Suguru As A Chef - Tumblr Posts

Chef!Geto HCs.
Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
Word count: 1.1 K
A/N: Chef!Geto my beloved [[dreamy sigh]] SFW, only the last one is a lil suggestive hehe. enjoy. pls reblog if you enjoyed <3 comments are appreciated uwu

Chef! Geto who studied culinary arts in Japan and France, is both master so cuisine and confectionery. He’s been in the professional culinary industry for a decade and he’s still young [29] compared to other well renowned chefs.
He only recently ventured into confectionary in the last 2 years and is still shy about his creations, to which only you have the pleasure of trying.
He owns a restaurant in Tokyo and manages the place, even cooks himself on some nights. Sometimes he’s in the kitchen 7 days a week and it’s just your luck if you get to taste a dish made by Geto himself.
And you know if you’re lucky because Geto always delivers his dishes personally to the table.
Everyone in the room pauses, swooning whenever he enters because he carries an air of grace and finesse around him.
His restaurant is always booked, there’s usually a 2-3 month waiting period because who wouldn’t want the chance to have The Geto Suguru prepare your meal personally.
Even so, his restaurant is always be busy because his food is to die for and he hires the best of the best to recreate his dishes.
Every single thing on the menu was created by Geto himself, so you know you’re in for a treat.
He’s also health conscious and always puts care into making his dishes.
His restaurant is always busy because the people love the food and him. His looks paired up with his talent honestly makes him irresistible.
He’s like celebrity chef.
Has his own Instagram account with 5 million followers and growing, though his account is managed by someone because Geto isn’t really into the whole social media hype.
Given his growing popularity, Geto is recognised worldwide. He has fans all over the world, who travel to Tokyo just to try his food.
He’s been thinking of opening another branch in Paris but he doesn’t want to live far away from home and you.
Also being the perfectionist he is, he can’t see himself dedicating equal amounts of time to both restaurants since he knows the demands of opening and managing a new place. Even though he has managers to make sure everything is smooth sailing he also likes to oversee everything personally.
He has been considering opening a small confectionary, and if you have a sweet tooth like his white-haired friend that may or may not have been his reason behind the idea.
You know they say a person looks attractive doing what they love? That’s absolutely true with Geto.
When he’s cooking for you at home, you have the pleasure of watching him work his magic up close but also take in the view that is him.
Cooking at the restaurant and at home is different. At home when he’s in the kitchen it becomes his domain and you happily give him his space to do his thing. But he loved having you sit at the table or on the counter while he cooks so he can have you be his taste tester. But mostly it’s because he enjoys your presence.
He always has smallest smile on his face or in his eyes, humming softly as he cooks.
His hair is pulled back into a bun with a few strands falling out, framing his face. [[dreamy sigh]]
Has the biggest apron collection you have ever seen and wears a new one everyday.
You know how some people collect magnets or key rings from every place they visit?
Well.... Geto collects aprons. And if the place you’re visiting doesn’t have any he’ll pout and write it as a recommendation and drop it on their suggestion box 😭
He has a questionable taste in aprons, for some reason he just loves the aprons with horrible designs or words printed, no matter now cringe they are. He says aprons should be fun, but still looks best in a classic black apron.
Yes he has an apron that says kiss the chef in big bold letters and always asks for kisses whenever he wears it- as if he needs to ask twice asdfghjkl
His favorite apron his a baby pink one that’s says “Hot stuff” which you bought for him as a joke. But it was one of your first gifts to him and he treasures it till this day.
In addition to wearing an apron, he ways has a white hand cloth thrown over his shoulder and idk what it is [[Its him, it’s Geto]] about this whole but he looks so hot.
Whenever he’s done preparing your meals he always sets his hair loose and ugh, does he look good doing it.
L’Oréal hair models are shaking in their boots.
And yes he does some parttime modelling. It’s always photoshoots for magazine articles related to his career.
As I said eariler, Geto is still shy about his confectionary skills [[even though he's mastered it to a tea, Humble King]] so whenever he presents you with dessert, a nervous laugh escapes his lips as he rubs the back of his neck ‘I hope you like it’.
He early waits for your response, watching you intently, taking in every reaction as you chew and swallow, and ngl, his stare can be a little intimidating sometimes without him intending so.
A simple “it’s good” has him breathing a sigh of relief and shooting you the cutest eye smile ever.
Whenever he’s experimenting with new dishes for the restaurant he always asks for you opinion first!
You’re his personal taste tester hehe.
As long as you like whatever he makes, it’s a success in his eyes <3
Yes he loves to cook, especially for you <3 it’s his love language 😭
Whenever you’re working till late or busy with an assignment or studying Geto will prepare for you midnight snacks that are both yummy and energy boosting.
Special dine-in date nights include Geto cooking, but he always has a theme for dinner. Some of his favourites include; Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, and Thai cuisine.
When you first started dating he said that his other always told him the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach and he laughs at himself, because he knows it’s so cliche but you don’t tell him that he can get away with it.
Always makes your favorite dishes, especially on days when you come home feeling like the world is caving in on you, Geto is there ready with a plate of your favorite food to soothe your soul. And being cuddled up in his arms helps too uwu
Loves surprising you with breakfast in bed on random days [[he’s an easily riser]]
For every birthday he bakes you a cute little cake 🥺💕 always writes a cute little message on top using icing.
Honestly being with Geto is a dream, especially if you’re not someone who enjoys cooking or is just lazy you’ve won the lottery asdfghjkl.
Given his experience as a chef, Geto has had the pleasure of tasting the best of the best, but his favorite meal will always be you <3