Story Time Part 3 :D - Tumblr Posts
Part 3 Of my story...and things are ANGSTY!!!!
The Madness Kicks in.... And Someone else Tries To Take Hold..
In a matter of minutes, Crazed went from silently watching as SMG4 was looking on his phone to grinning like a maniac once Four decided to get up and do some sadly was his time to shine....Four made his way to his room, sitting down in his chair and turning on his computer, about to work on some memes or possibly a new video whilst Crazed menacingly hovered behind him, it didn't take long until the hallucinations strengthened to the highest degree......Four worked away at his computer, "SMG4~ why are you in such a rush~?" Crazed chuckled lowly "'s been FIVE MINUTES! can you leave me alone? I really just want to work on this-" Four protested by Crazed quickly cut him off "Oh no no no no, you have to take your time....i'm sure you understand..I mean it's not PERFECT you REALLY want to disappoint your fans? Or your precious friends~?" Crap...This wasn't just Crazed being his usual annoying self....HE isn't even that bad half the time..only being like this at rare times..THIS was Mr Puzzles' doing.....What did he want from him this time?..."SHUT UP! SHUT UP YOU ADWARE PIECE OF SHIT!! STOP TRYING TO GET IN MY HEAD!!!.." Four snapped, but it was no use.....static soon started to fill his ears, loud and unbearable....He gripped his head in a desperate attempt to drown it out yet nothing worked....he can't let himself get controlled..not again. The voice of Crazed, which was just Fours but more glitchy and chaotic sounding soon Drifted to Mr Puzzles'...
"Oh you naiive, little man! Did you REALLY think you could just ESCAPE?! Without a SINGLE SCRATCH OR MARK?!? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! HOW ARE YOU FINE?!?!?" The hallucination screamed with anger and confusion, but it was did Four not get any physical damage from that month and a half apart from not eating or sleeping..?..he had no scars..almost as it never happened......was it luck?.. "You just HAD to RUIN my plans! I could have so EASILY gotten those five stars from the beginning if it wasn't for YOU!..." He continued...then his tone drifted to a more calm yet insane tone "A magnificent drama..where the leader of all his friends turned on them for something as simple as a video....." "You won't win.." "w h a t?" "I said you WON'T WIN!... Every time there is someone that tries to destroy or hurt the crew we DEFEAT them! Do you think we won't do the same to you? Yes we tried before...But I'll be damned if we don't try again and send you to the damn either..." Four threatened...determination filling his blue eyes, teeth gritted with pure hatred. Mr Puzzles actually paused at this...he wasn't expecting such a threat from the man, especially when he doesn't even fight often! Yet here he was giving him a death, PROMISE...... "Well would you look at THAT! SMG4 getting all RILED UP!! HAHA! I knew you had it in you! All I had to do was poke, poke and PROD at your little, PATHETIC mind and body to get you to finally snap again!" Mr Puzzles said wickedly still through the hallucination of Crazed......It seems as though Four is really going to have to fight back his own mind, feelings, and this sickly TV bastard... God why is this the one time the crew isn't around to help?! THINK FOUR THINK!! Wait...SMG3!!! THAT'S IT!!!!
[570 words and a cliffhanger WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!]