Tai Lum - Tumblr Posts
2 years ago

Amy Prescott
Age 10 years old
Trying to be more grown up than she is
Likes Rock music
Dyed her own hair in the bathroom
Best friends with her sister Molly
Little troublemaker

Tai Lum
Age 65 years old
Very proud and strict to his family
Moved in with his only daughter when her husband passed away
Loves his grandkids
Picked up the custodian job to be closer to his family if they need him
Dreams of retiring and fishing all day
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1 year ago

townie makeover wips - copperdale edition
Tags :
the sims 4
sims 4
sims 4 townie makeover
townie makeover
sims 4 townies
ts4 townies
copperdale townies
townie makeover wips
tai lum
mei prescott
molly prescott
Amy Prescott
Janae Price
Marcel Price
savannah price
sydney price
jayden price
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