Sungchan - Tumblr Posts
hello I hope you are having a great day ☺️, i really like your readings hehe, please do Anton as your boyfriend reading soon, I am looking forward on your other readings of the other groups as well.
rest well and take care 💕💕
you are sooo sweet omg but here we go !!
Anton as your boyfriend based on Astrology

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of suggestive innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Aries Sun: Many people are "surprised" that Anton is an aries since the stereotype is that they're hyper and aggressive but aries men can be pretty shy + to themselves initially and don't expose their extroverted behavior till they're comfortable. Aries is cardinal, they enjoy starting things and once they master it will move on to the next task (Anton went from swimming to instruments, to producing, to being an idol what bigger example do you need 😭) before the relationship actually starts he'd try to approach but wouldn't just straight up flirt he'd want to begin a friendship or some form of banter/rapport with you. Since there's no water supporting his sun in his big six it shows he wouldn't be a super sappy "my heart bleeds for you" type of boyfriend but would still be passionate and serious when it comes to you as his partner. If you had a rocky past he'd try to have you focus on the "now" of everything and help you not loath. Has his random moments of boldness but they go as fast as they came LMAOO so savor them when you can.
Aries Moon: Many people view Anton as very timid and though he is on a surface level he is most definitely capable of boldness and quickly acting on his wants, yes he is a contained individual but when he wants something he'll shamelessly go after it. So yes ! he is 100% capable of initiating things whether its physical affection or if he wants to see you. If he wants you he wants you, plus, in a video he claimed that if it was just him and the person of his affection one on one he'd express himself more freely. Which makes me think if it were you two one on one he'd be super real about his feelings and his guard wouldn't be as far up.
Aries Mercury: Yes. the headcanons that anton would spam your phone with tiktoks and memes are true. He wouldn't be afraid of hitting you up frequently and seeming "needy" like he loves you duh ofc he's gonna text you literally at any given opportunity. Would probably have your post notifs on and would be the FIRSTTT person to like your post and story. He'd be very honest and straightforward when communicating so you wouldn't have to worry about reading in between the lines or having to guess about what's going on between you two.
Taurus Venus: He could have short lived phases of being possessive and literally viewing you as "his person". He wouldn't want the relationship to continuously rush into new bases he'd want it to have a natural flow and wouldn't rush you into anything but would still want to know where you stood on certain things and be in the know (his aries stellium influence, he welcomes change and newness but, as said before, wants it to come naturally and at a certain pace). He'd be sure to be someone you could rely and depend on and would be as patient as possible with you. Would express his love through physical touch such as cuddling, resting his head on your shoulder, napping together and through spoiling you like paying for your meal, sending/bringing food and random valuable gifts at whatever time. HE JUST WANTS TO TREAT YOU RIGHHTT. Also would be very sentimental like he'd have photos, songs, posts and things saved or kept from when you two first met or started dating. He'd make the relationship so domestic oml. Ngl due to taurus venuses need for natural build up and the childish friendly nature of his aries placements he's probably a sucker for the friends to lover trope me thinks 😭
Gemini Mars: Oh he'd just love having one on one talks with you about anything interesting under the sun none of the convos would be surface level or shallow. He'd also flirt SM THROUGH TEXT every gemini mars dude I've known gets so flirty otp. Plus you wouldn't have to worry about the relationship having an air of monotony either. People claim that gemini mars people can be hot and cold but I don't think that's the case I think they're just aware that sometimes for a healthy relationship space is properly needed, so he'd let you have time to yourself/himself but with his taurus venus during these periods you wouldn't feel alone or abandoned because he'd still be there for you. Similar to Wonbin he could find your voice very attractive or a turn on. Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders so he may kiss you there or like to have some physical contact with them. Gemini also rules the lungs and nervous system so he might try to 'take your breath away'...take that as you will LOL.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Neptune Sextile: He is hyperaware of the feelings and emotions of those around him no matter how subtle they seem and also uses music as a vice so he'd use it to connect with you.
Venus trine Jupiter: He's naturally a giver and wouldn't be overly forceful, He honestly would nurture the relationship as much as he possibly could.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Venus/Square Neptune: Is willing to go LENGTHS for a partner/people he loves but may take things a bit too far or do "too much" and once you try to explain that though you appreciate his efforts it's a bit much he may take it the wrong way and feel unappreciated or used.
ACKK, do more members as bfs with astrology for riize pls !!!
glad I got this asks bc I can now gloat about my man 😛
sungchan as your boyfriend based on astrology !

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of sexual innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
I am so in love with his chart.
Virgo Sun: A common trait I see in Virgo suns/risings is that they truly want to be the best optimal versions of themself. They are always finding ways to improve themselves or look/be their best whether its physically or mentally. (This may explain why many virgo sun/rising male idols are into working out, health or self help books. Sungchans interested in all 3 btw😭) But these traits would probably amp up when he's with you, he wouldn't want to slack when it came to his looks or personhood when with you especially since he has so many placements hinting at wanting to seem his best for you. Would want nothing more but to feel appreciated and valued and would give the same to you. He'd help you with relatively anything even if he didn't know much about the task or topic. He'd also ask you a lot of questions (not as much as a virgo mercury would but..) he'd be very interested in quite literally anything you had going on and would try to relate and insert himself in the things you speak about due to his venus.
Cancer Moon: Cancer is at home when it's in the moon so most people with this placement can be very emotional. He'd have to become close to you before fully pursuing anything. He would care about your opinions and validate your feelings. He'd showcase his domestic chore abilities so you'd view him as reliable. Downside is cancer moons have a hard time letting go of hurts so if you accidentally made him feel a type of way he may have a hard time fully letting go. Pretty sensitive to criticism. Would like comfort activities, a bath, a night swim at the beach, watching nostalgic movies, comfort food. I feel like he tries to be all macho and masc when really his emotional subconscious says otherwise 😭
Libra Mercury: Sungchan is his name and flirting is his game. He quite LITERALLY would know what to say to make you giggle and kick your feet. Would probably send goodmorning/night text (With his Leo Venus and Cancer Moon please send one back). Honestly his Virgo sun paired with this Libra mercury makes me feel like he'd gossip like crazyyyy with you. However his Sun and Mercury paired makes me feel like he'd overthink and be indecisive and have to confide in you about his thoughts. Would be good at calming you down and helping you level out your thoughts when you're upset or in a tense situation.
Leo Venus: With his Venus in Leo he'd most definitely brag about you. Even if the relationship had to be kept under wraps he'd soft launch or hint at your existence to others whether it's through wearing something -you- bought him publicly or if staff asked about his week he'd say "I spent time with a REALL GOOD friend of mine". With his virgo sun paired with his leo venus he'd absolutely need praise, it wouldn't just be a want it'd be a NEED for him to hear you compliment+praise him especially on his talents. Honestly the proudness from his venus, the provider energy from his mars..his chart overall points to him just wanting to please/spoil you whilst also getting praise, recognition and attention in return. He'd surprise you with gifts that aren't typical regular gifts they'd hold some heavy value to them (Like an expensive piece of jewelry or the last pair of a specific shoe you wanted that was on sale). The only downsides I see is that he may nag if he feels like you're not taking care of yourself or your business since his Venus makes him see you as an extension of himself and his Virgo sun and Capricorn mars relatively wanting structure and perfection for both you and him. All in all GIVE HIM ATTENTIONNNNNN.
Capricorn Mars: Whew tbh this placement is hot i'm sorry (It's the cap stellium in me.) BUT ANYWAY ! Before the relationship even began once he realized he liked you he had to make his way to you, even if it was a process he HAD to make his way to you. He'd observe you, see if you two seem compatible and once he sees a chance he'd surely make his way to the kill. I feel like this mars paired with his venus shows that he would NOT play about you. He'd quite literally want nobody else to even consider the thought that you could ever give them the attention or time you give him. Would want to be a "provider" in some sense even if you can take care of yourself. Capricorn rules the skeletal structure so he'd compliment and be super into your body's silhouette/shape, it also rules the teeth + skin (bitemarks, harsh hickies), and the knees + joints...let me not continue.
Other Aspects:
Moon/Sun Sextile: Very easygoing since his inner emotions and expression is balanced and in alignment with his ego and outer expression, however it may sometimes lead to him being a little too comfortable at times because confrontation is sometimes needed and he may avoid it (his cap mars may aid with that however)
Moon/Mercury Square: He may have a constant battle between being logical and letting his moods affect his choices and will look to you for help when his mind feels like it's constantly see-sawing, however he might pretend to be stoic before asking you for help :(
eunseok as a bf pls!! 🫶🏻
imma try to be as unbiased as I can since he's my literal bias 😭
euseok as your boyfriend based on astrology

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
warnings: small mention of sexual innuendo but nothing extremely graphic I'll only do NSFW asks if requested.
Pisces Sun: Briize have questioned how Eunseok and Wonbin are both pisces but are sooo different personality wise, this is why it's important to take other placements and aspects into account !! His other placements lead to his sun sign manifesting/presenting differently. He will be super intuitive about how you feel, will tell if you're uncomfortable, excited, scared without having to ask or you telling him. differently. Very willing to accomodate things for you, would be very willing to share and would even have a plan right away if you needed anything. Would want to help you feel better if you were upset IMMEDIATELY especially since his capricorn moon would want to search for solutions over letting you ruminate. Would compare experiences he's had with yours so you never feel isolated.
Capricorn Moon: The moon is uncomfy in capricorn leading to being very restrictive with their emotions, this causes people to stereotype Eunseok as "cold". However Eunseok having a capricorn moon whilst having a pisces sun and mercury (&his moon/saturn is well aspected rather than harshly) could make him have good emotional regulation. He would be more reserved and closed off with his feelings but wouldn't leave you completely in the dark, however he might have a hard time expressing himself but wouldn't lash out his suppressed emotions at you. He'd want to be your literally. His pisces placements makes him understand your emotional standpoint and cap moon will help aid you with logic. Extreme gentleman type, he'd even want to essentially protect you in a way. Eunseok would be quietly protective, very protective of your emotions/well being and would help you address your feelings. Would tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear and would have very good advice when you were in emotional dilemmas. Would be very grateful that you can understand him better than others.
Pisces Mercury: yk how nobody ever knows what he's gonna say next. This is why LMAO. His handwriting might be a bit messy or his text would be lowkey vague or he'd randomly tell you he's 5 mins from your house when the convo was a completely diff subject. Or instead of just texting back he'd call ? However he'd be sort of stuck on how to express himself (literally said if he accidentally liked his crush's post on insta he'd delete the account.) When pursuing you he'd be shy to let you know he likes you until he found a fun lighthearted moment to fully confess to you with. He'd surprisingly know what you mean when you aren't making sense at all like you could be spewing nonsense and he'd...get it ? Makes you laugh to the point you tear up a little bit. Would laugh/joke you out of your panties I fear. LOl
Aries Venus: I feel like this (+his mars) is the fuel for the "Eunseok fwb/player/sneaky link" fanfics tbh 😭😭. I've dated an aries venus so I have a personal understanding of the placement. He'd mess with you, A LOTTT omg if you had no haters Eunseok would be dead, but it all comes from him being unable to be sappy with you and only can express his complete fondness for you through teasing you. Wouldn't let people that weren't him mess with you however LOL He'd want to take the lead of the relationship. Would flirt at random 😭 which would leave you so flustered because whereee did that come from ??? the compliments and flirting would be DEEP. Might be into a little push and pull dynamic as long as you understood each others feelings. Would value his independence however and would want/let you indulge in your independence and own time as well. Now there's an observation that aries venus can fall out of love fast once they feel like the spark and energy is gone which can be true but his venus is in retrograde..based on other aspects in his chart it seems like the venus in retrograde neutralizes the flaky energy of his venus in aries making him less likely to just ditch you. Would want lots of passion and exponential energy in the relationship.
Sagittarius Mars: I have this placement HA. I doubt severe arguments would happen or he'd at least not be quick to anger/he wouldn't be mad for that long like aries mars. Would use physical action to exert built up energy (that time he was super excited and started dancing too hard). Super forward and blunt which once again make his flirting so jaw dropping. Is secure the majority of the time but will just have random moments of being jealous. Loves winning like yea you're his s/o but he still loves the taste of sweet victory. Sag rules the hips and thighs (wink wink) so he might be attracted to how your hips look or like when you wear clothes that accentuates yours. Might hold you by your hips or lower waist. May sit you on his lap or would lay his head across your lap. Keeps a hand on your upper leg.
Other Aspects:
Sun/Saturn Sextile: Very responsible and reasonable. When a serious situation unfolds it'll be easier to rely on him with support and trusting him with certain task won't be regrettable.
Mercury/Saturn Square: Even when being honest he might censor some of his feelings for your sake, like if he was upset he'd let you know he was upset but wouldn't go into that much detail.
Potential Toxicity: (reminder that any/everyone is capable of having toxic or negative traits, these could be POTENTIALLY true)
Aries Venus+Sag Mars: Isn't negative or toxic by itself ofc but if expressed negatively he might be super dismissive about his romantic past and carry past worries into the new relationship without fully acknowledging/processing it, can also be a bit too nonchalant to where he can be unintentionally harmful.
This is quite literally the best blog on tumblr!!! Could you pls elaborate on sungchan as a boyfriend but make it nsfw? 🫣 I’m down bad for this man
aww thank you 🤭 and yes I can

MDNI | (reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Considering his Cap Mars, he could be slow and pretty rough but ofc he's mainly aiming to please. His Leo Venus paired with it he wants to put on a show for you, show you how well he can please you but wouldn't want to rush. He could also be into edging which can also prolong time
his mercury sextile pluto aspect and his mercury in libra...he'd know exactly what praise/degradation to say to have you make a mess and fall apart, has power over you with his words
Virgo sun prefers to not deal with messes, cancer moon is into breeding.....yea....yea if you're on the pill he's finishing inside LMFAOOO
He could be pretty vocal, not being too shy for you to hear his groans and whines especially when you tell him how good he's doing or when you tighten around him
Would be super into the silhouette of your body or overall shape of your figure, would probably run his hands up and down your body or straight up paw at you
Leo Venus duh he'd want to watch you guys fuck with a mirror like LETS BE HONEST. He'd need to be praised as well or at least let him hear how good he's fucking you so he can melt and go crazy
He'd last a WHILE or it wouldn't take long for him to recover and get right back to business, works for what he wants and if he wants to make a mess of your cunt then.. HE WILL !
Would most likely be into touching+pulling your hair a bit or would enjoy getting his pulled (especially when eating you out)
most def loves tiddies he wouldn't be able to leave them alone he'd get his hands on them somehow someway with this cancer moon
Fucks the stress away for either one of you, his brain is typically constantly see-sawing from his Virgo sun and he works hard (exalted cap mars), so de-stressing between your legs is the way to go :D
Takes aftercare vv seriously, cleans you and him up and wouldn't want it to be a one way streak so please run your hands through his hair and tell him how much you love him in the end please
Probably has a preference to be in control or lead however sub sungchan is fully possible like that virgo sun + cancer moon is not gonna nurture itself so ride him and tell how good he is after a hard day !! _________________________________________________________
Authors Note: For everyone that has placed a request in my inbox I'm trying my best to get to everyone's ask in I didn't expect people to genuinely request my work 😭 However if you have an ask feel free to send one in anyway
Heyyy! I was wondering if I could request a post on anton’s ideal types / future s/o based on astrology?? I love your attention to detail in your works and just honestly your blog overall!! xx
ANTON'S IDEAL TYPE based on astrology

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Physical Appearance:
Surprisingly I don't think he has that much of a specific type regarding things like skin tone, hair type, etc there's more indicators for aesthetics rather than overall physical being. Anton's Venus is in Taurus + he has an Aries Stellium. He'd be attracted to someone who is confident and comfortable in their own skin; confident enough to try/wear stunning bold makeup looks whilst also comfortable enough being able to go out with their bareface. He could like soft or "no makeup" makeup looks as well. Someone who presents as neat, has good style and wears nice accessories that aren't too flashy but noticeable. Healthy hair with a bounce to it. Someone who'd take HIIGGHH effort into taking care of themselves (skincare,haircare,shower routine). Could be into someone who's curvier or an hourglass figure (Idk why but I keep thinking about Volleyball girls. 😭) His mars is in Gemini which rules the hands so he'd maybe like someone with pretty hands or wears rings + gets their nails done.
His Mercury is in Aries and he has the aspect Moon conjunct Mercury so he'd like someone who is very understanding and understands nuance enough so they don't take what he says wrong. (ngl I feel like his moon/mercury aspect gives him his soft soothing voice). Someone who speaks whats on their mind when communicating. Can just ooze healthy confidence and being self assured. A person who has a random/childish sense of humor just like him. Someone who allows him to be independant and can be independant. As said before his Mars is in Gemini which I like to call the sapiosexual placement, he'd want someone who loves to learn new info and has many interest and is able to have intelligent beyond surface level conversations with. Someone who has genuine opinions and can make up their own mind. Enjoys a person that can pursue what they desire and not become too deflated or hesitant about what they want; he just loves a sense of ambition. Essentially has their life together or at least has plans and goals they want to achieve. Can be on the talkative side he wants his own YAPPER.
Someone who understands boundaries and doesn't try to push people with things they can't handle. Someone who practices gratitude and knows that being considerate goes a long way. Can stand up for the people they care about. Can be spontaneous and have fun but knows there are times where being serious and receptive is important.
Could find someone who wears various high quality perfumes or scent sets attractive.
Finds flowy dresses and skirts cute perhaps, sundresses or clothes made of satin come to mind.
Someone who knows to be assertive/extroverted but still capable of being gentle and subtle could catch his eye
Omgg hiii i love reading your blogs💗 could you please write wonbin as your bf in nsfw like you did with sungchan please?🙇🏻♀️
WONBINS NSFW TENDENCIES based on astrology

MDNI | (reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Hickies. Yes. Hickies everywhere.
More specifically on your neck/throat
And don't be shy put plenty of marks on his neck or his shoulders too. He'd hide them to avoid being interrogated during practice but would grin to himself knowing you left marks along his collarbone
He wouldn't mind desperately holding onto your neck either, perhaps you could even hold onto his while you're both on the brink of cumming
venus conjunct lilith plus his venus square pluto means he may enjoy power struggles/ being at his mercy and him shamelessly being at yours (balance frm his libra moon)
venus/lilith and venus/pluto paired with his taurus mars may lead to jealousy+possessiveness meaning jealousy sex. Him rutting into you for hours groaning into your neck begging you to never leave him.
His aquarius mercury,,,sexting...yea sexting. He'd be lowkey however, sending pics of his sweats hanging on a bit loosely to his hips and his hands placed oh so close to his clothed cock
and if not sexting he'd probably record/take pics of intimate moments just for him to look back on whenever he misses you (and your tits, and ass... and-)
Could like morning sex, passively laying back while you lazily ride him until you clench around him and he shoots his load deep inside whining to each other
Kisses, kisses, whole time KISSES. Kisses along your neck and shoulder when he feels that you're close, kisses between your legs before he devours you
Would bury his head in your neck or across your chest just to smell your intoxicating scent, the scent of your perfume and the smell of sex in the air making him rut into you harder
People write Wonbin as a fast harsh brute but his Taurus mars begs to differ to a degree..he'd want it to be sensual and build up until the orgasms crashes into you both, he'd want to savor the moment.
Who do you think would be the mtl jealous bf in riize?
OMGG ive been waiting for an ask like this 😭
MTL JEALOUS BF IN RIIZE based on astrology ~

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew them myself !!)
Sungchan - Tbsh his jealousy would be pretty overboard and extremely obvious like a blaring red signal. He would NOT play about you. His cancer moon makes him pretty sensitive and obvious with his emotions so if he felt jealous he'd get in his feelings or even sulk/ruminate as well as he'd take it pretty personal and have a hard time letting go. His leo venus makes him pretty dramatic 😭. This venus paired with his moon might make him cause a scene or "act out" . His venus+moon leads to him wanting your care and attention on him and him alone. His cap mars screams possessiveness and being restrictive, he'd get so possessive do not let him see you laugh at another guys jokes or be helpful to another guy he'd be FUMING .
Wonbin - I honestly wasn't going to rank Wonbin this high but then I remembered his taurus mars paired with venus square pluto and pluto conjunct lilith we are LMFAOO. From my own personal observations taurus mars is way more possessive in comparison to taurus venus; those pluto/venus/lilith aspects paired with his mars can make his jealousy take a snowball effect leading to an emotional avalanche. Plus a power imbalance fueling the jealousy even more and leading to him being restrictive. However, I ranked him below Sungchan because Sungchan would be VERY petty and loud about his jealousy while Wonbin would most likely silently seethe (due to his pisces sun, aquarius mercury) until he ultimately can't handle holding back, but until then his jealousy would still be DEEP.
Shotaro - His scorpio moon+capricorn venus makes him take the relationship pretty seriously. He craves stability and honesty and once he feels like his jealousy is compromising the security and trust in the relationship he must act ! He won't be too quick to jump into conclusions because of his libra mars, he'd probably think things through before asking/acting on his jealousy..and he might front and pretend he's only a tiny bit jealous/concerned when really it's weighing heavy on his heart in the beginning. When he is jealous he'd be more quiet and less jovial than he usually is. He'd be pretty straight up and might even just ask/tell you about how he's feeling. When things are clarified things will be cool again and he'll go back to being your sweet taro and hopefully stop staring daggers into the random guy talking to you while smiling.
Anton - Very unserious, would text "what position he got you in" and move on with his day. KIDDDING kind of 😭 He'd have short phases of possessiveness due to his taurus venus. His moon square saturn and venus square neptune can lead to slight paranoia and being unable to naturally express his insecurities which could be the source of the jealousy. Despite these things he wouldn't express his jealousy in toxic or overboard ways, he'd probably express his jealousy through jokes or non seriousness hoping you would pick up on it (you probably would with that mercury aries, straight to the point) If he ever did tell you straight up he wouldn't be too harsh he'd just want to be honest and being reassured will patch everything right up.
Sohee - I ranked Sohee this low because honestly when reading his chart I feel like his jealousy would, similarly to Anton's, be quick to come and go. He'd be quick to say something or show that he's uncomfortable. He wouldn't sit you down to have a serious convo about it, but it would have to just passively come out in conversation . As soon as he felt reassured then he'd be fine once again. Now if it was an ongoing issue of scenarios that led to him being jealous then he'd have a more serious even messy approach (his mars square pluto) his temper would awaken. But outside of that he trusts you, even if he doesn't trust and is suspicious of the guys around you he trusts YOUUU at the very end.
Seunghan - Oh the lovely boyfriend that just wants to keep the peace. He wouldn't want you to hound him out of jealousy so he ofc wouldn't do that to you either. If he was jealous he'd be more emotional rather than being petty+aggressive. His mercury is exalted in virgo so he'd definitely want to talk about it or at least let you know how he feels. Outside of that I think he'd want to avoid such a thing in the first place. He'd trust you as best as he can and wouldn't want there to be an imbalance in the relationship to where one of you are restricting the other due to deep seated jealousy (thanks to his libra sun+venus and sag moon). He quite literally just wants you two to be happy and knows that genuine jealousy can poison such a good thing.
Eunseok - I'm sorry fellow briize but this man is quite literally the least of your concern. His aries venus wouldn't want to make things too serious and ominous with jealousy (plus because he values his freedom so in his mind you must value yours too right ?) His sag mars paired with it means he doesn't want to dwell with thoughts of you possibly giving your attention to other guys. He basically has a nonchalant "she knows where home is" mentality lowkey. Plus if he ever did feel jealous he'd probably not say anything because his cap moon+pisces mercury would barely let him properly express it (with words at least). Also weirdly enough he'd be more jealous if you weren't in a relationship compared to if you guys were; once you two are officially together he wouldn't be as jealous anymore .
Best kisser in riize? 😚
KISSING RIIZE ~ ♥ based on astrology observations

Now tbh if I had their birthtimes I'd try to find out their kiss asteroid and have a better answer for this BUT wht I CAN tell you is how I think each member kiss.
Very attentive. Pays attention to your responses to certain actions. He knows exactly what you like and what you don't like. Knows how you melt when he lightly holds onto your jaw and smiles into the kiss. Knows you like it most when you two kiss with nobody around so he can kiss you into dizziness. Knows you get a bit irritated when he looks into your hazed eyes and giggles at you afterwards. He just knows it all. An overachiever even.
Forward. Corners you but not in a way that scares or alarms you. Let's you lean on him when you get lost in it. Messes with you by dodging your kiss making you want more. Holds onto your hips, to tease you even more he'd run his hands down the back of your legs. Wants more and more and more. Lips practically feeling bruised by the time he's done.
Consumes you in the kiss. Has to hold you, whether its holding your face in his hands, holding your waist, or even holding your shoulders. You can practically feel literal heat leaving his body while he kisses you. Adores when traces of your lipgloss or liptint across his lips and the scent of his usual cologne lingering on you just to show off that you're his.
Messy but in a lovely way. Holds you as close as possible feeling along your back tracing your spine. Kisses you the most when cuddling on the couch and bed as if it's a routine. Gets a rush when you consume his senses..the fabric of your sweater and softening balm on your lips. Feels as if you two are sinking but floating at the same time. Kisses down your neck hoping that later you'll do the same to him.
Highly Affectionate. A playlist in the background while his tv screen is paused on his video game, the lights pretty dimmed out. Kisses your forehead, cheeks, and jaw before reaching your lips. Compliments you between the kisses whispering about how pretty and cute you are. Pauses every now and again to get a good look at you. Reaches for you after the kiss is over.
Simple but sweet. Somewhat spontaneous, wouldn't want to indulge in pda but sneaks kisses between moments and shrugs when you asked where the random flush of affection came from. Light but soon deep kisses that leave your lips warm and goofy grins with fond loving stares. Jokes in between the kisses and makes fun of you as if his literal ears aren't red.
Romantic sequence. It starts with a conversation about random things. Then it became you two chatting leaning on each other, soon he presses small kisses to your hand, and then your shoulder. Now you're kissing & while you two take breaks to breathe the convo you two were having continues. Loves the scent of your perfume. Has to do something with his hands..playing with your hair or necklace, holding your hand.
Authors Note: Im currently working on Sohee, Shotaro and Seunghan as your bf based on astrology and Wonbin's ideal type so if it seems like its taking a while for me to get to your requests I SWEAR im not ignoring it LMAO
wonbin's ideal type based on astrology pls
WONBINS IDEAL TYPE based on astrology

(I just wanted to remind you that this is for fun and astrology is something I study as a hobby, these are all inferences based on observations and not facts unless I knew him myself !!)
Physical Appearances: Honestly the crazy thing is that both I and other readers whether it was astrology, tarot, or intuitive reading have gathered that Wonbin's type isn't hyper-specific look-wise or is vv simple. He likes glass skin, a clean look, a slender silhouette, dark hair, and someone with a unique and darker or even emo style or choice of aesthetic. So almost like...a gender-bent him lowkey LMFAO. Outside of that there isn't much for physicality due to the fact Pisces Venus tend to like the idealistic and abstract attributes to a person rather than exact physical attributes. He might also like people that express themselves in a way thats "cool" or "different"
Personality: He loves people that create their own things and can tap into their artistic abilities. Could be into people who make their own music/choreos/paintings. Someone who's chill and mature but still has an extroverted fun side to them. He wants someone he practically has telepathy to know and understand how he feels with just a look; and know exactly what to do to. His chart hints at him possibly having the issue of people being with him off of his looks and aesthetic alone and not his actual personhood and him just going along with it. He just wants someone to give a fuck about him in a genuine way and not superficially/just off his looks. Someone with a very comforting and loving aura that will be able to take care of him ultimately. A person who knows when to smother him in affection but not make him feel like he's drowning with the clinginess. Physical touch as a way to express emotions when words are too overwhelming would be ideal as well. Someone very easy going and doesn't hold grudges and can work through things. However he likes just a sprinkle of toxicity just a weeeee small bit.
Mentality/Values: Someone who has being empathetic and nurturing within their moral compass, Lets him take the lead in a traditional sense but is able to be independent if needed, someone who doesn't just sit there when problems arise and takes initiative to help, has all or nothing thinking in -genuine- relationships just like him.
Extras: Idk how to best word this but someone who isn't afraid to "be cute" 😭, despite wanting someone with a more unique type of style he might want someone that can still "match his fly", also likes people that aren't fake nice like please don't infantilize him or he'll lose it
Authors Note: Remember a person's type is changeable and astrology is a blueprint not the final product ALSO Sohee as your boyfriend will be posted TMR !!
hii can u do sohee as bf?
SOHEE AS YOUR BF based on astrology ~

reminder: this is for fun and astrology is smth I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!
Scorpio Sun: The stereotype that scorpios suns are secretive is so played out they're just technically shy imo im sorry LMFAOOO. Once a scorpio fully trusts you or has something they genuinely want to tell you they just keep GOING. And the same probably applies to him especially since his Mercury is in Sag. In the beginning he might seem hard to crack or not one to spare many details but once he's sure of you and you two are officially together and solidified oh he's a plain open book. Ofc he's not gonna pour every aspect of his heart out but being secretive really won't be an issue. He has an aspect of sun and uranus so he won't really act in ways that aren't true to him, his freedom, or expression so he'd practice authenticity even within the relationship so you better be in it for the real him !!
Libra Moon: Similar to Wonbin he'd be pretty considerate and would weigh pros and cons before doing anything to ensure fairness. His chart makes up of placements centered around truth, fairness and morals so ngl being equal+in balance is something he'd want for the relationship. Sometimes there's a tendency for Libra moons to end up complacent or non argumentative to keep the peace but I think it wouldn't be as severe considering his sag placements. Rather than being complacent he'd be pretty passive, he'd be willing to engage in trivial debates and significant convos but wouldn't break his neck to prove his point or show that he's right unless it was absolutely necessary. His moon is sextile his venus so emotional balance is crucial so he'd avoid constant disturbances in the relationship so you two remain in harmony; downside he might become TOO passive and too invested in harmony to where needed conflicts are dismissed or he doesn't express himself fully.
Sagittarius Mercury: So...blunt LMFAOO. Honestly Sohee probably says crazy stuff or is more sassy behind closed doors he has sm mercury aspects even some with pluto and mars. He might be conflicted sometimes, has moments of being super blunt and even saying stuff without thinking and then his libra moon brings him back into peaceful mode and he's like "uuuhm my bad". Probably likes fake arguing or small debates. Makes fun of you most definitely but compared to Eunseok it'd be easy for him to apologize if he realized it was too far or hurt you. Instead of yelling he might talk pretty fast and "word vomit" whenever he's dealing with big emotions or anger (especially with his mercury square mars) and due to this he might go quiet during arguments (if they ever even happen) because he knows when dealing with his outbursts he could say the wrong thing or be hurtful when not meaning to. Likes to be playful and even a bit nonserious and childish in convos and tries to make things lighthearted.
Sagittarius Venus: Sigh omg a bestfriend and boyfriend in one quite LITERALLY. Sag Venus has a hard time settling down because they value their freedom and life path so much and they don't really get into -serious- relationships unless they're genuinely enamored with you and can see you fitting into their expanding life. So once he's with you and realizes he's actually in love with you and it's beyond just flirting and pining he's essentially all in. Freedom will be evident in the relationship and there may not be a super specific power dynamic laid out outside of the cheesy "look at how my gf takes care of me.”. He wouldn't abandon his career for the relationship but wouldn't completely abandon the relationship as a whole either but just know there'd be an attempt to split both. He'd be loving and wouldn't be too restricting, flirts via jokes quite literally he would end up being the funniest man you know especially with that sag mercury on top. He values optimism and change and would implement that into the relationship as well.
Pisces Mars: His Sag Venus paired with his mars could show that he'd be ok with someone being the initiator or taking the lead but would still be ok with wanting your attention and doing things to get it (not in a toxic way ofc) . Like he'd want to impress you with unconventionally/casual romantic things or "best friend dates" that soon lead to more. Aw man he's probably a friends to lovers trope type of man like anton :((. Tbh him having a Sag Venus + Pisces Mars such a chill relationship like I said earlier it'd be just like dating your friend.
Hiii, can you do riize love language giving-receiving please, thank you ❣️
RIIZE LOVE LANGUAGES ~ 🩵 based on astrology observations

*reminder that these are my opinion and are based off observation not fact unless I knew them personally myself !!
- Giving: Gift giving, Physical Touch
- Recieving: Gift receiving, Physical Touch
sho has a sag sun, scorpio moon and scorpio something he values a lot is closeness and intimacy hence the physical touch. the gift giving I placed because of his capricorn venus and they’re the same because of his libra mars (balance)
- Giving: Quality Time, Acts of Service
- Receiving: Quality time, Physical Touch
eunseoks chart is more action oriented rather than communicative (cap moon, aries venus, sag mars) so he best shows/receives affection through actions (quality time, acts of service, physical touch)
- Giving: Gift Giving, Acts of Service
- Receiving: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch
sungchan’s chart hints at him enjoying praise and being complimented (virgo sun, leo venus, libra mercury) and the physical touch aspect is shown by his cancer moon and capricorn mars..his virgo sun and cap mars aims him towards giving acts of service and leo venus loves to impress hinting at the gift giving.
- Giving: Wonbin is a bit of a special case 😭 because his Pisces venus hints that he loves a bit of everything but I’d say he’d love Physical Touch + Acts of Service the most
- Receiving: Physical Touch, Quality Time (acts of service honorable mention)
like I said he probably loves everything but his taurus mars makes me lean towards physical touch. his libra moon hints me towards quality time and his aqua mercury+ pisces venus hints acts of service
- Giving: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation
- Receiving: Words of Affirmation, Gift Receiving
his venus is in libra+mercury is in virgo..he loves flirting and communication aiming towards the words of affirmation. physical touch from his pisces mars and sag moon and gift receiving idk I believe the sugar baby seunghan agenda…😭
- Giving: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time
- Recieving: Physical Touch, Acts of Service
his venus and mercury is in sag leading to the words of affirmation + physical touch and his libra moon and pisces mars hints to the acts of service and quality time, my sohee as a bf post explains him more.
- Giving: Gift giving, Physical Touch
- Receiving: Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation
action oriented (aries stellium) + he has taurus venus which values the senses (touch) + his gemini mars (gemini literally rules the hands 😭) so that = physical touch. gemini mars loves mental stimulation + communication (words of affirmation)
Who in riize would prefer tits vs ass?
this may cause a divide in the briize fandom I fear
RIIZE TITS VS ASS ~ 💗 based on astrology observations

* reminder this post is for fun and based on my own observations and opinions and not exact fact unless I knew them myself !!
Ass- his mars is in libra bro which literally rules the ass 😭 and his moon is in scorpio which rules the hips/outer pelvis AND on top of that, venus in capricorn which rules the skeletal system including the pelvis
Ass- his mars is in sag which rules the thighs, the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae (lower back) and his chart hints at him liking nice legs, soo tall girls ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE 🤭 !!
Tits- I wanted him to be an ass man soo bad but ! his moon is in cancer which rules the breast/chest wall and his venus is in Leo which rules the heart..and how can he get to your heart without getting to your tits first 😗
Tits- tbh his pisces venus loves all of you, but his taurus mars (taurus rules the mouth/throat and the traditionally feminine) so he’d like his mouth on your boobs…😭
Ass- pisces mars loves all of you but his venus is in libra which once again rules the ass and his sag moon hints at him liking thighs (I secretly think he’s a tit man though and I can’t deny that guys please I’ll find a way for it to make sense)
Ass- his pisces mars ALSO likes all of you I swear but he most def has an affinity for your ass and thighs especially since his sag venus and maybe even his libra moon influences him towards your ass
Tits- his venus is in taurus which likes curves but leans towards tits since taurus venus likes “traditionally” feminine things and his Gemini mars rules his hands so he’d like to grab them ofcc (he’d probs like grabbing your ass too)
Hiii ^_−☆ how are u…hope ur doing great…I love the ideal type series…so can wait for sungchans one…hope he gets his turn soon 😭. Okay bye 🫂
im here to serve 🫡🤭
SUNGCHANS IDEAL TYPE~ based on astrology

Physically: To be as simple as possible. Leo Venus's want arm candy, he wants somebody that'll turn heads to be super honest. Someone who's visually confident. Bright and refreshing visuals that make them shine within the crowd. Wears clothes flattering to their silhouette and shape. He may like earth girls or someone who wears more lighter tones. He may be attracted to someone whose hair is on the fuller side or styles their hair in a multitude of ways or even has a lighter/brighter hair color. The cool person everyone can identify with just one glance alone. Someone who cares about their style and fashion sense and has great taste in regard to their aesthetic. Visually put together, straight out of a pinterest board.
Personality: Could like someone who has internal leading qualities just like him. Is able to communicate how they feel very well whilst also keeping composure and not crying over spilt milk. (He's pretty dramatic already he'd need someone more attached to reality LOL.) Someone who will be there when his mind is running at 1000 miles per hour and when he feels like melting into a puddle, while at the same time someone who allows him to comfort them in their times of need and let him provide what they need without letting pride get in the way. Someone who has high emotional intelligence and he can depend on when he needs the comfort or to feel secure. A person with mature qualities so being educated/wise, polite, has a good public image. A person who’s open to spontaneity and not taking things too seriously.
Mentality/Values: Values their image and how they’re perceived similarly to how he does. Understands that confidence is key. Takes responsibility and holds themselves accountable. Understands kindness/neutrality goes a long way. A hard worker.
Extras: Lowkey I feel like he’s into the “good girl” image; the fun, smart, pretty person people see on campus that everyone likes that can teach him a thing or two. Would like someone with a more specific or individual taste in music, shows and hobbies. A person who can cook really well bc of his cancer moon.
shotaro as bf and ideal type pretty please, thankyouuu
SHOTARO AS YOUR BF based on astrology ~

(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!)
Sagittarius Sun: In a vid Riize made around the time love119 came out Sohee asked the guys what they'd do if they accidentally liked their crushes posts and Sho said he wouldn't care and would let it be to show that he's interested...and yea that sums him up 😭. He'd be pretty blunt about being interested in you in the imo when a sag sun genuinely wants you you'll know and they'll definitely LET you know, he'd ofc be your friend initially but he would most def be flirty (especially with that scorpio mercury sextile his cap venus) and try to have a specific personal rapport with you and inside jokes between you two. Would be a personal mission for him to make you laugh and spend time with you. Once you two are officially together he'd want to have so many fun memories with you. He also may have this want to "wow" you or show you things nobody else has shown you before.. "a taste of what youve been missing" type of guy yk. Similarly to Sohee, it would be like dating your bsf. There's an idea that Sag suns can be flighty but his cap/scorpio placements help anchor him down imo.
Scorpio Moon: Super Observant pt.1. The moon is in fall in scorpio and his moon is opposite to saturn so he might have a hard time expressing his more intense emotions. He might similarly to Eunseok keep things to himself and not really letting you know unless you pry it out of him or if he does attempt to tell you himself he'd be pretty vague to ensure that you don't worry. On the other hand, he's pretty big on things such as loyalty and honesty and that would be a big theme in the relationship. Super protective. He reads into your feelings and is pretty emotionally intuitive so he'd know how you feel without you needing to say much. A downside is he can take things pretty personal and if he feels hurt or betrayed he could be very struck down by it and might even feel like "returning the energy", it would be more passive since libra is in mars but it would be sooo obvious. Also his eye contact goes craaazyy.
Scorpio Mercury: Super Observant pt.2. He is very analytical and pays deep attention to what you say and how you say it, so he sometimes might overthink or worry himself by looking way too deep in between the lines of things you tell him. He has moon conjunct mercury so similar to Anton he can speak deeply from the heart as well as remembers everything in regards to you (downside if you said something that hurt his feelings he'd remember it FOREVERR). He also has venus sextile mercury so he most def has a seductive charm within his words or his flirting can be very upfront or comes naturally to him and since his mercury is in scorpio he'd know exactly what to say from your past reactions. Also he might stalk your insta when initially getting to know you to find out things himself.
Capricorn Venus: LOCKED IN LIKE GLUEEEE. Would prefer to take the lead or be the dominant counterpart. Cares sm about loyalty. Would rather talk through problems and endure throughout a relationship rather than just dropping everything. He loves physical touch and gift giving both ways. A common occurrence in Capricorn venus men is to kinda just constantly provide to keep their partner pleased so he may just randomly give you gifts and not just plain gifts they’d have a specific value to them or acts of service/doing tasks for you in order to keep you happy. Takes the relationship pretty seriously especially since he has a Scorpio moon. Since he has Venus square Mars he lowkey likes having to “endure” and for things not to be super easy? He enjoys a cat and mouse dynamic or for one partner to not give in so easily..kind of as though he kinda has to work for your love and attention or a "hate"/love kind of situation. He might also deal with a lot of "right person, wrong timing" scenarios or have periods where he just can't be 100% there for his partner and the guilt of it probably eats him up inside. Quietly possessive, seems ok and says he’s ok on the surface but inside he’s seething trying to not start tweaking. 😭
Libra Mars: Pretty avoidant when there’s a severe conflict in the relationship. He might wait to actually get to the bottom of the issue and may jump around the topic but when it’s time to finally speak up and out he really does try to speak from his heart from his Scorpio mercury. He just really cares about coming together again and keeping the peace 😭. If there were issues he’d either become distant or passive aggressive. His Mars is sextile Pluto so he can be very intense and even obsessive about things like passion and consistency but due to the fact the aspect isn’t harsh and his mars is in libra his approach isn’t as harsh or threatening. Very quick to become your friend or at least familiar with you when he’s first interested in you because how else will he find out as much as he possibly can.. He might lowkey put his emotions to the side to pay more attention to yours and what you have going on/your happiness and deal with his issues on his own. He also has mars trine uranus so he may have random bursts of being passionate and energetic and then a random switch to being chill and more to himself.
shotaro’s ideal type based on astrology please 🥹
after like a thousand years I'm ready to deliver 😛
SHOTARO'S IDEAL TYPE ~ based on astrology obsv.

Shotaro's Ideal type can go two different ways because he's a cap venus and their ideal types tend to change the older they get or the more dating they experience
Physically: Pretty or intense eyes that are super noticeable. Someone who can balance out having a more cute/light style with a fashionable/put together one. Glass like healthy skin. Might be into more earthy features so darker/black hair color, dark brown eyes, an olive/warmer undertone (someone who’d look amazing during golden hour ykwim). Someone with nice balanced proportions and dresses in a way that matches said proportions. Maybe a nice jawline and killer bone structure. He has a libra mars + cap venus so I’d assume he’d like someone with nice hips or an hourglass figure.
Personality: Once again there's a certain duality to his ideal type; since it may change in the future it could go two ways. Type (1) a more sweet or kinda innocent personality. A person that's more on the docile fem and "to themselves" introverted personality type. Very careful and is even “gentle” verbally+physically towards him and others. Type (2) someone more mature or even a classy dark fem archetype, can command a room and is business oriented..has a stable, structured and sophisticated personality. Things he’d desire from either type is someone who doesn’t have to say much to get their point across, is receptive enough to be an ear whenever he has to rant. Also ngl he likes people who don’t fold for him easily and makes him work it. I ofc don't know which specific type he carries currently and which type he’d lean into in the future
Mentality/Values: LOYALTY. LOYALTY. LOYALTY, someone who despises betrayal and half assed commitment just like him. On the more clingier side. Someone who feels compelled to be polite/well mannered and believes in having good etiquette in public(classy vibes ykwim).
Extras: Has a thing for voices, might like someone who has a softer voice that isn’t too loud. Might prefer someone who’s able to be independent but can make him feel needed. Someone who’s able to talk about more elaborate topics. Also a person who wouldn’t mind him having a say in certain choices regarding the relationship.
is it me or do i like men groveling
can i request riize second chance romance if that makes sense:’)
(ur work is amazing pls continie keeping us happy^^)
i love groveling men too it’s ok anon 😗
RIIZE SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE ~ based on their birth charts

reminder this is just based off of my opinion after looking at their birth charts and what I think would happen from my own observations these things are not exact fact unless they said it themselves !
SO MUCH ANGST OOOH MY GOF. Would be the most mature on the outside but on the inside he’d be ☹️☹️☹️. “I don’t even care about what she’s doing” [checked your instagram and other socials to see if you’re grieving as well or seeing someone new] He wouldn’t necessarily go out dating looking for a rebound he’d focus on his craft in all honesty and might even seclude himself a little bit. I see him taking a break with his s/o instead of just flatline breaking up and once he feels like he has emotionally healed as far as he can he’d return and it would be pretty serious like in a private closed space he’d want to talk everything out and NEEEDS you to be honest abt everything but he’d just want you guys back together and for both of you to be happy.
(I feel like Eunseok is aware that he could potentially fall victim to the “the one that got away” trope) but anyway. He’d be the biggest nonchalanter to ever nonchalant 😭 might even try to stay mutuals/cordial with you. Would date, see other people, have a mini roster and fwbs going on. But as soon as he realizes everyone else is boring him and wasting his oh so valuable time (And he hates. To waste his time.) he’d get so irritated at himself for letting go of such a good thing and would criticize criticIZE CRITICIZEE himself. Forces himself to not run from/internalize how he feels he’d reach out again, wouldn’t be the most sappy return ever he might even joke about what happened but he’d be as honest as he could ever be and would surprisingly admit where he fucked up.
His pride and the hurt he carried during the time apart would hold him back so badly. Would improve himself and boss up similar to Shotaro to show you what you were missing; try to find attention and praise elsewhere. But when he realizes you did the same thing and also became better in every way possible physically, mentally…and that people still have their eye on you like they did when he first met you..he’d cave. Would HAVE to shamefully put his hurt and pride aside. Cue his dramatic serious text at 11pm and him asking how you’re doing to see if the good things he’s heard about you were true (prays you say no when he asks if you’re seeing anyone) would ask you to meet him somewhere that was important to you two and nostalgic. Almost kills him to be wrong but has to accept it 😭
He’d be like “whatever” since he knows that so many girls want to be in your place, might even consider sliding back to that one ex. Would be torn between just letting things go back to normal but his stubborn stagnant attitude would leave him stuck in a victim state. But then once the pain slowlyyy seeps in and that what you two had was something genuine and you were one of few people that actually understood him and physically compatible with him then on the inside he’d lose it. Would have a wayyy more sappy lovey dovey way of coming back. Cue him using music in some way shape or form as his way of coming back. Would probably want to physically see you in a place that he’s most comfortable with.
So so sassy. Honestly he’d walk away pretty fast but would miss you pretty fast right after. He’d hesitate but only because he knows that he probably got a little mean when you two split and that you might not even want to talk to him. Tries to go dating around but wakes up and gets it together once he sees/hears that you’re talking to someone new (10 extra points if it’s someone he doesn’t like or thinks isn’t even close to how attractive he is ) . Tries to be cool about it but is hurting inside, would ask everyone for advice. The emotional side would take over and he’d just have to listen to how he feels and think later. His way of coming back is essentially him outdoing whoever has you on their sights or him showing you the epitome of affection. He’d have to force his virgo mercury to work and speak UP and apologize.
Would seem pretty ok and normal compared to everyone else similarly to Eunseok. Talks about you but wants to jump someone if THEY try to talk about you. (“can’t believe she’d do this” “yea she’s crazy asf” “Don’t say that 🫤.” ). (Cue him singing “When I was your man” by Bruno Mars 😭). He wouldn’t want to constrict and limit himself or you after the breakup so he’d also try to date/talk to other people. Has to give in and accept that thinking about you while hanging out with someone else is a CLEAR indicator that he needs to get off his high horse and return. He’d probably word vomit about how he feels about everything and apologize but also goes on this passive lecture on how you two shouldn’t allow each others feelings to rip you two apart like that again and the principle of it all.
Word vomit pt.2. Could go two ways. Way one if the breakup was on good terms/mutual after the breakup he’d probably remain friends or still be in contact with you, then once he realizes he can’t just move on at the snap of his fingers and realizes that every person he’s with has resemblance to you whether it’s physical/personality he’d impulsively talk to you and get right back if he can. If it was on bad terms it’d feel pretty cruel ngl like you’d feel like he kinda just disappeared and made his way elsewhere..but once he’s alone with his thoughts he’d have to realize the errors of his way or the faults on his side he’d IMPULSIVELY come forwards with how he feels, would probably ask you to dinner and have the conversation there and says everything that he has to.
Who in riize do u think would like a partner who’s slightly older/younger than them, like a year or two age difference? N then who do you think would prefer someone who’s older and has more life experience? (Basically kinda in a who would want to be taken care of by their partner vs them being the one to take care of their partner type of way)
hmmmmm this may be a bit controversial I fear
RIIZE OLDER VS YOUNGER based on astrology~

reminder this is based off of MY opinions of their birth chart placements + aspects and is not exact fact unless I knew them myself and I am not a professional astrologer 🤍
a lot of people think Seunghan would have a younger s.o but ngl..he'd probably like someone more older or at least a person that has more experience/more mature. I say this because the things he'd want the most I feel like he'd expect or more easily get from someone older. He wants someone that would be independent + confident in their place in the relationship, has experience in life in general (including partying/vices), and ngl he might want more tasteful luxury gifts so lowkey sugarmama/older gf vibes 😭.
I don't think he cares about age at all bc his chart doesn't indicate physical attributes minus the stereotypical feminine things (bouncy healthy hair, sweet perfumes, pretty nails) but I feel like he'd be best suited with someone older that would be best for him. Reason being, personality wise he wants someone mature, ambitious, independent, doesn't need to be babied/taken care of 24/7, can guide him, financial stable which is something you expect from a more mature/older person right ?
Middle Ground
alright ikik all my babygirls are wondering wtf Sungchan and Eunseok are doing here instead of the younger category but..walk with me....🤫
50/50 bc I feel like he can get what he wants from either age group. He has a cancer moon + leo venus so he may like reciprocity and for him and his s.o nurture or be attentive with each other OR he's ok with taking care of a younger/immature s.o & would be fine with being taken care of by a older/mature s.o. He likes someone to be educated, lowkey a little wiser and put together BUT he likes to wear the pants and be the lead/doting counterpart of the relationship. I just think he can get what he likes from either group and he probs is into cap risings.
Eunseok..probably just doesn't care LMFAO. As long as you're tall, hot, confident and charming he's all in. IM KIDDING OFC . but he can adapt to either relationship trope. He likes someone with a mature seductiveness thats independent and gives good concrete wise advice..BUT he also likes someone thats goofy and surprises him and has a teasing "hard to get" aura to them. So imo he'd go after either one as long as they were compatible with him.
(crazy I know)
Sohee is typically the one being doted on and seen as the "cute" one and I just think he'd want to explore outside of that trope through his partner (sag venus tings). Plus I'm ngl Sohee's big 6 placements and his sun/uranus + mercury/mars aspects makes me feel like he'd feel kinda slowed down or restricted with an older/overly mature/serious partner. This is about to be contradictory ik but I feel like it’d be easier if said older partner had a more immature “cute” image
Wonbin probably likes...cliche dynamincs ngl..his taurus mars makes him feel more driven to the traditional/stereotypical dynamics yk so he's the masc and provides like the typical "oppa" type shit ykwim. Plus his Pisces Venus probably makes him idealize that type of stereotypical trope more. I also feel like an older partner would make him feel a more serious sense of responsibility and scare the shit out of him 😭😭.
Shotaro has a capricorn venus and I said in one post his ideal type could go either way and transition between being more playful+immature or sophisticated+mature I feel like he currently likes immature/younger partners (see how he dotes on Sohee/Anton the youngest members) but in the future would prefer someone more mature because that's just what I typically see in cap venus men,,they start with one ideal type and the older they get they switch to the other.
Sohee ideal type when
right now
SOHEES IDEAL TYPE ~ based on astrology

reminder this is based off of my opinions from observing his chart and my own knowledge and is not exact fact unless I knew him myself and im not a professional astrologer
Appearance: Someone with a balance of cuteness and being cool. Fashion icon type of beat, has a style that isn't outdated. Someone with a nice body line/silhouette but is more on the slender and "fit" side. Has looks that can suit multiple different beauty standards or someone who looks "worldly". Has specific features (unique eyes, lips,..etc). Is presentable no matter the state they're in. Knows what looks good on them and is authentic with their style (so a person that knows what aesthetics and looks suit them the most and doesnt try things that -dont- suit them. A cohesive look,,makeup, clothes and accessories go together within their outfits. Healthy looking skin. Dresses cute but doesn't infantilize themselves or doesnt look "childish". Has a trendy style taste and can "match his fly". Kinda artsy look to them.
Personality: A very large and outgoing personality. Someone with high charisma. On the more chaotic and free end of the spectrum but can collect themselves and settle down whenever. A person that enjoys giving and is able to be selfless. Enjoys physical forms of affection or has physical touch as one of their love languages. Isn't overly worrisome and can try new things. Similar to Seunghan he'd like someone that has a work hard play hard mentality that can balance hard work with partying/drinking. Someone respectful and very well liked amongst others. Is more optimistic and doesn't complain too much about hardships. Someone who can be very supportive and even fan like for the people they love. Can compliment and praise others (including him ofc). Has their own mind/thoughts but knows how to compromise despite them. Talented and very interesting, refuses monotony.
Morals/Values: Understands hard work and a bright attitude can lead to success and constant complaining doesn't lead anywhere. A good samaritan, believes in committing acts of kindness. Yolo philosophy. Has more modern ideals and viewpoints. Understands to give everyone + themselves freedom.
Extras: Might like someone who is multilingual/can speak more than one language. Could find it cute if someone has nice legs or can run fast. Talented like him (probably would like someone who also sings). Someone open minded and doesn't have overly set opinions.
What would Riize's reaction if their partner chetaed on them, i live for chaos 🔥
FUCK ! LMFAOOO ok so (these are just headcanons barely based on their charts)
hm well he’d probably pick up on the fact that something was wrong and would be passively throwing jabs at them to hint that he knows something’s up. he’d investigate to find out allll of the details and information of what happened like he’d find out EVERYTHING. would confront them and will say some pretty cutting things like HURTFUL. the betrayal would make him lose feelings probs they might be..literally dead to him after that I won’t lie
he’d feel annoyed. extremely annoyed. because he feels like he wasted his time on them. he’d probably deadpan stare and just cut things off no matter how much it upsets/irritates him. he’d force himself to suck it up even tho he’d be literally pissed and will probably think “this is exactly why I give nobody a chance” and will try his best to move on to the next because in his mind life must go on
mad as hell to be very real. in public he’d have a “I don’t need a bitch, I’m what a bitch need” type of attitude but privately by himself he’s very angry and hurt and will even start to question and doubt his self worth, would ask himself if it was because he wasn’t good enough, would it not have happened if he did different things better ? he’d release the anger at the gym save all the emotional turmoil for when he’s alone in his room and he’ll never forget what they did and definitely tries to pop out with a new s/o that’s 3x hotter
he’d be filled with disgust honestly. his image of them in his mind and heart would be shattered and they’d no longer be of any sentiment within his heart. breakup through text probably because looking them in the face would upset him even more. it will take him a while to get past this completely, his sad playlist will be on for a WHILE. he’ll try to get past it but it will linger within him for a while would nap his way through the pain
he might get his payback I won’t lie
Not only is his heart broke but his ego as well. He’d have a permanent bitter taste in his mouth even thinking about them. He probably wouldn’t even want to talk about it or confront, will let you know he knows and disappears. once he feels kinda ok again he’d tell everyone about what happened so they’re in the know and can get it OUTTT of his system. will spend the first half staying to himself avoiding the outside world feeling his pain and then uses fun activities to kill pain the next half
breaks up with them blunt as fuck says whatever he needs to say to them so he can go on with his business. he’d be upset 100% but in his mind “I can’t go out sad like this” says his piece, and dips. he’d try to stay on the positive side and be like “well at least I can talk to whoever I want now” or would think of what good could come from cutting the person off like more time to work, more time to be selfish, more time to have fun. will def talk shit and then similar to Eunseok try to move on and have fun + meet new people
it would take everything in him to avoid cursing them out through the phone. 😭😭 all of his softness will melt away and he’ll be able to become cold and even cruel. If they had anything of his that he gave to them he’d want/get that stuff back immediately and would give back anything they gave him. translates alll the upset emotions he feels into his music, swimming and other hobbies he has. allows himself to be pissed off and mad before finally reaching his zen (a shopping spree buying everything his now ex can’t!)
After reading your request post about Wonbin and Sungchan and your reblog about the post of @nori, it came to my mind a tweet I read time ago about someone who said tha if Sungchan fell in love with a foreigner he would have an internal crisis due to the perception they have of him some knetz, what do you think about it?
thats exactly what I think would happen actually
sungchan is more emotional and sometimes his emotions take over meaning they could likely affect his decisions/choices and he occasionally gets lead with his heart rather than his head
however at the same time logic still screams in his ear, sungchan is hyperaware and sensitive of how he's perceived and how things "look" to people. his image is crucial to him. he takes criticisms seriously.
so if he had deep feelings for someone BUT that someone could affect his image and how people perceive him he'd have a battle between two weights of control. controlling his feelings or letting go of the control over how he's perceived and seen
his chart also hints that familial opinion matters to him, so how his family (especially his mother/the women in his life) would receive a foreign s/o would affect how he feels and goes about the situation as well