T 34 - Tumblr Posts

DUMP drawing rqs + extra nikolai and billy
sorry to interpret you but I am so excited to konw that you write fictions of 1917 and T-34! I always love soldiers'stories during WWI and WWII😢 (btw I love 1917 so much that I watched it for 3 times)
may be oneday I can post something to you
forgive my poor English:,-)

(no need to apologize for your English 😤, we are a kind and loving group under this roof)
Dude you are the first person to ask for T-34 or 1917. I too have seen 1917 like 4 times it's so good. I also love the ship of Jäger and Ivushkin
I would be so excited to do a fic one of the films 😭
If you have a specific pairing you would like, or a certain genre it would help me a lot to create a fic uwu
Just send another ask and I'll get right on it 🤠🤙