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Why we never saw a Supercorp kiss
Supergirl - The Documentary
You probably don't wonder why we never saw a Supercorp kiss on screen. 'The CW are just a bunch of cowards, Jessica Queller is homophobic' and many other things may come to your mind.
The truth, my dear reader, is far beyond.
So follow me though the leaked documents and audio recordings to one short, but meaningful snapshot of the evening of 11/9/2021 in Kara Danvers', the real Kara Danvers, apartment.
Notes: My sources are well protected and while you are reading this, I already have left the solar system - nobody wants to mess with a Luthor, not even me.
Final Episodes 'The last Gauntlet' and 'Kara'
In the epic series finale, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and the super friends take drastic action after a loved one is kidnapped by Nyxly (Peta Sergeant) and Lex (guest star Jon Cryer). An unlikely ally steps in to help the team. Meanwhile, Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Kelly (Azie Tesfai) prepare to walk down the aisle, and we finally get to know the circumstances around the epic interview in which Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) reveals her secret identity as Supergirl."
Kara puts down her phone. She wrinkles her forehead, 'Supergirl - The Documentary' it must read. Why don't they add it?" and turns to Lena, who is sitting next to her side wards on the couch, her legs laying across Kara's thighs. Kara rubs Lena's shins, which makes Lena look up from her book, which consumed her the last hour.
"Mmm," Lena smiles at Kara, "sorry, I was in an alternative universe, what were you talking about?" Kara winks, "Yes, you were far, far away, I watched you, you are so cute when you read. I literally can see your mind wandering around." Lena smiles back gently, grabs one of Kara's hands which is still caressing Lena's, in black leggings dressed legs, and leans forward for a loving kiss. They have been together for quite a long time, but the kisses still feel wonderful as ever.
Keep on reading here, or on AO3.
"I was reading out the synopsis of the last episodes of the documentary which the CW made about me and us," Kara summarizes, waving a hand circling in the air. "But I don't understand why they always let out, that it's a documentary series. People might think that it's fiction." She pouts, leans her head to the side. Lena shrugs her shoulders, "Everybody knows you and everybody knows that it's a documentary anyway. Maybe the author of this synopsis was just lazy."
Kara's face lights up again, "Anyway, today is the finale. People get to know the circumstances how I decided to reveal myself as Supergirl. What do you think about the whole documentary?"
"Uh, actually, I didn't pay that much attention to it," Lena answers. "There were always so many rumors about me and my family and I figured out that it didn't help my business and development to think about it, so I hired a lawyer who takes care about, that the rumors stayed within reasonable limits." Kara nods in acknowledgement and hummed approvingly. "And I rather spend my free time with you than with other people's opinions," Lena winks at Kara and leans in for another kiss, gentle and intimate.
Kara pulls away, leaving Lena with a kissing face in the midair, and started to pout playfully, "So you don't care that The CW made me a short haired redhead?" Lena wrinkles her forehead. "And they made you a barbie cutie?"
"Kara, what are you talking about? The actresses for all of us are very well cast. Melissa Benoist and Katie McGrath could almost be our twins. The makeup artist even put your scar on her face." She places a kiss on the exact spot between her eyes.
Kara grins superiorly, "Got you, you did pay attention to the documentary!" Lena shakes her head, smirks and raises her hands in defense. "Yeah, ok, you are right, I paid a little attention to it." She puts her elbow on the back of the couch and leans her head in her hands. "You know, it's kind of strange to watch other people play one's own life." Kara nods approvingly.
"I couldn't watch the episodes which dealt with me being in the Phantom Zone, I still have nightmares sometimes." Lena gently smiles at Kara and cups her face with tender caresses, "I know." - "But it was worth it, to show that even superheros can have PTSD and mental health issues, so nobody must be ashamed of it." - "Absolutely, but they didn't give it a proper frame," Lena jumped in, "that was negligent."
Kara exhales deeply and eases again. She frees herself from her sitting position and moves herself to the side of Lena, cuddling in her arms. "They revealed so much from our story, which was fine and was agreed, but I am happy that they didn't reveal us being together. Our last bit of privacy." Kara snuggles in closer, her nose at Lena's neck, inhaling her scent and placing soft kisses on her warm skin. Lena smiles and sighs, "My lawyers would have made their lives worse than the Phantom Zone." They chuckle. Kara continues, "I was in a bit of a shock when I heard, that the audience started to create the shipname 'Supercorp' for us and started with imagining us being together." Lena covers her face with her hands, "Yeah, my first thought was that somebody has leaked something, but after rewatching some episodes, it was clear why they came up with it. The actresses kind of invented on-screen chemistry. I think that was the point, when The CW started to become terrified, so they let our characters stress as often as possible the 'fact' that they are 'friends', 'best friends'." They chuckled again. Kara adds, "Actually, I don't think that anybody believed it in the end."
"I can't blame them either, but I wouldn't want our night after your sister's wedding to be seen today in the documentary," Lena winks, trying to take a glance at Kara's eyes, but she is hiding her face on Lena's neck. Suddenly, Lena feels Kara's tongue on her skin. Warm and wet, which ignites a delightful tickle in Lena's stomach. Kara looks up, cheeks slightly redden, "No, me too, but I want to see how you looked like in that night again."
"Now?" Lena's breath deepens, looking into dark, longing eyes of Kara.
"Now!" was all Kara had left to answer...
Supergirl - The Documentary.
From how Kara Danvers became Supergirl to the legendary interview in which she revealed her secret to the world.
All 6 seasons out now on DVD and Blu-Ray.