// Sucky : ''help'' - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



Sometimes, Shoya wondered if the pair of them even spoke the same language at all. She tried to be respectful of other dialects and ways of speaking, but… sometimes trying to parse together Gag-Arm’s speech felt like flying against the wind currents.

“Unfortunately, your concern is my concern,” Shoya explained. “The nearest station is not a station you want to be stuck at without transportation. Unless you want to be stranded there with a group of thugs, I would recommend staying with me.” She sighed. She didn’t like Gag-Arm, not exactly, but she didn’t dislike her enough to subject her to that.

Well, that stopped her up real short.

When was the last time her concern had been somebody’s else’s? Asides from the vague sucky of the floatin’ fraternity. ( Rhetorical ask: She knew god-damned well who was the last person who’d thought she was worth their spit. Diuneilomo, she missed Danny like a hole in her—)

“D’you mean’t’say you’d worry about li’l ole meeee?” she crowed instead of following along after that thought, hands leaping up to cup her cheeks like an excited dolly. “Awwww, Shaya! An’ all this time I reckoned you didn’ care!”

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