Story Master Post - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago



This series is under the genre Horror/Thriller/Suspense. There are 6 stories in total planned, four stories for Season 1 and two stories for Season 2, and each one contains different genre of horror. With each introduction/summary, there will be tw tags. This series is not for the faint of heart (trust me, I've learned this the hard way by presenting my wips to friends, who have graciously helped me with figuring out the tw). If you wish to proceed, please do so with caution.

If you're the type that loves/enjoys horror, especially the paranormal kind, have fun jumping into the screaming pools.

"How would the TMNTs react to an official, terrifying haunting?"

There is a lot of spiritual stuff that happens in their story, in any iteration. Comics. Movies. Series. Every single one has some type of spiritual element to it. Now, I'm still re-reading a lot of the comics (especially between the original Mirage and IDW), but I don't recall ever seeing the TMNTs being involved with a terrifying haunting. Like, The Haunting in Connecticut or Talk to Me type of haunting.

With that thought, I realized that all of those different hauntings happened within an everyday, normal life. When you very much least expect it. And 9/10 times, it barrels into something chaotic and near uncontrollable.

As one of my friends placed it, "It's like TMNT meshed with Mystery Incorporated." And honestly, I never forgot that apt description to this series. The only difference is that, here, the monsters are real.

As I continued writing and plotting, this fun series of TMNT horror adventures became thick with plot that combined every single story into one giant mass, larger than I initially planned.

Each story now holds a thematic frame of horror; a nod and homage to the genres, as it were, while also providing subplot that ties into each other until the very end.

Now, let me be honest with you on something: Horror is something I usually shy away from. I rarely read it, and I am uncomfortable by the movies (though I do watch some), because they are so intense on my nerves, my imagination makes it seem like it's real. Thats just how my brain works. But with this series? Having been continuously working on it and going at my own pace? I've discovered that I love writing horror and suspense.

Who'd have figured? Certainly not me, that's for sure lol

Again, TWs will be before the following summaries. Grammar mistakes are likely to be present (still in format stage). All stories have a HE (happy ending), unless stated otherwise in the TW-- it's just a real hike up a mountain to get to the happy endings, and sometimes it takes two stories tied into one to get to them.

Links will be provided as the stories are posted and updated on A03.

Universe: Amalgamation of own design (even have a full history backstory, might post later on) Setting: New York City, New York 2012 (boys start at 28-29 yrs) Season: Starts Early Spring - March


TW/Tags: Poltergeist Horror, intense haunting, intense possession, child harm, parental fear, homelessness, helplessness, unnatural/metaphysical danger, pain-filled exorcism, if you're a parent please read with caution (my friends that are parents told me they had to hold their kids after reading/discussing this story)

TIME DURATION: 7 NIGHTS During a patrol late one night, Raph comes across a small family of mother and son in a park, Callista and Gabriel Meza. Both look too clean to be homeless, yet very tired and very scared. Going against their family's code, he shows himself to the pair and showcases he means no harm and only wishes to help. Through slow conversing, he finds the pair are being plagued by a terrible haunting that has turned physical and rendered them temporarily homeless. With his brothers' involvement, Raph is determined to help the Meza family reclaim their home and sense of safety. Time is not on their side when the seriousness and all-too-real danger of the situation is laid out in less than a blink; and with the prospects of the Hamato Clan being introduced to even more humans due to the weight of the situation, and his baby brother becoming a possible haunted target, Raph begins questioning himself whether or not he made the right decision on being led by his heart, instead of by his family's code.


TW/Tags: Paranormal Horror, build-up haunting, psychological horror, possession, forced isolation, internal battle, exorcism pt 1, ancestral haunting, intense ghost-hunting, tech haunting, exhaustion meter skyrockets, the calm before the storm (the storm is the next story), semi-cliff hanger ending

TIME DURATION: 2.5 MONTHS Following the events of Crimson Marks, Donnie had kept in contact with HONe, the investigative team that worked with them to eliminate the Meza haunting, and even became a valued member of their team by updating and building up their tech. After he finishes his latest haunt hunt tech, a scanner of his own design that picks up the particle wave energy being used by the specters, he and Mikey take it out on its first test run in a delipidated building. Good news: It works. Bad News: It works. The brothers are attacked by an intense haunting taking place in the building, and although they escaped uninjured, they agreed to never test in abandoned buildings least alone. For their part, Leo and Raph agree, especially after watching the evidence video Donnie managed to capture. As Donatello works to complete his latest masterpiece, and one that could make HONe the best paranormal investigators in New York State, the brothers go on test runs together--only to find out too little, too late that they may have brought something home with them.


TW/Tags: Paranormal Horror, psychological horror, historical thriller, historical prejudice, intense possession, control possession, identity crises, exorcism pt 2, major character near-deaths, blood and injury, somber ending

TIME DURATION: 3 MONTHS Directly after Ultraviolet Silhouette, Leo is adamant the family gets to the bottom of their family history upon learning their discoveries in the haunted apartments HONe called them in to help investigate. Even Master Splinter was both shocked and intrigued at finding their family history in America was older than originally expected. Finding the original settlement in up-state New York where Hamato Yoshi's older relatives had come from, the brothers and their sensei travel to the long-forgotten ghost town and find it to be thoroughly, terrifyingly haunted; both by an avenging spirit and a terrible event that quite literally shut the town down. This time, it's far more personal; not only are their very lives in danger by something that is near-impossible to fight, but their own family honor and self-identities lay in jeopardy.


TW/Tags: Psychological horror, blood and Injury, major injuries, fighting (not the fun kind), intense stalking, psychological abuse, kidnapping, minor character deaths, sacrificial summoning, struggles in relationships, internal struggle on limitations, mental self-harm, self-isolation patterns, Michelangelo tries so hard to remain a sunshine--but even the sun has to accept overcast and stormy days

TIME DURATION: 6 MONTHS A few weeks after the final ceremonies to ease the past that render the future livable, Mikey was the one that had been the most shaken by discovering the grueling past of his family history. He tries not to show the others how negatively it had affected him, but some days--some nights are harder than most. Especially with his growing spiritual talents. As he's trying to find his new normal once more, Mikey stumbles upon a woman, Alise Beau, or rather she stumbled upon him. She's a cryptozoologist photographer--something Michelangelo had never even thought existed--and found an instant friend in her; his spirit feeling calm and centered for the first time in a long while. He managed to successfully talk his way into joining her current job, photographing the same area surrounding his ancestral ghost-town, if only to escort her when she's alone as most of her shots were commissioned to be done at night. During their growing friendship and adventures, Mikey is reminded that the real-world dangers aren't mysterious monsters, or even the hunting of the unknown. But, in fact, other humans with mysterious and unknown intentions.


TW/Tags: Body horror, psychological horror, full body possession, intense exorcism, minor character deaths, major character death (temporary), eco-destruction, A Whole New World of Trauma(TM), the slowest of burns (literally and figuratively), kinda-sorta zombie warning? eh it's eldritch horror bs

TIME DURATION: 1 YEAR [Description in the works - dealing with an accidently woken nature-encrusted Eldritch Horror hell-bent on finishing a long-forgotten mission that could bring about something far worse than the end of times.]


TW/Tags: Past abuse, past manipulative abuse, predatory stalking, self-harm, fighting (not the fun kind), intense masking, intense breaking of masking, struggle in relationships, double-sided healing, identity crises, kidnapping (x2), living with hauntings, the spirit that haunts and taunts

TIME DURATION: 1 YEAR [Description in the works - dealing with a person that's inadvertently been in the turtles' lives for the past 1.5 year who brings in a whole new slew of adventures which forces healing abound]

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7 months ago

A Family Tail Master Post

Behind the scenes, I have so many AUs and stories planned and in the works it's not even funny. I do plan on posting about them because they're all heavy with information, not just what I'm going to post on A03. At this point, my friends and I are convinced I'll be writing beyond the grave lol BUT! Focusing now on a fluff related AU, on that is on-going as I write it as a buffer while writing my AHON AU. It all started with a random thought one late summer afternoon during work: Why is there a lack in Splinter love stories? The guy deserves it. Having gone through a life-changing mutation, raising four boys that also went through the same life-altering changes, and ensuring not only theirs but his own survival and safety? Bruh. Having a friend that is going through single parenthood with 2 boys in life, Splinter deserves medals, spa days for the rest of his years, and love. Being a single parent to four boys, let alone mutant boys, is no easy task. But that's just me and my thoughts. This AU, however? It's not just a love-letter to the best Mutant Dad, but to four brothers and a small family that has gone through hell and back in order to find their peace and loving found-family. Which amped up the original thought to the following: What if the brothers had grown up with a mother/mother-figure? One that not only accepted and loved them, but accepted and loved their dad?

Enter Genevieve "Gene" - A head nurse for an exotic animal clinic, on-call for the local area zoos, and volunteers her time at the reptile sanctuary the clinic runs for rescues and surrenders.

In story, Gene "meets" (more like catches sight of) Splinter first when he sneaks into the clinic to 'borrow' some medicine for his sick, young sons (we're talking toddler ages here). After she left a note with her number and willingness for extending help, some time passes, and she receives a call from him requesting that aide. She does not physically meet him until a few months later, their conversations strictly having been by phone calls. He arrived at night when she's leaving the clinic, to properly thank her for saving his sons. After a tense conversation, they begin a shaky friendship/acquaintanceship, but neither push for regular in-touch basis (though Gene does make regular weekly calls to check up on the boys', and subsequently Splinter's health). She doesn't meet the boys until sometime afterward, but it doesn't take long after the meet that Gene becomes a regular in their lives--providing healthy groceries, presents, furniture and utility updates, and even providing a teaching of some modern hobbies the boys obtained that Splinter was open for them to learn, but lost on providing that type of teaching for his boys. Needless to say, she becomes a staple within their lives that it becomes difficult for all involved to imagine life without her, and vice versa for her towards this small mutant family. Some notes on this AU:

There is no set universe for this story; most likely will be an amalgamation with different cameos and easter eggs, just for the funsies.

An out-of-sync chapter story (attention span is too short due to other projects to figure out a proper timeline); some chapters will be shorter than others, and some will be marked as parts if I decide there is an arc to them.

Splinter in this AU will be a Human-turned-Mutant, Hamato Yoshi, because of plans.

The lair is 100% based on the '87/'90/'03 animation lair design(s) with how big, vast, and multi-room use it is, but with the grittiness of the 14/16 movie set designs.

The boys still learn the art of Ninjutsu -- they wouldn't be Ninja Turtles without it, after all. Gene also learns an impressive amount of self-defense combat, training under Splinter separate from the boys.

By the time the boys are teenagers, Gene is in her late 30s and Splinter is in his late 40s and they are in a solid relationship by that point

How the boys meet April + Casey will be different compared to the other iterations (that's honestly becoming a theme in my AUs, now that I think about it...What is wrong with me?)--April's meet is figured out, but still working on Casey's.

Even though majority of this will be Contemporary Life type genre, there are action scenes planned with Oroku Saki/Shredder and the Foot Clan (kinda hard to stay away from that).

I will be completely upfront: I don't normally write anything fluff related. But my brain has been craving this while I write scary angsty stories. Thus, having me fall to the dangling fruit that is contemporary 'what if's for these guys (including this, I have 4 planned stories within that genre), and I couldn't shy away from thinking up scenarios with turtle tots involved.

Here are the chapter summaries for two of those very scenes (centering around Mikey, because I've been very hard on the guy in my other story):

When the boys are around 7-8 years old: During the time when Gene is making it a good habit to visit the Hamato family during her down time, she is caught painting her toenails in the lair. Mikey gets inquisitive and asks her questions about the process and the 'why's. She is patient and lighthearted with her answers, but stalls when he ends up asking if she'd paint his nails. Instead of answering, she looks up to Splinter, who had been drinking his tea in the kitchenette; he had already been watching the exchange and after a moment, he gives his nod of approval. With the silent permission, Gene tells Mikey that she will prettify his nails, and while she finishes up and lets her toes dry, he can pick out a color, or colors that he'd like to have. When he grabs a handful of colors and asks if she could do a rainbow, they start to plan on how to do this project without making a whole lot of mess. Mikey ends up stealing borrowing a role of tape and paper from Don's rooms so they could tear small strips to make stripe patterns to test out. When Mikey finds one he likes, it's another hour or so of the two of them spending time together of her painting his nails (hands and feet) in striped rainbow. When Don comes out to see what's going on with his 'borrowed' materials, he asks if he can have his done too, but in shades of purple. The lair smelt of nail polish for at least a day after that afternoon/evening.

Sometime after Gene and Splinter begin their relationship: Michelangelo is having nightmares, and normally he'd go to one of his older brothers to pile up on, however he finds that he is wanting the comfort of Gene; her hugs are the best, and her extra squeezes and flop of her body makes him feel loved and safe. On one night she decides to sleep at the lair (it's a rare treat for her to sleep over that's slowly becoming more common), Mikey wakes up from another nightmare and immediately goes to seek out Gene. Only he doesn't see her on the couch or cot in the living room space she normally sleeps in--he hunts her down, doing his best to see it as a game of hide-and-seek to keep his panic down, and finally finds her in dad's room. The two are snuggling in slumber on his mat, with Gene having her back to Splinter and arms splayed before her, while Splinter has one draped over Gene's side and the other cradled under her neck. Mikey almost doesn't want to disturb them (in the back of his mind, he remembers that his brothers owe him their pot of treats), but only almost. He ends up going in the room and when he tries to figure out how to only wake up Gene, she startles awake from feeling his stare on her. He tells her about his nightmares and before he asks if he could have one of her hugs, she smiles and opens her arms for him. When he snuggles into her arms, they both feel Splinter wrap his arms closer against the both of them as they fall back in slumber; Mikey doesn't have nightmares after that (and crows at the breakfast table that his brothers owe him the winning pot of treats).

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