Strade X Reader Nsfw - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

uhh dad strade x fem reader drabble or short fic? make it as gross as you want. hope you’re having a good day :)

Uhh Dad Strade X Fem Reader Drabble Or Short Fic? Make It As Gross As You Want. Hope Youre Having A Good


{ dad! strade x adult daughter! reader }

Uhh Dad Strade X Fem Reader Drabble Or Short Fic? Make It As Gross As You Want. Hope Youre Having A Good
Uhh Dad Strade X Fem Reader Drabble Or Short Fic? Make It As Gross As You Want. Hope Youre Having A Good
Uhh Dad Strade X Fem Reader Drabble Or Short Fic? Make It As Gross As You Want. Hope Youre Having A Good

word count: 880

warnings/tags: INCEST, age gap (18+ reader), molestation, alcohol use, descriptions of blood, violence, oral mutilation, and decapitation, poorly translated german lol

Uhh Dad Strade X Fem Reader Drabble Or Short Fic? Make It As Gross As You Want. Hope Youre Having A Good

You live blissfully unaware of the horrors lurking just beneath the surface of your father's life, drawn instead to his charm and rough affection. Even as an adult, you seek comfort in his embrace, climbing onto his lap where you feel the familiar outline of his knife sheath against your back. The weight of his large, calloused hand rests reassuringly on your hip, and in these moments, you feel only safety and love. Unbeknownst to you, the same hand that holds you close could, with chilling ease, end your life.

Consumed with lustful thoughts, your father gazes down at your body, imagining all the ways he could destroy it. His rough fingertips reach to trace the curve of your stomach through your shirt, his breath hot against your neck. He imagines pulling out every one of your teeth, tasting your blood as it drips down your chin, and licking away your salty tears as you cry out in agony. He wants to hear you scream and feel you struggle as he stifles your sounds with his cock, shoving it deep into your gummy, bloody mouth.

But above all else, he wants to take your head. He helped bring you into this world, after all, and he insisted on being the architect of your departure. In his darkest fantasies, he envisions the satisfying thud of your head as it strikes the basement floor, followed by the crimson tide of your blood, warmly spilling, seeping into the rough, porous concrete beneath.

Fuelled by alcohol, his hand squeezes your flesh roughly, causing you to wince as sharp waves of pain ripple through you.

"You are so beautiful, Mein Schatz," he murmurs, "Just like your mother…" His fingers press roughly into your flesh, causing you to wince as sharp waves of pain ripple through you. You try to wriggle away but his grip tightens, anchoring you in place.

"Oh, don't be like that," he breathes, his voice a soft, velvet purr that belied the sharpness in his eyes. "Don't you want to feel how much your old man loves you?". He asks, his hand sliding down between your legs. You try to protest, but your words are smothered by his free hand tightening over your mouth. He paws at your thinly-dressed crotch, seemingly deaf to your whines and enraptured by the warm sensation of your skin.

His fingers tremble slightly, the alcohol undermining the steadiness of his grip on your face. In his clouded mind, he thinks of a myriad of ways to end your life—each more lingering and excruciating than the last. Yet impatience whispers to him, suggesting he could end it all now, right here on this couch. The thought curls his lips into a sinister smile as he imagines the swift draw of his blade across your tender throat, releasing sanguineous rivulets that pour down your front and stain the fabric beneath.

He withdraws his hand, the touch lingering like a shadow as it slides from between your legs and back to your torso. "You know, I always thought about what it'd be like to have a daughter," he murmurs, his voice low and thick with a twisted mirth. "And I got one, didn't I?" His fingers crawl higher, skittering across your ribs before they hook around the edge of your bra. "You were such a pretty thing, so quiet and sweet. I'd just watch you for hours."

You shudder under his gaze, locked into his intense stare. His face shows pure love and adoration, yet hides something sinister beneath that bleeds through each touch. It’s as if he’s two people rolled into one and you can’t tell which is real.

He leans closer, his breath hot against your ear, his words a whisper laced with menace. "But you grew up, didn’t you? You became a woman, and oh, how things changed." His eyes, predatory and cold, scan your face as he pauses. "I told myself I wanted to keep you safe, to shield you from the horrors of the world," he continues, pressing his fingers deeper, pinning you with a force that shatters his protective guise. "But the one you need saving from is me."

Your eyes widen with fear and confusion as you squirm against the heat of his embrace and the confinement of his arms. He watches you silently, curiously, pondering your thoughts and feelings. Yet instead of releasing you, he draws even closer, his breath unsettlingly warm against your face. "Mein süßes Mädchen," he murmurs, brushing a strand of hair from your face with deliberate slowness. "I've always wondered how you'd look splayed out on my workbench... I'm just dying to know what's inside that pretty little head of yours..."

Your heart flutters as he speaks again, his voice low and hypnotic. You try to reply, but the words snag in your throat. His eyes gleam with eagerness as he observes your panicked struggle.

Then, with a contrived snicker, he shakes his head. "Oh, you should see your face!" he exclaims, his fingers darting out to tickle you. "You’re so easy to scare!" His laughter rings out again, hollow and disconcerting. You try to laugh along, but it comes out as a strangled gasp, hanging in the air as your father's chuckles continue to echo around you.

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11 months ago

umm strade size kink drabble / hcs pretty please :3c

Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c

{ strade x gn! reader }

Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c
Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c
Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c

warnings/tags: NSFW, size difference, physical dominance, body pinning and smothering, belly bulging.

Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c

strade enjoys using his height and bulk to maneuver you with minimal effort.

he'd slam your pliable body onto and against any surface he pleases, keeping you pinned with the soft expanse of his stomach. his extra weight makes your struggle feel inconsequential and his thick arms imprison you against him.

he may hold you up with one arm, your legs dangling helplessly, or keep you under his shadow by pressing you firmly to the ground with his heavy boot.

his large, strong hands are perfect for asserting dominance, encircling your wrists, waist, or neck with ease.

he derives a certain pleasure in watching your combined reflections in mirrors. the visual of his large, imposing figure coupled with your smaller stature excites him. he'd call you his "kleine Puppe", his little doll, as he smothers you with his bulk.

as you're pinned beneath him, the heat and scent of his body are inescapable, and his broad chest against yours makes it hard to breathe without his permission.

he often stands just a bit too close, towering over you with a sadistic grin.

to intimidate, he may occasionally demonstrate his raw strength. whether he's twisting your arm behind your back or crushing hard objects in his palm, he enjoys watching your eyes widen in fear as you are reminded of his power.

when he fucks you, your tummy bulges from the girth and weight of his erection. he often rests his hands over your stomach, feeling the muscles tighten as he thrusts into you harder, faster.

with your hands bound behind you, he'd force you into a prone bone position, his stomach heavy against your lower back and his robust forearms on either side of your head.

Umm Strade Size Kink Drabble / Hcs Pretty Please :3c

Tags :
11 months ago

Can i request strade doing some gross stuff to fem!reader on stream?

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?

a/n: of course anon! i hope you enjoy :3

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?


{ strade x f! reader }

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?
Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?
Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?

word count: 3.0k

warnings/tags: DEAD DOVE, NON-CON, graphic sexual violence and gore, forced exhibitionism, gagging and restraint, fingering, foreign object insertion and removal (?), genital mutilation, eye gouging, forced self-cannibalism, wound fucking, reader death.

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?

As you awaken, the soft glow of a computer screen flickers erratically, casting eerie shadows across the room. Squinting against the harsh, unfamiliar light, you groan against the cloth gag pressed into your mouth. It feels rough against your tender cheeks and oppressively heavy on your tongue, leaving your palate dry. Pain and confusion mix as you find yourself kneeling on the floor, clothed only in your underwear with your arms secured tightly behind your back. Your head groggily lolls forward, your gaze falling upon the thick, durable fabric of a tarp laid out beneath you. Panic flickers through you as you shift your weight, the bony parts of your knees pressing into the tarp's hard, unyielding texture, its coarseness grating against your skin.

Suddenly, the echo of footsteps approaching breaks the silence. Before you can react, a gloved hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls back, forcing your head upward. The movement is abrupt, jerking your neck as your eyes are directed away from the relative safety of the floor toward a camera set up a few feet away. You blink against the light, now glaringly bright, as your masked captor adjusts his position and poses beside you. The camera's lens focuses, the red recording light a sinister glow that confirms your fears— this spectacle is not only for him but for an unseen audience.

"Did you have a nice rest?" Strade asks, his familiar accented voice interrupting your thoughts. He pauses, his breath close to your ear as he ensures the camera captures every expression of fear and confusion on your face. "Don’t worry, we’re just getting started. Smile for the camera, won’t you? We wouldn’t want to disappoint our viewers."

Your heart hammers in your chest, the sensation of fear mingling with the stale taste of the gag in your mouth. His hand travels down your front, the light glinting off his fingers as they skim along your chest. He traces the contours of your ribcage and teases the tender skin beneath your breasts before grabbing and squeezing one roughly. You shiver, attempting to recoil from his touch, but the ropes binding your arms dig into your skin.

“Oh don't be like that, kumpelin,” Strade hums, his voice resonating with chilling casualness. “I thought you wanted to come home with me.” The pressure intensifies as he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, bruising the sensitive flesh. You whimper into the gag, your sounds muffled and distorted by the cloth. His fingers then creep upward, tracing over your collarbone and around your neck to finally rest at the nape. With a sudden jerk, he pushes you forward, forcing you onto your stomach. You feel his body hovering above yours as he leans in to whisper in your ear. "Are you ready to perform?" You try to shake your head 'no', to squirm away, but the weight of his knee presses into you. "Relax. My viewers paid good money to see this." Strade commands, his voice lowering as the camera captures your prone position. Your muscles loosen, causing him to hum in approval. "That's it. Now let's put on a show, shall we?"

His knee presses more firmly into your lower back, pinning you helplessly beneath him. As the camera light blinks, his other hand explores, charting a path across your trembling body. Strade's fingers probe and tease, moving lower and lower until they reach the waistband of your panties. With a practiced ease, he slips them down your hips, baring you to his touch. You shudder as he dips his fingers between your legs, feeling your wetness coat his calloused skin. He shoves two digits beyond your entrance, your warmth enveloping him. His fingers are cool against your warm insides, causing you to arch on instinct. He growls in satisfaction, his fingers moving faster as he expertly slides them in and out of you. The anticipation is almost unbearable, your body trembling as you try to focus on the sensations he's creating, the pleasure that threatens to overwhelm the fear.

Strade's free hand grips your shoulder, holding you in place as he continues to glide his fingers along your gummy walls. You feel the pressure building within you, the need to cum becoming more intense with each second. Just as you're on the verge of climax, he pulls his fingers away, leaving you aching and desperate. The camera's red light blinks on, bathing you in its harsh glow as Strade stands, his robust silhouette outlined against the monitor. His steps echo across the room as he strides toward a shadowy corner. Each footfall resonates, deliberate and heavy, the sound growing fainter as he moves away to retrieve something unseen. After a moment, the echo of his footsteps shifts, growing louder and more distinct as he walks. In his hand, he clutches an empty beer bottle, its smooth glass catching the dim light as he moves.

Strade's presence looms as he approaches, the heavy, rhythmic thud of his boots signalling his return. The outline of the bottle in his grasp, though indistinct, sends a shiver down your spine as he stands over you. He taps the edge of the bottle, letting the clink of glass punctuate the tense silence, before setting it down on the tarp with a muffled thud. Your heart pounds as you strain against the tight ropes, twisting your body in a desperate attempt to slide away. He swiftly grabs your hips and forces them back and up, forcing you into a downward position. As Strade's fingers find the hard, smooth edge of the beer bottle, his lips curve into a predatory smile. "Jetzt beginnt der Spaß," he chimes, his tone low and sinister.

Tauntingly, he taps the bottle's rounded lip against your entrance, causing your body to tense in response. You plead and sob helplessly into the gag, which only seems to excite him further. With a brutal thrust, he pushes the neck of the bottle inside you, filling you up with its cold, hard length. You cry out, lurching forward as pain rips through your body. Strade grins, his large hand driving the object forward from the base. "Ah, that's it," he purrs. "Let it all out. Let them hear you." He begins to thrust it into you, slowly at first, letting its edges scrape against your tender flesh. You feel yourself stretching as if your cunt is being torn open with each savage draw. The camera captures every movement, every expression of pain, and displays your twisted, contorted form on the monitor beside it. He leans over you, his hot breath fanning across your sweat-drenched skin. "Ready?" he pants, an edge of excitement tinging his voice. Before you can respond, Strade pushes the bottle deeper until the lip hits hard against your cervix. With a grunt, he pushes again, and the bottle's neck gives way, shattering within you.

A raw, guttural scream erupts from your throat and your legs shake, threatening to collapse. Your body spasms uncontrollably as he continues to shove the base forward, fucking you with the jagged pieces of broken glass. Blood mixes with your fluids as it coats the insides of your thighs and drips onto the tarp beneath. As Strade pushes the remnants of the bottle deeper into your body, you can feel your walls ripping and tearing. Your wails diminish to muffled groans as tears blur your vision. Strade breathes heavily, his chest heaving as he works himself into a frenzy. The room seems to spin around you, the burning sensation pushing you to the brink of consciousness. Just as you think you can bear no more, he yanks the bottle free, and a hot rush of air and blood fills the empty space.

Strade leans back, his satisfaction evident as he watches you writhe in your own blood. Your breathing slows, with each inhale a desperate gasp through the stale fabric of the gag. As it absorbs your saliva, the cloth turns into a damp, heavy mass, pressing down on your tongue. For a moment, he simply observes you, allowing the unseen audience to take in the full extent of your distress. His eyes, visible above the cloth of his mask, glint with amusement as he watches the struggle reflected on the camera's monitor.

Then, he eases you up, guiding you back to a seated position with rough, steady hands. You can feel some pieces of glass crunch within you, making you cringe and tremble. He kneels and starts untying the ropes that bind your wrists. As each strand of rope loosens, you gradually restore feeling to your numb hands. He tilts your head back, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Is that better?" he taunts, the smirk evident in his voice. You can barely nod, the pain radiating sharply with every movement.

"Now, give them a better look," he commands, nodding to the camera. "And pick the pieces out of your cunt."

You stare up at him pleadingly, his gaze merciless. "Or would you prefer that I do it?" Strade asks, his voice laden with dark amusement, knowing full well the torment he offers is no choice at all. Your heart pounds in your chest, the fear almost choking as much as the gag. Gathering what little resolve you have left, you tentatively reach for the first shard poking out of your mutilated hole. The cool, slick edge of the glass bites into your fingertips as you grasp it, a sharp contrast to the warm blood that coats it. Every muscle in your body tenses as you pull, the pain a searing, white-hot flash that threatens to overwhelm your senses. You toss the piece aside as Strade watches intently, his presence looming over you like a dark cloud. You wince and pause, the room spinning slightly as agony courses through you.

"Don’t stop now," Strade urges, his voice dripping with false encouragement "Every piece, remember? Our viewers expect a thorough show."

You can feel your face wet and sticky as tears mix with snot, each breath shaky and ragged. Another shard awaits deeper inside, and with a shuddering breath, you prepare yourself to continue. As you reach again toward your entrance, your hands tremble uncontrollably. You can hardly recognize your genitals through the tears and outflow of sanguineous fluid. Gritting your teeth, you push your fingers deeper, searching for the next shard with a mixture of dread and determination. As you locate the jagged piece, it cuts into your flesh, forcing a gasp from your lips. You carefully try to coax it out, pinching it between your index and middle fingers. Slowly, you draw the shard out, pain flashing intensely. Fresh tears spill over, blurring your vision as you fling it onto the tarp alongside the other one.

Your hand reaches back in, fuelled by a sudden surge of adrenaline. The pain is intense, but it also sharpens your resolve. You find another broken piece, smaller than the others, yet just as vicious. This time, your fingers are more precise, your grip more confident. You pluck it from your soft walls, a small victory against the overwhelming hurt. The shard joins the others, clinking lightly against them. Your breath catches as you probe for more, the fear of missing even a single piece keeping you vigilant.

Strade watches, silent now, his gaze heavy upon you. You feel his eyes tracking every motion, every flinch. You wince as you discover yet another fragment, lodged deep and angled awkwardly. Taking a long, shaky breath, you set your jaw and ready yourself. This one hurts the most, yet as you finally free it and toss it aside, a sense of grim accomplishment fills you. Pain, fear, and determination meld, fuelling you to see this through; no matter the cost.

Every move you make, every shard you remove under Strade's watchful eye, is immortalized by the camera lens, feeding the twisted spectacle for him and his audience.

After what feels like an eternity, you manage to retrieve the last of the shards. Your fingers, slick with blood, finally still, and you slump back, exhausted. Strade surveys the collection of bloodstained glass on the tarp then turns his attention back to you, kneeling beside your slouched body.

"Well done, liebling!" He beams, patting your cheek. "You did a great job." Despite the situation, his praise elicits a weak smile from you; a small, involuntary response to recognition. "But don't think it's time to rest yet," he continues, his tone shifting to one of ominous delight. "There's still so much more fun to be had."

Strade rises to his feet and picks up one of the larger shards from the ground, examining it under the harsh light. He turns back, bathing you in his imposing shadow. You draw a shaky breath as cold dread pools in your stomach.

"You've bled, but not nearly enough," he says excitedly as he approaches with the shard. As you attempt to scoot away, Strade reacts swiftly, straddling your hips and pinning you down with his weight. His free hand clamps firmly on the back of your head, immobilizing you. The cold, sharp edge of the shard grazes the unblemished skin of your lower eyelid, paralyzing you with terror.

"Stay still, liebling," he whispers, his breath ghosting over your face through his mask. Without warning, he presses the shard deeper, and a sharp, excruciating ache erupts. He slices through the tender flesh, tracing a slow, deliberate curve around your eye socket. You try to pull away, but his ironclad grip holds you in place. A stifled scream escapes through the gag, a tortured sound that seems to delight him.

As he meticulously carves around your eyeball, blood wells up, warm against your cheek, trickling down and mingling with your tears. Your nails dig into his arm, but his focus never wavers; his grip firm as he continues to saw through your flesh.

"You're doing so well," he murmurs, as if his soothing tone could make the ordeal any more bearable. The pain blinds you— a mix of sharp stings and deep, throbbing aches that threaten to engulf your senses. You fight to stay conscious, driven by a primal fear of what might happen if you black out too soon.

He completes the circle and leans back, examining his work. "Almost done," he assures you, skillfully manipulating the shard and severing the last strands of connective tissue. Then, he shoves his thick fingers into the socket, extracting the fleshy organ with a grotesque squelch. Your vision wavers, relaying the final blurry image of Strade’s masked face as he severs your optic nerve.

He holds up the bloody mess to the camera, admiring it under the light before his attention returns to you. Letting your head go, you slump forward slightly, dazed. Then, without a hint of hesitation, he grips your chin, removes your gag, and forces your mouth open. With a disturbing calm, he places your own eyeball between your teeth.

"Eat it," he commands, his voice a twisted mix of encouragement and command. Your stomach churns, bile rising in your throat as blood and fluid coats your tongue. The organ feels oddly firm yet fragile in your mouth. "Go on. Chew."

With a hesitant bite, the delicate outer membrane bursts under the pressure of your teeth. A rush of salty, iron-rich fluid floods your mouth, mingling with a hint of the faintly sweet vitreous humour. You gag, the urge to vomit nearly overwhelming as he firmly closes your jaw. Tears stream down your face, cringing at the crunch and squelch of your own eye. The texture is an unsettling mix of squishy and gritty, and the residual connective tissue offering a slight resistance as you chew.

Forced to swallow, you feel the remnants slide down your throat, clinging desperately on their way down. The taste of copper lingers on your tongue as Strade releases your jaw, satisfied with the perverse ritual.

Your consciousness begins to falter, wavering on the edge as the room spins into a blur of indistinct shapes and shadows. Each heartbeat thuds loudly in your ears, a slow, dragging rhythm that seems to echo through the muffled chaos of the room. The metallic taste in your mouth is overwhelming, suffocating, as you struggle to draw a clean breath through the heavy, copper-laden air.

You desperately try to focus on something—anything—but your thoughts are scattered, disjointed fragments that refuse to cohere.

Strade’s face hovers above you, his features distorted and shifting as if seen through water. His voice sounds distant, a disembodied echo that you can barely grasp. “Stay with me,” he murmurs, or perhaps commands, but the words slip through your mind like sand through fingers.

A zipper rasps loudly in the thick silence. Through your dimming vision, you make out the vague shape of Strade standing before you, his movements deliberate and ominous as he slides his boxers down. You try to recoil, but your body barely responds; your head weakly bobs backward, only to be caught and steadied by his firm grip.

"Es ist Zeit für das Finale," he growls, positioning the head of his cock at your empty eye socket. As he forces himself into you, pain spreads throughout your entire body, shooting up your spine and filling your skull. You try to scream, but no sound comes out; only a wet gurgle rises from your throat as you struggle to form words. The pressure in your head increases, becoming almost unbearable, as his hips begin to thrust roughly.

You feel the foreign sensation pulsing within your skull, then the trickle of something warm flowing down your cheek. A distant, guttural sound—perhaps a laugh or a grunt—echoes in your ears as your eyelids become unbearably heavy. The pressure in your head builds, blurring the remaining fragments of your consciousness.

The last sensation you register is the chilling grip of Strade’s hand and the distant wet slapping of his skin against yours.

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?


Kumpelin = Buddy

Jetzt beginnt der Spaß = Now the fun begins

Liebling = Darling

Es ist Zeit für das Finale = It's time for the finale

Can I Request Strade Doing Some Gross Stuff To Fem!reader On Stream?

Tags :
10 months ago

Holy moly guacamole! You do strade fics and requests too?! Is there anything you can't do?

Anyway am I allowed to request a strade x reader but like...weird reader not weird like him but more like they talk to themselves a lot and are 110% convinced there's bugs in their skin like he doesn't even need to cut em they're already fuckin bleeding from trying to get the bugs out...and maybe once...or twice...or thrice they tried to bite him

Just like...a creepy unnerving reader if that's cool with you-

Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?

a/n: awe thank you anon! this was such an interesting request XD i know you said he didn't have to cut them, but how else would they get the bugs out ?? :3c anyway, i had fun writing it so i hope you enjoy!

Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?


{ strade x gn! reader }


Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?
Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?
Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?

word count: 1.6k

warnings/tags: self-harm, hallucinations (formication), strade fucks with you and feeds into your delusions, psychological torment, wound touching/probing, deep cutting, head stomping, skin flaying, gore.

Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?

The basement was stark, with bare concrete walls and a few utilitarian pieces of furniture, each coated in a layer of dust and grime. The silence was punctuated only by the constant dripping of water from an exposed pipe and the frantic rhythm of your breathing.

It was in this space that Strade watched you with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. You sat hunched over, incessantly scratching at your arms, your fingers stained with blood, your nails chipped and filthy. The damp air hung heavy, mingling with the musty stench of old blood and sweat.

Though invisible to others, you had grown accustomed to the sensation of phantom insects crawling beneath your skin—an incessant itch, always lurking, just waiting to erupt.

"You alright there, buddy?" Strade asked, his tone casually mocking as he leaned against the workbench. "Most folks don't start bleeding until I've had my fun," he chuckled darkly, amusement lacing his words as he watched your desperate actions.

Engrossed in your torment, you continued digging into your forearm. “Can’t help it. The bugs are crawling, moving under my skin. They're squirming, biting,” you muttered shakily to yourself, barely aware of his presence.

Your arm was a horrifying sight— lined with crimson, raw patches where you had torn at your skin. The blood mingled with sweat, creating a slick sheen that caught the dim light. Strade's interest peaked, his eyes widening with perverse fascination as he pushed off from the workbench and stepped closer.

He crouched beside you, his face invasively close as he inspected your self-inflicted wounds. "Maybe you aren't digging deep enough," he remarked, his voice low and eerily calm.

You stared at him with wild, unblinking eyes. "I'm digging deep! Deeper than you could ever imagine," you exclaimed, your voice trembling as much as your body. "They’re everywhere, inside me... Crawling, biting, burrowing... I can hear them, feel them,"

Strade's eyebrows raised, amusement and a hint of caution playing across his features. "Is that so? Well, that's quite the burden to bear," he said, his sympathy obviously feigned.

Suddenly, he grasped your arm, his fingers cold and firm. With a curious tilt of his head, he pushed his thumb into one of the deeper gouges, eliciting a sharp pain as he explored the raw flesh. His digit slipped deeper, the coarse skin of his thumb dragging against the tender, exposed tissues. His touch was probing and intrusive, causing blood to well up around his intrusion, mingling with the dirt under his nails.

"Hmm, quite the effort here," he commented, a twisted grin forming on his lips as he watched how the blood pooled and your muscles tensed under his thumb. "But not deep enough, not by a long shot," he added, his tone laced with feigned concern.

Yet, you believed him— the crawling, squirming feeling under your skin hadn’t subsided despite your efforts.

“You really think you can get them all out like this?" he pressed, pushing his thumb deeper and eliciting a sharp gasp from you.

Instinctively, you jerked your arm away, but his grip was unyielding. "Let go!" you shouted, desperation evident in your voice. Strade smirked, clearly intrigued by your reaction. In a swift, almost reflexive move, you turned your head and snapped your teeth towards his hand, aiming to bite him.

Surprised, he withdrew his hand just in time, a small rivulet of blood marking the path of his retreat. "Feisty, aren't we?" he chuckled, leaning back but keeping his eyes fixed on you. "Not many try to bite back. I like that,"

He paused, then added mockingly, "Alright, then. You don't want my help?" Strade's tone shifted, becoming mockingly sorrowful. "That’s too bad. I was really looking forward to hunting down those pesky bugs with you. But perhaps, you prefer your methods?" He gestured broadly to the bloodied gouges on your arms.

Realizing his enjoyment of the situation, you knew arguing was futile. Instead, you glared at him, the pain and relentless itching fueling your anger. Strade watched you with an unblinking gaze, his smile morphing into a more contemplative expression.

"Or maybe," he whispered almost tenderly, "you just need the right kind of tool to dig a little deeper." His eyes briefly flicked to the leather holster around his waist, then back to you; his hand moving slowly, deliberately, pulling out a sleek hunting knife. The blade caught the dim light, casting a sinister glow.

"Let’s try this," he suggested, his voice steady and menacing. He approached you again, knife in hand, your body tensed in anticipation. He positioned the blade just above one of the more savaged areas of your arm and, with your slight nod, pressed the knife's edge into your skin, deeper than your own nails could manage.

The cold steel sliced through the skin effortlessly, reaching down to where you felt the imaginary insects burrowing. You inhaled sharply, the sensation both terrifying and relieving. Your flesh separated with ease, revealing the glistening, yellowish layers of fat cushioning the deeper structures of your arm.

You watched intently, searching for the elusive invaders, but all that met your eyes was the stark reality of flesh and blood—no insects, no crawling entities, just the vivid tableau of your own anatomy laid bare.

As the knife continued its work, your panic swelled. The insects seemingly burrowed away from the incision site, evading the blade's reach. A desperate fear took hold that they were scurrying further into the untouched sanctuaries of your body, infiltrating deeper into your core.

"They're going to take over," you gasped, the pain distant yet sharp. "I can feel them... moving. If I don’t get them out, they’ll spread. They’ll control everything."

As Strade prepared to cut again, your panic surged anew. In a frantic move, you lashed out again, aiming for any part of him within reach. He catches your jaw firmly, irritation flashing across his face. “Keep it up, and I’ll rip out those teeth of yours—one by one— if that's what it takes to get you to calm down.” he threatened, tightening his grip as he forced you to face him.

"Look," he continued, "if they're everywhere like you say, I guess we'll just have to strip you down to the bone, huh? Give them nowhere to hide."

With a cruel smirk, he released your jaw, giving you a small shove. You stumbled back, crashing into the cold concrete. You tried to rise, but the room spun disorientingly around you.

Seizing the moment, Strade advanced, his expression darkened. As he neared, you saw a fleeting chance. With every ounce of strength, you lunged forward, teeth bared, aiming for his outstretched hand. He recoiled just in time, a mix of surprise and anger flashing across his face as your teeth snapped shut inches from his skin.

With a snarl, Strade stepped back, his eyes narrowing into slits. Then, without warning, he lifted his boot high and brought it down viciously on your jaw. Your head snapped to the side, smacking against the concrete with a hollow crack. As the world blurred into a maelstrom of pain and fear, the incessant itch intensified.

He straddled your hips, pinning you down under his oppressive weight as he brandished the knife again, his face contorted by grim determination. He began to peel back layers of your skin from your arm, slicing through the air with clinical precision. "Still feeling them crawl?" he taunted, his knife parting your flesh as though it were mere fabric. Blood welled up in the wake of the blade, a vivid, alarming red that flowed down to your shoulder and pooled on the cold concrete floor. The flayed skin hung loosely, fluttering slightly with each tremulous breath you took.

As Strade’s gruesome exploration continued, the basement echoed with the sound of your laboured breathing, ragged and sharp with pain. The metallic scent of blood mixed with the damp, musty air, creating a suffocating atmosphere that seemed to tighten around you.

Suddenly, Strade paused, tilting his head as though listening to an inaudible whisper. "Do you hear that?" he murmured, a sickening smile spreading across his face. His eyes darted to the shadows at the edges of the room, as if expecting them to respond. "They’re whispering to me now. They’re telling me where to cut next." His chuckle was soft, devoid of warmth as he angled the blade to scrape away the remaining fascia.

The steel traced a searing path, delving deeper. Beneath, the exposed muscle glistened wetly, its fibres quivering under the harsh glare of the overhead light. Every nerve in your body screamed in protest, yet the imaginary insects continued their relentless assault, burrowing deeper into your psyche than Strade’s knife could ever reach.

"Come on, talk to me. Are the bugs still there? Have they left? Or are they just deeper than you thought?"

His questions dripped like acid, corroding what little resolve you had left. The pain was unimaginable, yet part of you clung to the desperate hope that he might actually find and eradicate the tormenting infestation.

Through gritted teeth, you managed a whimper, "They're deeper... everywhere... I can feel them slipping away from the cuts. You have to get them all... Please..."

"Almost there," he cooed, as if soothing a child. "Just a bit deeper, and maybe we'll find them, hm?" His words slithered into your ears, venomous and vile.

With each cut, you felt your strength waning, your will dissolving into the growing pool of blood beneath you. Strade’s face, illuminated by the flickering light, appeared demonic, his features twisted into a grotesque mask of enjoyment.

The knife descended again, methodically slicing through sinew and muscle until it scraped against bone. The harsh, grating sound echoed as his blade met the stark, vulnerable white of your ulna, lying amidst the red, mangled tissues.

And yet, the crawling of elusive insects persisted; their presence haunting every exposed layer of anatomy as if fabricated from your very being.

Holy Moly Guacamole! You Do Strade Fics And Requests Too?! Is There Anything You Can't Do?

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10 months ago

can i rq strade scent / sweat kink hcs ? ( if ur comfortable with it ofc ^-^ )

Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )

a/n: omg pls anon, sweaty smelly hairy men are my weakness :''3 thank you for the request!!

Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )

{ strade x gn! reader}

Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )
Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )
Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )

warnings/tags: NSFW, sweat and blood licking, armpit sniffing and licking, body pinning and smothering, body worship, biting.

Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )

Strade's natural scent is a complex blend of sweat, leather, and motor oil, carried by an underlying note of earthiness akin to freshly turned soil. A hint of copper lingers too, intensifying whenever fresh blood stains his skin. His aroma grows more pungent after long hours in the shop or when he skips showers, each element combining to create a distinctly raw and potent musk.

His sweat has a tangy and salty quality that clings to the skin, underpinned by a distinct metallic sharpness. When on your tongue, this pungent mix becomes almost overwhelming, each flavour distinct and bold.

Strade might find you even more endearing if he discovers that you're aroused or affected by his natural odours. He'd tease you for being a 'little weirdo,' as he smothers you with his warm, sweaty body.

He'd pull your face into his armpit, allowing you to indulge in his distinct scent: strong, musky, and intoxicatingly male. As you shudder with delight, he'd watch your reactions closely, a smirk playing on his lips. "Like what you smell?" he'd taunt, before tightening his grip around your head just enough to restrict your breathing. Then, he'd encourage you further, "Go on, taste it," as you hesitantly extend your tongue to the damp skin, the salty tang of his sweat mixing with the unique musk of his body.

When he pins you down, his weight presses evenly against you so you can feel every contour and line of his muscular frame. The heat from his body coupled with the texture of his sweat-dampened skin are intoxicating. As you trace your hands and lips across the broad expanse of his chest and abdomen, you feel the subtle stickiness of his sweat against your bare skin. His scent—a heady mix of musk— envelops you completely, leaving you immersed in his essence.

After your blood is on him and he's warm, sweating from exertion, Strade would position himself to give you ample opportunity to worship his body. Starting from his feet and moving upwards, he'd instruct you meticulously: "Don't miss a spot." He'd revel in the sensation of your nose and lips on his heated skin. With every kiss and inhale you'd savour his scent, devotedly lapping up your own blood as it trickles down his hairy, sweat-slicked body.

Strade may even turn the tables on you, indulging in his own perverse curiosities. He'd pull you close, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers a taunting challenge. "Let's see how you taste," he'd murmur, before taking long, deliberate inhales of your scent, his nose brushing along the curve of your jaw. Then, with a wicked grin, he would extend his tongue, tracing a slow, tantalizing path down your neck and along your shoulder, savouring the briny taste of your sweat as if it were a delicacy. He'd then bite hard enough to draw blood, swirling his tongue along your skin to make a mess of the wound and mix the flavours of iron-rich blood with salty sweat.

Can I Rq Strade Scent / Sweat Kink Hcs ? ( If Ur Comfortable With It Ofc ^-^ )

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10 months ago

can i rq strade x ren x reader nsfw hcs please ?? ur like my new fav btd fanfic writer teehee :3

Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3

a/n: yes of course! and omg thank you <3 i'm so flattered :3c i hope you enjoy these nasty hcs!

Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3

{ strade x ren x gn! reader }

Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3
Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3
Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3

warnings/tag: NSFW, NON-CON, abuse of all forms, lots of strade voyeurism, fox-like mating/courting behaviours, breeding, cum licking/eating, sweat, piss, humiliation, oral mutilation, oral sex (double bj, face sitting, deep throating), blood as lube, necrophilia (?), hypothetical reader death.

Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3

It's no surprise that Strade gets off on testing loyalties, often commanding one of you to inflict pain on the other. Whatever it is, he finds pleasure only when both of you are left sobbing, bleeding, and terrified; both of yourselves and each other.

Ren becomes noticeably more affectionate and clingy at the onset of mating season, often nuzzling your neck and closely shadowing your movements. During this period, he is more susceptible to Strade's coercion, compelling him to act on his primal instincts. Strade might restrain or hold you down to allow Ren to breed you like the animal he is.

Strade finds pleasure in your humiliation, often forcing you to "clean each other up" post-ordeal. He'd make you and Ren lick the blood, sweat, and cum off each other's bodies, denying you the luxury of bathing.

While he's bound and helpless, Strade may command you to urinate on Ren, who is normally meticulous about keeping his fur clean. You comply, your cheeks burning with embarrassment as the warm stream cascades over Ren's trembling body, his features twisted in distress and his fur matted unpleasantly.

Strade would push his knife between your lips, slowly carving through each of your tongues. As your mouths fill with the coppery tang of blood, you and Ren kneel side by side, mouths working in tandem to suck him off. With his hands firmly gripping your heads, Strade dictates the rhythm and depth, the bitter taste of blood intertwining with his salty essence.

You'd often be made to straddle Ren’s face, pressing down as he struggles to breathe beneath you. Meanwhile, Strade grabs a fistful of your hair and grinds his hips forward, pushing his cock deep between your lips. As he forces himself all the way down your throat, he pinches your nose shut, cutting off your air completely. Ren’s hands, previously idle, instinctively move to your hips, attempting to ease the suffocating pressure on his face while his tongue works desperately between your legs.

Strade enjoys forcing you to draw blood from yourselves or each other, then using it to lubricate his fingers or cock before he violates you both. He watches with glee as you and Ren reluctantly smear the blood across each other’s bodies, coating your skin in a macabre sheen.

With the basement floor slick with the blood of a previous victim, Strade commands Ren to fuck you. The metallic scent hangs heavy in the air as the proximity of their lifeless body, mere inches away, adds a morbid thrill. Strade observes you both, physically entwined and coated in blood.

Should a bond form between you and Ren, Strade would seek to destroy it in the most harrowing way imaginable. He hands Ren a sharp, gleaming knife, issuing a chilling command: "Tear them open and take what's yours." Bound and helpless, your pleas fall on deaf ears as you lock eyes with Ren, whose apologies spill forth through sobs, just before the cold steel slices your skin. He cuts deeply, laboriously sawing through bone and cartilage, prying open your chest with excruciating precision to reveal your heart in an act that is as grotesque as it is intimate. Ren’s fingers, trembling and reluctant, slip under your sternum; his claws inadvertently tearing through delicate tissues, until finally, they close around your heart— warm, slippery, and pulsating in his grasp.

Can I Rq Strade X Ren X Reader Nsfw Hcs Please ?? Ur Like My New Fav Btd Fanfic Writer Teehee :3

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10 months ago

Can you write big brother strade and adult sister reader scenario?

Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?

a/n: omg omg YES i can anon!!! ty for the request! i wanted the reader to be the 'perpetrator' in this one, so i hope you like it! <3

Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?


{ older brother! strade x younger sister! reader }

Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?
Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?
Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?

word count: 980

warnings/tags: INCEST, NON-CON (?), weirdo lil sis reader, somnophilia, implied past sexual/physical abuse, molestation, masturbation, obsession, body worship, heavy romanticization.

Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?

In the stillness of the night, your feet chart a path to a room as familiar as the blood that pulses through your veins. As you slip inside, the air hangs heavy with shame and desire. Yet, in the concealing darkness, you seek refuge in the bed of the one who has always been both your sanctuary and your undoing.

Creeping closer, the familiar scent of your brother envelops you—a musky blend of tobacco and petroleum, more intoxicating than the finest perfume. Gently, you climb into bed and slip beneath the covers, the mattress dipping subtly under your weight. He remains undisturbed, the effects of alcohol shielding him from nightmares and memories alike.

Your heart calms as you draw near, drinking in the sight of him, so still and vulnerable under the moon’s soft gaze. It stirs something deep within you, a familiar ache you’ve carried since your first encounter. His jaw, shadowed by stubble, retains the softness of the boy you once knew.

Strade, with his piercing gaze and disarming charm, is a figure of authority in your world. Your devotion to him has never wavered, acting as a steady anchor amidst the chaos of your relationship. You cling to his every word and eagerly obey his every command, driven by an insatiable desire to fulfill each whim and craving. Despite the countless scars that mark your body, you remain willfully blind, captivated by the charisma that masks the sadism lurking beneath his smile.

You lay your head on his chest, feeling the solid reality of him. His skin warms your cheek, the fine hairs tickle softly, and his heartbeat sends a steady, reassuring rhythm that echoes through your body.

You shift closer, drawn by an irresistible force that pulls you into the orbit of his sleeping form. With tentative fingers, you trace the contours of his torso, exploring the landscape of muscle and skin that you know as well as your own. As your fingers glide over his body, you recall the first brush of his fingertips against your skin; a moment that ignited an obsession within you— a craving no other man could ever satisfy.

Your lips find purchase on his jawline, pressing feather-light kisses against the rough stubble. It's a ritual as familiar as breathing, a silent offering of devotion to the only deity you've ever known. As you brush over the jagged scar marring his skin, he murmurs and stirs slightly. You freeze, your heart caught in your throat, torn between the thrill and fear of being discovered. But he soon settles back into a deep slumber, the moment passing as quickly as it came. You exhale softly, relief quietly mingling with your unchecked desires.

Your hand wanders further, tracing invisible lines across his abdomen until it rests just above the waistband of his boxers. With a breath held in anticipation, your fingers slip under, your palm feeling the heat radiating from him. Your fingers wrap around his shaft, his skin soft and oddly vulnerable in his sleep. As he twitches involuntarily, the intimacy of the moment washes over you like a forbidden wave, swelling with a mixture of guilt and longing. His response is minimal, a low, unconscious groan that might as well have been a sigh carried by the wind. It's enough to spur you forward, your body responding with its own, mirrored arousal.

Simultaneously, your other hand ventures down your body, seeking pleasure in the quiet communion of touch. Your fingers slide between your legs, pushing your panties aside as you press them against your aching clit. The sensation is dizzying, the friction of your fingers sending sparks of desire through your veins.

The symmetry of your actions, one hand on him, the other on yourself, weaves a silent thread of connection that feels both transgressive and transcendent. As you stroke him, you feel his length harden in your grasp. His hips buck gently as his breaths come faster, his chest rising and falling more rapidly. You press your face against his neck, muffling a moan that escapes your lips.

The moonlight filtering through the window bathes the scene in a soft glow, casting long shadows that dance across the walls as if they too are complicit in your silent act.

You move with careful, deliberate motions, governed by the fear of waking him and the overwhelming need to continue. His occasional murmurs punctuate the silence, ambiguous sounds that could be interpreted as protest or pleasure— in the thick veil of night, it's hard to tell, and perhaps you don't want to.

As your exploration deepens, you find yourself caught in the delicate balance between self-gratification and the gratification of him. You bite your lower lip, trying to stifle your whimpers, as the urgent need cum, to let go and surrender to the pleasure, courses through you. Your fingers move faster, instinctively seeking the release that hovers just out of reach.

You pump his cock faster as it twitches violently in your hand, leaking pre-cum onto your skin. It feels hot and impossibly hard, like a living thing writhing in your grasp. With a low, guttural groan, he releases, his muscles clenching. You can feel it in your fingers as he spurts, the warmth and weight of his ejaculate coating your palm. You gasp in response with your face buried in the crook of his neck, your breaths sharp and ragged.

Arching into your fingers, you abandon all pretense of restraint, letting out a long, shuddering moan that breaks the silence of the room.

Suddenly, your world freezes. Just as your climax builds, a vice-like grip encircles your wrist, pulling you from the depths of your indulgence, and shattering the fragile tranquillity of the night. Your eyes snap open, heart pounding as you meet your brother's gaze— no longer clouded by sleep, but piercing and awake.

Can You Write Big Brother Strade And Adult Sister Reader Scenario?

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