless they’re his “friends” granted, “friends” to Glop are more like a stockpile of food so I’d recommend keeping on his good side if you don’t want to end up a puddle of goo in his belly.

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Belly Studies~ I'm Trying To Improve My Poses, Namely The Way I Display The Belly With My Stuffing And

Belly studies~ I'm trying to improve my poses, namely the way I display the belly with my stuffing and vore drawings. Remember though guys, I draw other non-belly things irl so my anatomy may be off. I thought I'd share with you guys my sketches. Now I just need to pick a character to test a couple of these poses out on ;)

P.s, the guy is wearing trousers in that far right one, he's not nude X,D

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Ryuji Sakamoto - P5 Headcanons:

@zombie-husky-blog Hit me up to discuss some belly canons for Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 and because Ryuji is my second fave in that series I felt like I could give a somewhat detailed response to his eating habits and Stuffing ideas. I hope this is to your liking, got vore canons for him on the way too ^_^ Eating habits: I picture Ryuji as a sort of messy eater. The type that may occasionally make that irritating lip-smacking sound as he’s eating whilst the crumbs fly every which way. Attractive? Possibly. He would also be the type to talk while his mouth is full unless told otherwise to stop. I imagine him scarfing down large quantities from fairly large portions all at once allowing for some fairly deep and vocal chomping and gulping sounds. The teen wouldn’t be totally without manners however, I feel he’d offer to share his food at least. Stuffing: When it comes to stuffing, Ryuji would totally be the type to consume waaaaay more than necessary, too focused on the delicious taste of his meal to feel the increasing weight in his stomach. This would definitely leave him fit to burst and regretting prior actions. I believe that there is evidence of this in the Persona 5 game when he and a few other characters eat a ton at a buffet. Sadly there is no belly art of this scene but he is vocal about his fullness if I remember correctly. Ryuji would likely notice his indulgence at the point of his belt pressing tightly into his bloated belly. A wince, a shrug and a loosening of the offending belt would be all that was needed for him to continue his binge. A simple tight belt could not be considered a warning.The teen’s stomach can probably stretch to a decent size, possibly enough to be able to flop out into his lap to sit on his legs, his shirt riding up in the process to reveal a soft navel. His belches would be loud, guttural and un-stifled. It’s hard to say however how embarrassed he would be by this, perhaps it depends on the company at the time. In front of joker for example I doubt he’d allow such a badass belch to hinder his pride on the matter. “Oouuuuuuurrrrrp! Dude!  Did ya hear that? That was awesome am I right?”A quote somewhere along those lines only to be followed up with: “Oh man….I’m so stuffed~ “The resolution? A kneading of palms and digging fingers pushing circular-ish motions into the taut stomach would be employed. All the while Ryuji would complain about the full feeling, a queasiness threatening the contents of his gut. I’d say his stomach’s digestion would be medium to fairly loud, enough for people around him to be able to hear at least. Ryuji would meet this dilemma with a nervous, sheepish grin and mumble an apology.

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Pretty Ironic that he leads a team of fire extinguishers when he’s SMOKING HOT himself

So I've Not Posted Art In My Usual Style Lately And I Think I May Be In Need Of More Art For This Blog!
So I've Not Posted Art In My Usual Style Lately And I Think I May Be In Need Of More Art For This Blog!

So I've not posted art in my usual style lately and I think I may be in need of more art for this blog!

Here's Captain Akitaru Obi from Fire force because you know....hes hot.... Ones a stuffing piece, the other a vore piece. (There's a hungry Hinawa on the way for you hunger fans soon btw.) For the stuffing one he seems to be pretty content and happy but I figured the captain would become slightly more blushy if put into a vore this edit came about. I decided to put both pics in one post because I only edited the belly and expression on the original to get the vore version ^_^ thought it would be a waste not putting them together.

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aaaaAAAAAAAAA LOOK AT THIS STUFFED UP SWEATY CONMAN AND HIS PETHETIC EXCUSES!! I love this one to bits and pieces, and you nailed the art style so much I couldn’t tell if ONE drew it or you did. I highly appreciate this gift! thank you so much-

TUMTOBER Number 5 - Reigen Arataka (And Dimple/ekubo) - Mob Psycho 100

TUMTOBER Number 5 - Reigen Arataka (And dimple/ekubo) - Mob Psycho 100

Have this stuffed up bullsh*tter for day 5 (I know I’m late but I was out last night so I’ll just upload two entries today.) He’s overindulged and his obvious (lies) excuses are not cutting it with dimple who is enjoying doing him a tease. I like Reigen but damn that artstyle was hard to follow. It’s really dimple but I have to admit I struggled a bit ^_^” This was supposed to be done as a gift for @putthebreadinthebreadbasket as a thank you for doing an amazing collaboration with me but I merged it with TUMTOBER ~

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5 years ago

Does your stomach ever just...

Does Your Stomach Ever Just...

Bc you haven't eaten all day?

Yeah mine decided to do that in the middle of English while it was silent. 

It was so loud that the kid next me asked “What was that?” I was so angry.

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