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The Mouse and the Bucket
(I just remembered this but I didn't write it!)
(This a scenario I made of @ayyy-imma-ninja's SK AU)
Me: *chilling and reading a book* *Weird noise is heard nearby* Me: *goes to check it out*
*Is a damn mouse* Mouse: *squeak*
Me af: *internally screaming*
*Looks back to make sure SK Sun ain't around and gets a bucket out of somewhere and stares at the mouse. Mouse starts running and I chase after it despite being scared off my ass. Spends 5 good minutes chasing it and finally catches the lil shit.*
Me: Gotcha! *looks inside bucket and gags* G-Gross...
*Sneaks up near the door where SK Sun be near and try to sneak away to get rid of the mouse but I trip and fall and the bucket flies out of my hands and out the door. SK Sun turns to me and i just wave, stand up and dust myself off before going back to my original seat. I sit down and stay there for 3 seconds before passing out.*
Me: God I hate rodents... At least Mr. Sun don't gotta deal with it... (I may be scared of mice and rodents but god I hate seeing people scared! I'd make sure to get rid of that thing immediately! Yes, even mice!)
(Also, did I make this scenario based on that one scene of the trash can and stuff from the Oops episode of Helluva Boss? Yes, yes I did)