Such A CuTE Concept - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

boy is such a good song omg but me too!! i really liked thrill ride 😣😣

Now that this kingdom stuff is over The Boyz can go back to their superior concepts (Boy, No Air, Bloom Bloom, D.D.D)

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5 years ago

More pirate!George/Captain Pepper pleeaaasee!!


George had said that him and his crew were returning to London. He explained that they were unofficial pirates; mostly, they were rogue merchants that didn’t have to pay taxes. But many of them were ex-army and certainly didn’t contribute to society (at least not on paper).

So they traveled usually to find gold and other items of value. He’d offered for you to accompany them to London to see how you liked it and you’d gladly accepted, happy he hadn’t kicked you out. You were sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop but in the meantime, you were going along for the ride.

George had introduced you to some of his crew. There was a man named Richard but everyone called him Ringo because for every country he’d visited, he had been able to ‘finesse’ a ring from a royal, which he wore proudly.

You learned that John and Ringo had wives waiting for them at their homes in London. They showed you pictures of them and you observed they were beautiful with very nice smiles.

“Do you have a woman, George?” you asked one night, your head on his thigh. George smiled at you and shrugged.

“I’ve met a few. But no one that stayed. You’re the first girl who’s kept by my side. Can’t quite understand why,” he chuckled.

“You keep me safe and included. I feel happy with you.”

George merely smiled and rubbed the scales along your back, something he’d grown fond of doing.

In the distance, you could see land and you got very excited, bounding to the front of the ship to get a closer look.

“Have you ever been on land?” George asked.

“Once, on a beach. I was very young. It was when I learned I was different.”

George nodded.

“Ah. Well, this has a coastal line but it’s mostly merchants and houses. You shouldn’t be detected here. We’ll make sure you’re covered up. And just tell people you were born with those eyes.”

“But I was born with these eyes,” you said confusedly.

“Exactly. Come on, we’re docking soon.”

George began to shout orders and you watched the men jump into action, letting down ropes and steering to land. As soon as you were close enough, you leapt off the ship and raced onto land, giggling giddily at the feel of hard dirt under your feet.

“Y/N, don’t forget your shoes!” George called, tossing your boots. You slipped them on and danced antsily while the men unloaded boxes and sacks.

Something suddenly whooshed inside you and you felt a strong pull to the ocean. That was odd; you only felt that when there was another sea creature calling out to you.


You turned your head to see two piercing black eyes and clawed, scaly hands peeking over the dock. Quickly, you glanced around, checking to make sure you were in the clear before you raced over to the edge and knelt down.

“Paul? What are you doing here?” you asked in your native tongue, Lanqua. You helped him to sit on the edge. Paul was your best friend. He was a siren and therefore much more creaturelike than you, but he could completely transform into a human and never used his powers for bad.

“What am I doing here? I should ask you the same! Everyone has been worried for days. The community sent search teams to find you.”

“I am traveling with pirates, Paul! They are very nice. Especially the captain.”

“Y/N, that’s exactly what you shouldn’t be doing. When I told you to rescue those fish, I didn’t mean actually get caught in a net and live on a boat!”

Your next words were cut off by an exclamation and you turned to see John running with his sword, eyes narrowed on Paul.

“Step back, Y/N. I’ll handle this thing,” John growled.

“No, he’s a friend!” you protested, putting yourself between Paul and John.

Paul wasn’t worried. He began to croon in his lovely voice, seemingly unbothered by John’s look of pure hatred. John suddenly relaxed and dropped his sword, feet dragging him down until he was on his knees, touching Paul’s smooth ripples of iridescent scales along his neck. His eyes were glazed over with lust and when Paul brushed John’s shaggy bangs to the side, the sailor shuddered and smiled dopily.

“Paul!” you scolded, slapping his hand away. He stopped singing and John swayed in a dreamy state, staying close to Paul.

“Well, he started it! I don’t particularly want to get butchered by a sword, thank you.”

“He is a friend, alright? He is just... a little on edge. No kisses of death,” you told him and Paul rolled his eyes, gently pushing John backwards so he flopped on the wooden planks, giggling softly to himself.

“Fine, fine. But I won’t be so forgiving with the next smelly human that tests me. How can you deal with them?”

“They are not so bad. Some of them are quite lovely. You would understand if you came with me and met them.”

You heard the familiar clack of boots and looked up to see George approaching. Paul began to hum and you covered his mouth, shooting him a look.

“This is the captain! He is good,” you whispered. Paul reluctantly stopped singing. George held out a hand but Paul glared at him, tensing and leaning back.

“Alright, fair enough. Name’s George. You’re a... a siren, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and I eat dirty sailors like you for breakfast,” Paul spat in English, fins flared out warningly.

“Paul, stop it. George is a good guy. And he likes music, just like you. He plays a...” you turned to the captain.

“What do you call it again?”

“Guitar,” George supplied.

“Yes! Guitar. With the six strings. Paul likes to sing.”

“I can see that,” George chuckled. Paul hissed, flashing his sharp fangs and George took a step back.

“Alright, easy. Not gonna hurt you. Just wanted to tell Y/N that we’re going to the market if she wants to come with us.”

“Yes!” you squealed at the same time Paul flatly said ‘no.’

“She is coming home with me. You’re not going to hurt her. I won’t let you.”

“‘m not hurting her. I’m by her side protecting her all the time so nothing will happen. You have my word,” George promised.

“A pirate’s word? Oh, good, I’m convinced,” Paul quipped dryly.

“Paul, I am not going home. If you are so concerned, just come with us.”

“Why, so they can chain both of us up and sell us to a zoo?” Paul replied angrily in your language.

“They will not; George is good. Please trust me. Have I ever steered us wrong?” you asked.

Paul thought for a moment, clearly torn. He was a few years older and protected you like an older brother.

John began to wake from the fog and when he came to, he groggily felt for his sword, slurring swears.

“Easy, John. No attacking the locals.”

“But it’s a siren,” John whined.

“Who eats us for breakfast,” George said, lips quirked upwards as he hoisted John up.

“There’s some clothes in that trunk ov’r there, if ya decide to join us,” George smiled warmly and then he was helping John hobble back to the ship.

“What do you say?” you asked in anticipation, grinning eagerly.

Paul sighed heavily.

“Don’t get me anything with those plastic circle things on the fabric. And make sure it’s clean!”

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