Strawberry Shortcake 2003 Fanart - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Do you wanna see some Strawberry Shortcake art ? No ? Too late

In French, her name is Charlotte aux Fraises which means exactly her actual name BUT Charlotte is also a name so they just call her Charlotte in the series sometimes :D
in French, their names are in order : Cookinelle πŸͺ,  AngΓ©lique angel πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ, Fleur d'Oranger 🍊 et Coco Berry 🫐.
Orange Blossom and Fleur d'Oranger mean the same and i find it sweet in both <3
AngΓ©lique is a real name, but Coco Berry and Cookinelle are not. Even if I love them, I personally prefer their original name Β°^Β° like why Coco Berry ? anyway

So I've grown with the 2003 and 2009 version but, even if 2009 is meh, I looove 2003 and 1980's that I discovered recently this so I just decided to mix these two versions and tadam~

I decided to choose a light violet for Angel's hair because she was very pretty like this and I love this color AND I don't know how to color blond ;-; Also, I'm keeping my hc that Strawberry Shortcake, Huckleberry Pie and Apple Dumplin' are sibs because that's adorable ok

I've drawn more, but I've school tomorrow so I can't keep going on coloring T^T

I also have an oc called Sugar Beignet because why not, she's adorable and she'll be part of this fanfiction because at this point I can call it this. Peppermint Fizz, Blueberry Muffin and Apple Dumplin are missing but worry not it will come soon

Somewhere this week. Or next week. When my exams has ended πŸ₯²

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10 months ago

Here Strawberry Shortcake fanart part 2 !

In French their names are Diabolo Menthe πŸ₯’(there's no mint emoji LMAO) Baba Hortensia 🫐 and Croque Pomme 🍏, fun fact, my brother thought it was Babar Artensia πŸ’€

promised these three so here they are πŸ₯°

No joke aren't they so cute ?

Since Peppermint Fizz doesn't have a 1980 design (ik she's in a way Mint Tulip but I wasn't sure) it was difficult to know how to do her great but it turned out pretty good ! Surprisingly Apple Dumplin was the hardest to do πŸ€”

Huh and Blueberry Muffin doesn't have black hair it's just a very dark brown :)

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8 months ago

My oc meeting Strawberry Shortcake 😍

My Oc Meeting Strawberry Shortcake

Her name is Sugar Beignet, as you can read, and she's very shy and awkward, she never dared approach the others until Blueberry Muffin, Strawberry Shortcake and Orange Blossom find her randomly. She becomes Blueberry Muffin's best friend πŸ₯Ί also she has a tiny crush on Huckleberry Pie πŸ‘€

Now this is clearly an insert oc lol I love Strawberry Shortcake since forever so it feels like the normal procedure πŸ§πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

She has an older sister, Rice Pudding and tbh she looks more like me than Sugar Beignet... No actually, they are me but at different state of life β˜πŸΎπŸ€“ like I divided my self πŸ€”

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7 months ago

Coming back with some Strawberry Shortcake drawing because I can πŸ“ (yes I'll say that every time I'm coming with something because I CAN)

Strawb's eye aren't looking the same way and I'm SO sorry for that πŸ’€πŸ’€

I'm sticking to this idea of mine that they are siblings because they're so adorable together πŸ™πŸΎπŸ§ŽπŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

Coming Back With Some Strawberry Shortcake Drawing Because I Can (yes I'll Say That Every Time I'm Coming

Huckleberry is such a nice big brother. I don't have a older siblings, but I have cousins, which is kinda the same, but they weren't this nice πŸ’€ these bitches would never let us win out of kindnessπŸ§πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

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