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After all the shite that’s happened today, perhaps I need make my stance on t-shit clear. I do not ship it. I will never ship it and I will never support the idea of shipping it. If you do ship it, please reconsider the way you view these sorts of relationships. Seriously, I am genuinely beseeching you to stop. And if you actually draw p*rn of my boys I ain’t fucking around with you anymore. I am telling you with the single ounce of power that I have on here that what you are doing is wrong. It’s more than just fiction. Real people are seeing it. You are a real person who drew it. And you’re going out there interacting with the world with your brain hardwired into liking this shit. You think that’s not going to have any effect on you at all? It doesn’t matter how confident you are that it won’t. No-one is above their own psychology. Now I’m not writing this with any intention to be rude. In fact I’m writing this with the naive assumption that the people who are doing this don’t know how bad it is. If you do know how bad it is and you still do it, I don't even have the words for you. Except that it’s not too late to stop. And you really really should stop.