Suga Lemon - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Fake it

Just a little something I came up with the other night.

Fake It

Pairing: Min Yoongi (Suga) X Reader

Genre: Fake Dating!AU, Smut

Rating: 18+

Warnings: Profanity, smut in the form of: oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, slight tension between family members (if I forgot anything please let me know!)

Words: 6.8k

Summary: You needed a date to your parents anniversary party. Yoongi steps in to help you out, but then the dreaded feelings creep in.

"Sorry ___, but something came up at work this weekend and there's no way I can leave." Your lame excuse for a boyfriend said through the phone.

"You've got to be kidding me! This is the third time we've arranged for you to meet with my parents, and every single time you cancel! If you don't want to meet them that badly, then just say so." You fumed, trying your best not to let your temper get the better of you.

"Look babe, I know you're upset but I'll bring home your favorite deep fried chicken's feet and beer? I'm just super swamped this weekend." He said none too convincing.

"No, I'm tired of taking the backseat to your job! If you love me, then you'll come with me this weekend to my parents anniversary party! They want to meet you and get to know you, you can even take the car and just make an appearance, baby please." You plead to him through the phone.

"___, if this was any other weekend then I would be absolutely be willing to go with you-"

"That's what you've said every single God damn time! You know what? I want you and your shit out of my apartment by next weekend. Hopefully you won't be too busy at work, otherwise your shit will wind up on the fucking streets. Have a nice day." You hung up the phone angrily and threw it on the couch in frustration.

Why did you have to date such a fucking douche bag?

And an even better question was, what the hell were you going to do about the party coming up this weekend?

Panic flashed through your body as you frantically tried to think of someone who could be your date.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God!" You whimpered whilst pacing throughout your entire apartment.

After around an hour, the phone rang again. Not really wanting to bother with your boyfri- ex boyfriend right now, you left it alone. About twenty more minutes passed of panicking, you also found the time to drink three beers.


Your phone rang once more. Slightly buzzed and a little lonely you decided to answer it against your better judgement.

"Hello...?" You drawled into the phone, the alcohol flooding your system.

"___, is that you? Have you been drinking?" Your best friend, Seokjin said into your ear.

"Jinny... Why do I have to date such losers...? Huh? What did I ever do?" You whimpered.

"I'm coming over, just hang in there." He stated as he hung up. You tossed your phone to the floor and felt yourself fill with shame and embarrassment.

What were you going to tell your parents? That you'd been dating jerks on and off for the past three years and they all left because none of them could get past second base?

You had thought maybe this last one was different. You'd been with him for five months and he'd been fine with just cuddling and some heavy make out sessions here and there... Probably because he was getting it somewhere else...

Dread pooled in your stomach and you just wanted to die. A knock at the door pulled you out of your self wallowing as you got up to answer it. Once you did you were engulfed in a big bear hug.

"Yeesh, ___ don't scare me like that. When you didn't answer your phone I got worried. Have you been crying? Ew, you smell like alcohol." Jin said, scrunching up his nose.

"Sorry not all of us can be as clean as you." You answered sassily, shutting the door behind him.

"I brought glass noodles and vegetables. You have soy sauce and onions right? I can make something while you're in the shower?" You nodded quickly and raced towards the bathroom, hungry for your friend's amazing food.

As you sat in the bath you wondered about what was going to happen with your parents.

None of the scenarios played out well...

You could show up by yourself and tell them what happened with your boyfriend. They'd probably get mad and be super disappointed in you and give you the biggest guilt trip of your life. You'd also make your mother worry about you not getting a husband and her not getting grandchildren. Your father would worry about you not having a man in the house to protect you, even though you knew a little taekwando. All in all, this plan wasn't the one you were going to go with.

Another option was you didn't go at all. Then your parents think you hate them or something terrible happened and then they worry even worse than they would if you showed up alone. But maybe if you called and told them your were sick...? No, bad plan, your mother would show up on your doorstep as soon as possible with all the things you need for when you're sick and demand to bath you and take care of you until you felt better. Definitely not that option.

Third option was to find a replacement...

And fast.

You got out of the tub and walked back into the kitchen, clean, mainly sobered up and most importantly, hungry.

"Jinny, food." You groaned, walking over to him.

"Sit down and tell me what happened first. You're not one to drink unless you're really upset." He said sternly, giving you his killer mom glare.

"Jeez, fine..." You said, sitting down at the island. "I broke up with my boyfriend." You said plainly, really not in the mood to get into the details, but you already knew that Jin would interrogate you until you fessed up anyways.

"I'm sorry, ___... I know you really liked him. You two didn't, uh... You know..." He said awkwardly, looking at the countertop.

"No, Jin. I didn't bang him." You said brashly, already hating this conversation.

"That isn't the only thing on your mind, though," Jin said, keeping his eyes on you. "Something else is eating you, tell me what is it." He warned, pointing his spatula at you threateningly. You raised your hands in defeat.

"You know how my parents have their 30th wedding anniversary coming up..." Jin nodded.

"Yeah, I got the invitation. Can't go though, oddly enough a friend of mine is getting married that same weekend in America. Sent them the present already, but why does this get you all worked up? You love visiting your parents normally, why the sudden change of heart?" He asked, coming over to sit next to you.

"I've been bragging about having a boyfriend to my siblings for weeks! And my mother and father have been wanting to meet him since the moment I mentioned him! If I show up without him there, my siblings won't ever let me live it down and my parents will be disappointed in me... What am I gonna do?" You asked, feeling tears fall down your face again.

"Oh... ___, they won't be disappointed in you. They'll feel bad that you broke up with him and they'll want to comfort you. Everything will be alright." Jin said, wrapping you up in his big arms. You feel into the familiar embrace happily, letting his warmth fill you up from the inside out.

"You know how mom is Jin, she's gonna have a panic attack thinking that I'm never gonna get married and by the time I do my uterus will be out of commission." Jin tried to stifle his laughter, but you could feel the vibrations throughout his back.

"Well... Here's an idea. We could ask one of the boys to go with you. Your family is super classy, right? So there's no T.V or internet or anything like that... Right?" I shook my head. My family read the local news paper and that was all they cared about.

"So, they won't know what any of the boys look like. Plus, the boys know you really well. That way your parents can ask them questions and you won't have to worry about them not knowing anything." You had to admit, this was a pretty damn good plan.

"Which one?" You asked. Jin thought for a few moments and then snapped his fingers again.

"Yoongi! He'd be the perfect boyfriend in your mother's eyes. He's silent and strong, but still very sweet and caring." Without realizing it, your cheeks began to flush. You'd harbored a minor crush towards the rapper ever since Jin first introduced you two. You didn't have a whole lot in common, but you'd always really admired him and thought he was really adorable.

"I-I guess. I mean, if he's willing." You said, trying to stay nonchalant.

"Alright, I'll call him right now." Jin announced, standing up and heading towards the living room.

Oh God, what have you done?

- _ - _ - _ -

The day of the party had arrived, and you were nervous beyond words. Jin had called Yoongi that night and gotten the okay from him.

He was supposed to pick you up in fifteen minutes, and you couldn't seem to figure out what to say to him.

'Hey! Thanks for helping me lie to my parents cause I'm a pathetic little bitch who can't keep a man! You're a real life saver!'

You fixed your hair and adjusted your dress, putting on perfume and looking to see if there was anything else you wanted to change before he got here.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

A series of knocks beckoned you to the door. You opened it to reveal Yoongi in a nice dress shirt with a tie that matched your dress color and a simple pair of pants with a nice pair of shoes to tie everything together. No pun intended.

"Hello. Are you ready to go?" He asked, looking up from his shoes.

"Yes, thank you." You said, closing your door and making sure it was locked before you followed the mint-haired rapper to the elevator.

"So, how much do your parents know about your boyfriend? How should I act?" He asked you as the pair of you entered the elevator.

"U-Um.. I just said that he was really nice and I couldn't wait for them to meet him. That's all they know about him. Well, you." Yoongi nodded thoughtfully.

"Alright, so I can be myself. That's a relief. You look nice, by the way." He said casually, keeping the conversation flowing.

"Thank you, you look nice as well." You responded politely.

Silence fell over you two as the elevator dropped you off on the bottom floor. Yoongi lead you to his car and opened the door for you to get in. And soon, you were off.

The ride was silent.

And awkward.

You had no idea what to say to this guy! What the hell were you supposed to talk about?

"Are you alright? You look like you're in pain." He said without taking his eyes off the road.

"Yeah, I'm good, just... Thinking." You answered.

"Do you normally look like you're in pain when you're thinking?" He asked. You cracked a smile at his joke and focused on the road in front of you.

The silence returned, but it wasn't as heavy and uncomfortable this time around, it was nice.

It felt, right.

- _ - _ - _ -

You pulled up to your parents house and waited by the door while Yoongi went to go park. Suddenly your siblings were surrounding you like hawks.

"___! There you are! It's been so long since I've seen you! You look really pale, have you been going out regularly?" Your oldest sister asked, taking your hands.

"You know how much she hates the sun and the outdoors and people in general. No wonder she's pale." Your younger brother teased.

"Speaking of people, where's this boyfriend we've heard so much about?" Your older brother asked, looking around for your plus one.

"Yeah! Mom and dad are really excited to meet him, did he not show? Are you here alone?" Your other older sister asked, examining you thoroughly.

"Well I-"

"Are these your siblings babe?" You heard a smooth voice in your ear. You jumped from surprise as you turned to see Yoongi smiling brightly at your family members.

"Y-Yeah..." You stuttered trying not to act suspicious.

"Awesome, my name is Min Yoongi, but just call me Yoongi." He said, shaking your brother's hands and kissing your sister's hands.

"H-Hello." Your siblings collectively said. A smug feeling erupted in your chest as you felt  Yoongi's arm wrap around your waist.

"I want to go introduce him to mom and dad, where are they?" You asked, looking to each of your brothers and sisters.

"They're upstairs in the study." Your older brother said, pointing towards the door.

"Thank you." You smiled as you two walked inside your childhood home.

"Are there going to be a lot of people here?" You heard him ask as you lead him towards the staircase.

"No more than forty I would think. It's mainly just family and close friends. Why?" You asked him as you two made it to the top of the stairs.

"Don't like big groups of people that much." He said casually following you through the halls.

"Then why are you a performer? Kind of an odd occupation to choose if you don't like large crowds." You said.

"Because I get to make a lot of people happy with what I do, and that makes it all worth it." You smiled and patted his hand.

"What a great way to look at that, very insightful." Yoongi nodded and looked at the door you had stopped in front of.

"Is this it?" He asked, pointing to the door. You nodded and gulped, trying to keep your nerves under control.

"We've been dating five months, remember that." You whispered before knocking on the door and feeling Yoongi's hand interlock with yours.

The door swung open to reveal your mother's smiling face and your father sitting at his desk finishing up some paper work as usual.

"Oh my dear child! There you are! We've missed you terribly! Why don't you come visit us more? Huh? Trying to wait till I'm dead before you come to visit me?" Your mother complained, hugging you tightly.

"Sorry Mom..." You said as she broke away from the embrace.

"Now, where is this boyfriend we've heard so much abou-... Oh my..." Your mother went silent as she took in Yoongi.

"Hello there Mom, pleased to finally meet you." He said, hugging her graciously.

"We were starting to wonder if you were real my child. But here you are, plain as day in front of my face and far better than I imagined." Your mother said, looking him up and down. Your father stood next, coming over to examine your 'boyfriend'.

"You've got broad shoulders, good for work. Strong legs. Play any sports?" Your dad was really into any kind of sporting event, and you hoped Yoongi was as well.

"I really like basketball. I'm pretty good at it." He said proudly. You smiled at him and patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, he's tried to teach me a few times but you both know I'm no good at sports." Your parents laughed and nodded knowingly.

"Well, dinner will be served in about an hour but please feel free to show... What was your name, dear?" Your mother asked, looking to your date.

"Min Yoongi." He answered respectfully.

"Ah, wonderful. Well, ___, make sure to show Yoongi around the home and dinner should be served soon. You kids have fun, alright? We'll see you at dinner." Your mother waved and your father shook his hand, dismissing you two from their presence.

Air rushed out of your lungs as you shut the door and started down the hallway.

"Jesus, I was so scared." You whispered as Yoongi took your hand as you two walked towards the party.

"Did you not think I could do it? They seem nice, I don't see the problem." He said bluntly.

"They're suspicious. My parents think you're almost too good to be true. We'll have to make sure they don't have any reason to suspect us." You said as you both walked out to the gardens.

"How are they suspicious? Was I too good of an actor for them, or what?" He asked, looking confused.

"My family has a weird thing for underestimating me. I'm actually average at sports, particularly soccer. But my parents always assumed I was bad because the one game they went to we lost by 3 points. Then they pulled me out and I haven't played since. They don't want me to embarrass myself so they never give me the opportunity to try. So when I said I had a boyfriend, I think they were expecting him to be... Sub-par I guess. But seeing you made them think differently, or they think it's all bologna. I'm going with the latter option. So, do you have a plan?" You asked as the pair of you walked through the gardens.

"Well, we could flirt around your siblings. I'll kiss your cheek or grab you by the waist. See if that does anything." Yoongi suggested, looking to you for approval.

"It could work. I don't see why not, as long as you're alright with it." You said.

"I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't okay with it. Come on, let's go find your sisters, they seem like the ones who didn't believe us the most." He took your hand and lead you towards the backyard. You spotted your oldest sister and pointed in her direction. Yoongi's hand went around your waist and you smiled up at him. You could see your sister watching in the background so you decided to turn and face Yoongi.

"She's watching, I'm gonna fix your tie, alright?" He nodded and smiled at you, like you'd said something cute. You lifted your hands to his tie and adjusted it slightly, making sure it wasn't too tight around his neck. You smoothed out his dress-shirt, feeling his stomach underneath it.

Holy shit he was toned...

You took your hands away and immediately your sister was coming over to talk with you.

"Hey, did you guys meet mom and dad?" She asked, keeping her eyes glued on the both of you. Yoongi grabbed your waist gently and nodded at her.

"Your parents are nice people." He said to her, bowing his head a little.

"Mhm... I'm going to ask you two straight up. Are you really dating? Or are you putting on a show for mom and dad so they don't bug you about being single?" Well fuck. Your oldest sister was always the hardest to lie to. And if she didn't believe it, she'd bitch to mom and dad immediately. You had to come up with something, and fast.

"Of course we're really dating. Why do you ask?" You said, wrapping your arms around his. He leaned naturally into your touch and continued to look at your sister.

"Something smells fishy here, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. I'll see you at dinner." She announced, leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth.

"She's a little forceful." Yoongi said quietly. You smiled and patted his arm.

"She's always been that way, since we were little. She can see through almost any lie I come up with. Her kids can't get away with anything fun, kind of sad to watch really. But, if she doesn't believe us, she'll rat us out to mom and dad. Then we'll have big trouble on our hands.

"Well, what do you think is gonna do it?" He asked, looking around.

"Um, the flirting is a good idea, we can do that at dinner. Then we'll excuse ourselves early. Go upstairs and come back down maybe twenty minutes later before they start serving the deserts and the toasts start. What do you think?" Yoongi thought for a few moments and nodded.

"If that doesn't do it, I don't know what will. Besides me taking you on the table in front of everyone." You choked on your own spit and looked at him incredulously.

"Please, don't do that." You said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"It was a joke, feel free to laugh." He said, smiling at you.

"Very funny." You said, trying hard not to smile as well.

"There are your brothers, want to go talk to them?" Yoongi asked, nodding in their direction.

"No, not yet. Let's think of how we're going to excuse ourselves from dinner." You offered walking towards the champagne table, handing him a glass.

"I'll text Jimin and tell him to call me, I'll get up and leave. Then a few minutes later say you have to go to the bathroom and then meet me upstairs. We'll wait there then dishevel our clothes a bit and come back down. Sound good?" He offered, sipping his wine slowly.

"Yeah, sounds good to me." You said admiring his plan in your head. The champagne was making you feel lighter and a little less nervous about being here. A few more relatives had stopped by to introduce themselves to your date and then went about their business, all the while you oldest sister was hovering not too far out of sight. Yoongi was doing very well in his role as the very attractive date being very kind to your family members and giving you attention as well.

Soon enough, dinner was being served. You were sat between Yoongi and your older brother, who wasn't nearly as suspicious as your sister.

Yoongi said that he was going to get a little handsy with you before dinner so that you two leaving wouldn't need that much questioning. Sooner, rather than later you felt a warm and on your knee, your cheeks flushed and your mother noticed almost immediately.

"Dear, is everything alright? You've gotten a little pink." You coughed a bit to clear your throat and shook your head.

"Must've had a little too much champagne. I'll just drink water from now on." You said, looking at Yoongi with a scolding look. He smiled and moved his hand to your thigh. In response, you took your hand and removed his, giving him a warning look. Yoongi pouted a little bit but gave in and started to eat his salad.

Dinner was quiet, Yoongi messing with you ever once in a while to keep you on your toes. Your sister kept a close eye on you two, almost uncomfortably so. Yoongi purposefully made a little bit of a mess on his face for you to clean off and gave you an opportunity to scold him as well.

"Jeez, I'm supposed to do this for children, not you." You smiled as you cleaned off his face.

"It's practice for our kids." He whispered low enough that only the people sitting next to you two would hear it. Your brother turned pink and your sister gasped quietly.

"Eat your dinner." You said, going back to eat yours as well.

Eventually, Yoongi's phone rang and he excused himself to go answer it. You waited as you had been told and put your fork down.

"I need to use the rest room, excuse me." You said politely, standing up and placing your napkin on the table. You saw your sister lean into her husband so you took a few minutes gathering up your utensils.

"In ten minutes I'm going to excuse myself if she isn't back. I'm almost sure that he left, and I'm going to bust that little liar." She smirked as you walked out of the room. You ran up the stairs and looked for the door that was opened a little bit.

"Yoongi! We've got a problem!" You said, shutting the door to the room.

"What? What is it?" He asked, walking over to you.

"My sister's gonna come up here and try to bust me." You said, panicking.

"What is she, five? God this is such a mess." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" You asked.

"Do you know when?" He questioned, looking at the clock.

"She said if I wasn't back in ten minutes she was gonna come looking for me." You told him, looking at the clock nervously.

"We've got time then, here." He said undoing his tie and the first couple shirt buttons on his outfit.

"Whoa! What are you doing?" You squeaked, trying hard not to blush.

"Helping you not get caught. Here." Yoongi said, pushing the strap of your dress down your shoulder.

"Hold up a second! Don't just strip me too!" You yelped. But he shushed you quickly.

"Stop! Do you want to get caught? Make this whole evening worthless? When your sister comes up here, she'll catch us in the act. Or she'll run back downstairs blushing. So, come over here and get on my lap. Is it alright if I kiss you?" He asked, looking for approval.

"Y-Yeah, sure. Go for it." You said, letting him lead you to his lap. You ruffled his hair up a bit as you straddled him on the couch that was in the room.

"Alright, I think I hear someone coming up the stairs. Come here." He said, pulling his mouth to your neck.

A shocked moan escapes your lips, you weren't expecting that right off the bat. His lips were so warm on your neck and it felt so nice... You whimpered his name softly and ran your fingers through his hair.

"Kiss me." You breathed. Soon his lips met yours in a passionate embrace.

"God your mouth feels so good..." He moaned against your lips. Was that acting? Or was he really enjoying this?

You didn't have time to worry about it because you could hear the door slowly creaking open a bit.

"Yoongi..." You moaned as his hands traveled down to your hips. Heat pooled in your stomach as he slid his hands up your thighs.

"Say my name, babe." Yoongi said lowly, almost possessively.

"Yoongi, please..." You begged for nothing in particular. But apparently he was taking matters into his own hands as he reached right underneath your breasts and began to knead with his thumbs. You jumped, but moaned softly, to keep the facade up.

Was she still watching this? You wondered.

Your sister was such a perv.

Suddenly, Yoongi decided to lay down on the couch and kiss your jawline.

"She's watching us, undo some more of my buttons." He suggested, biting down on your ear, drawing another moan out of your mouth.

You did as he instructed, undoing some more of the buttons on his shirt, revealing more and more of his beautiful pale skin.

The door opened all the way and your sister made her presence know as you and Yoongi scrambled to cover yourselves.

"What are you doing! Knock before you enter a room, maybe?" You accused, fixing your dress and your hair.

"W-We were wondering what was taking you two so long... S-sorry. It's time to cut the cake." She stuttered out, shutting the door behind her. Yoongi and you looked at each other and burst into silent giggles.

"I've never seen her look so shocked!" You giggled as Yoongi fixed his shirt.

"It was pretty funny to see the look on her face. Although, we do have to go back to your family now." He said, not bothering to do his tie up again.

"Come here, I'll do your tie." You said, walking up to him slowly. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit you. You'd just made it to second base with Yoongi, and you weren't even dating... But it was an emergency, right? You didn't want to be found out... You tried to shake these thoughts out of your head while fixing his tie up nicely. Yoongi had also gotten very quiet suddenly. You cleared your throat and finished with his tie and adjusted your dress once more before taking his hand and walking back to your family with him.

The night progressed from there with little to no interruptions and no more suspicious glances from the rest of your family members. Eventually, people started leaving and you decided it would be good for you and Yoongi to do the same.

"Want to go home?" You asked him as he sipped on a glass of water gingerly.

"Sounds good to me." He said, setting the glass down before standing up and taking your hand. The two of you walked over to your parents to wish them a goodnight.

"You're leaving so soon? I feel like I've only seen you a few moments of this whole thing. But there is something important I wanted to talk to you about. You are the only child of age in this family that doesn't have any children... Now, I don't want any grandchildren out of wedlock, so, get married soon, yeah?" She encouraged, giving you a thumbs up. Your father decided to step in.

"Don't worry dear, look at this young man, I bet they're at it all the time! We'll have grandchildren sooner rather than later. Hopefully some sports players!" Your dad laughed, patting Yoongi on the back who looked moderately horrified.

"Yeah... We'll uh, get going now. Love you two, happy anniversary." You said before taking Yoongi's hand and leading him towards the car.

- _ - _ - _ -

The ride back home was silent. Not tense or anything, just a little off. Yoongi had been quiet since your parents pretty much encouraged him to get you pregnant.

"Don't mind them, they want as many grandchildren as me and my siblings can pump out. Sorry if they made you uncomfortable." You said, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's alright." He said, keeping his eyes on the road. You didn't want to push the conversation, but it was a little lonely just sitting in silence, even though he was right there.

"Did you have fun?" You asked, regretting the question the second it came out of your mouth.

"I mean, spending time with you was cool, since we don't normally hang out, but I mean, lying to a bunch of people wasn't cool either. Although making out with you on the couch would probably be the highlight of my night." Heat pooled into your cheeks as you remembered his strong hands grabbing onto your whilst kissing you aggressively.

"Oh... Shush..." You said, embarrassed trying not to look in his direction. Silence fell over the car once more, but it was much lighter than it had been.

- _ - _ - _ -

You two had finally arrived back at your place. You suddenly remembered that there was no one waiting for you when you opened the door, and dread filled your stomach. You looked at Yoongi and then towards the door.

"Wanna come in for some coffee or tea? The idea of being by myself right now is depressing." Yoongi nodded and followed you in, seating himself on the island while you shut the door.

"Nice place." He commented.

"Thanks, kinda big for one person though. I'll probably move out soon." You said, going towards the cabinet.

"Shame, you seem to be comfortable here." Yoongi said, looking around at all of your decor.

"I guess... I mean, I've lived here for about a month or two before getting together with my ex, so, it's been almost half a year. Do you want coffee or tea?" You asked, grabbing the items down from the cupboards.

"Tea is fine, I like mint if you have it." He stated, getting up from the island and starting to look around.

"Should be done steeping in about ten minutes. I like my mint tea strong, I hope you don't mind." You said, walking up behind him. He was staring at a picture of you and your ex sitting on one of the side tables. Your hand shot out and grabbed the picture, throwing it in the garbage without a second thought.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Yoongi asked, looking at you curiously.

"Not particularly. I guess I knew we wouldn't work from the beginning, but I still wanted to try. I thought maybe we would get lucky." You sighed and rubbed your arms gently, feeling very chilled, not liking how cold and empty this place felt. Suddenly, warmth spread throughout your body, making you shudder in pleasure.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out with him," Yoongi said, wrapping his arms around you from behind, sending chills down your spine, but in a pleasant manner. "But perhaps, there's someone else who's been waiting a very long time to get your attention." He offered, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.

"Y-Yoongi, what's gotten into you?" You asked as you melted into his embrace.

"I've been trying to build up the courage to ask you out on a date for a long time, ___, but every time I seem to find it, you get another boyfriend. Someone you won't be with in four months. I want to be someone you can rely on, someone you can trust... Someone you can love." He confessed, finally kissing your jawline slowly.

"Yoongi... You aren't playing with me are you?" You asked, turning around and looking into his lovely brown eyes.

"Never." He promised, taking your hands in his and kissing them gently. "Tell me you feel the same... Please." He whispered, looking into your eyes.

"I-I like you a lot, Yoongi..." You admitted. A small smile graced his face as you reached out for him. He took your hands in his and wrapped them around his neck.

"I'm glad you said something..." He whispered, resting his forehead against yours. Silence took over the room as you both drank in the moment; his hands on your waist, your hands playing with his hair gently.

"Yoongi..." You breathed whilst he gazed into your eyes.

"Yes, ___?" He responded.

"Are you gonna kiss me or not?" You asked, leaning towards him slowly, eyes focus on his lips. Almost immediately after your bold statement, soft lips fell onto yours. A smile graced your face as Yoongi tried to deepen the kiss.

"___. It's hard to kiss you when you're smiling like that." Yoongi said slightly annoyed, pulling back from you.

"Oh... Sorry, I'm just... Happy." You said, capturing his lips once more.

Slow, gentle kisses turned into fiery and passionate embraces the next, Yoongi pulling you down onto the couch where you straddled him.

"How far are we gonna take this?" He breathed hotly, trying to calm himself down. Your cheeks flushed bright pink as you thought of your answer.

"I-I'll try to give you oral... I've always wanted to try, and I want to show you that I'm serious." Yoongi smiled and brushed your hair back away from your face.

"I know you're serious without the blowjob... If you don't honestly want to, then don't. I'm more than happy to just kiss you. Your lips are intoxicating I swear. I've never felt more awake than when I'm kissing you." He admitted, staring directly at the swollen flesh of your mouth.

"I want to. Let me try." You begged, already getting on your knees in front of him.

"Easy. Take it slow, I'll help you." He encouraged, watching as you reached for the buttons of his pants.

You did as Yoongi instructed and undid his pants slowly, easing into the new emotions you were feeling.




Yoongi watched as you pulled him out, hissing lightly at your touch.

"Does it hurt?" You asked, nervous. He shook his head and pulled your hands back towards his rising member.

"No, feels good... Keep going, I'll show you how." He said, taking your hands and putting them back on his dick.

"It's warm..." You commented, as you began to move your hands up and down out of instinct.

"Shit... That feels good, you can squeeze a little tighter. But, please be careful." He commented, keeping his eyes on you.

"When do I put it in my mouth?" You asked, looking dead into his eyes. A groan escaped his lips. It was hard enough to be informational when you were stroking him, but when you talked innocent like that, it fucked him up badly.

"Whenever you want to, but no teeth. Please baby." He pleaded, looking a little nervous as well. You nodded and opened your mouth and took him in slowly, making sure your teeth didn't come into contact with his cock.

It tasted a little weird, but it wasn't a bad flavor either. You continued to take more and more of him in until he hit the back of your throat and you gagged a little bit. Yoongi pet your hair gently.

"Don't feel like you have to take it all, you feel really fucking good regardless." He said, panting slightly. Courage built up in you as you relaxed your throat and felt him go further down. Yoongi's hands tangled into your hair and you moaned slightly at the soreness starting in your jaw. But you didn't want to stop until he came, so you continued until your nose touched his stomach. You moved your mouth off of him slowly, trying to get a feel for what you were doing. Yoongi's hands encouraged you back down but you tapped his thighs, trying to tell him you wanted to stop for a moment. He immediately understood and let you go, biting his lip and starting to sweat a little bit.

"Sorry, my throat was starting to hurt." You said, rubbing your neck. Yoongi nodded and took your lips in a quick kiss.

"It's alright, I get it... But, are you going to stop?" He asked, looking at you sheepishly.

"No..." You blushed taking him in your mouth again.

"Move your head up and down, use your hands for what your-fuck... What your mouth isn't covering..." He said, trying to be informative while enduring an onslaught of pleasure.

You nodded your head and began moving up and down his shaft while putting your hands at the base to do the extra work.

"Shit... Oh fuck you feel so good. So hot... You look so good with my cock in your mouth baby..." Holy shit that was hot. Him talking dirty like that was doing things to you you weren't even sure could happen. You decided to experiment a little bit and hum slightly while you continued your assault. Yoongi gripped the couch tightly and bucked his hips up, surprising you and causing you to choke slightly. He looked at you with concern but you shook your head gently and continued. Yoongi watch with pure adoration as you continued to move your lips up and down trying to please him.

You tested the waters again, humming quietly to see if you could get the same reaction as you did last time. Yoongi jolted but didn't arch his back as much as you had hoped. Disappointment flooded your veins as you tried to think of more ways to please him.

"Baby, try using your tongue a little." He coaxed, getting closer and closer by the minutes. Again, you did as he asked and moved your tongue over the tip and down the shaft, creating a delicious sensation for your lover.

"Am I doing it right, Yoongi?" You asked, looking into his eyes for approval.

"Shit, yes, baby. You're doing great. So good..." He moaned, slowly falling apart beneath you. If this is what he looked like while aroused and needy, then you would blow him every single day if you could. Although, your jaw was starting to protest.

"Are you close?" You asked him, moving a little faster.

"Mmm... Yes, where do you want it?" He asked.

"I'll swallow it." You said bravely, taking him in your mouth a final time and sucking hard on his throbbing member.

"Holy fuck!" He shouted, throwing his head back and gripping your hair almost to the point of pain, but nothing was going to stop you from getting him off. You wanted his cum dripping down your throat. You wanted to see what he looked like completely vulnerable after an orgasm.

"Cum for me, Yoongi-oppa." You said before opening your mouth for him to empty his load. Yoongi shouted and tensed up, shooting his hot seed into your hungry mouth. He watched in awe as you swallowed it all, letting a little dribble out of the sides of your mouth.

"Fuck that was hot... You made me feel so good..." Yoongi praised as he leaned forward to rest his head on yours.

"I love how you taste, Yoongi." You said in a seductive tone. His eyebrows raised before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.

"I'd love to figure out what you taste like."

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