Moon's reaction is exactly what I thought it would be 🤣 to be fair. I think that would be anyone's reaction to a skeletal deer animatronic. I'm glad Dazzle took New Moon's heel-turn(Did I use that term, right?) well. I also love how Moon is so fascinated by Dazzle and her construction. I love it so much reminds me of the old days of tsams, but in more worrisome news, Moon is trying to figure out where Dazz came from and knowing what we know... 😬 Uh oh. Don't tell Sun if you find out Moon. Also, Moon's face in the thumbnail reminds me of that scene in The lorax where he says, "That's a woman?" His face just reminds me of that scene 🤣

Inhales.. Just like the old days. 👍 😁
And last but not least...

I really do like how Puppet is just psycho-analyzing Eclipse and how Eclipse keeps trying to act like "I don't care about anything" when that is just a BIG fat lie!
I like what they've done with Eclipse's character. He can say he doesn't care all he wants, but deep deep down, he does care.
Also... I just realized in the future that Puppet saw what if the reason Earth isn't there is because Eclipse took her with him to save her from whatever fate awaits that world? I haven't watched that episode of the MgaFs yet, so I could be wrong? But I feel like that is something he would do. So maybe?
Also, the lore we got on Vageta is amazing. The dude could probably run Fazbear better than the actual c.e.o. Good job with that one, Monty 👍
Anyways I loved the episode as usual
10/10 👍