Stuff Like This Is So Silly - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Slot 4 Please Because This Little Prick Has Anger Issues

Slot 4 please because this little prick has anger issues

Thrix is silly in that their favourite hobby is blackmail and spying on college students due to not having any actual hobbies. I don’t know maybe they make little movies about their students lives.

If you do pick them simplify as much as you need to since their hair can be very painful to draw. You don’t even need to draw their antenna or extra limbs if you don’t feel like it lol.

hey you! do you like my comics? do you want me to draw your character?

in the comments or relogs put a reference for your Oc, and the slot you want! fan characters from any fandom are fine!

the final drawing will be posted on my webcomic's Tumblr! (which can be found here, and you should totally follow)

slots still available:


Hey You! Do You Like My Comics? Do You Want Me To Draw Your Character?

but what if you want to draw your own? no problem! you can find drawing bases I've made here!

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