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4 months ago

Tall boy and short girl

closed rp with @randommusesmadness

A theft happened in the palace.

"Falcor, fly!" Lance summoned his summonable partner, and rode after the villain who stole the relic, the relic of creation was too powerful to be left in some villain's hands.

Tall Boy And Short Girl

They clashed in the air, for a while trading blow after blows till said villain was pushed into a corner, desperation sat in and he tried to use said relic to make a portal and flee! However Lance was hot on his tail on his summon, darting after- it wasn't long till-


The relic was free, and so was the arm of the thief, they were high above a forest, as Lance and his giant owl friend disengaged and flew down to find the relic- desummoning his partner, Lance used his tail to land and jump out of a tree- he didn't know where he was, but the relic was somewhere.

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4 months ago

His tail flicked as she approached, he took his hand off his blade hearing the feminine voice. Turning his head so he could make full view of her in in uncovered eye.

"Owl creature?" He blinked before realizing his state- he must of looked haggard with leaves and such on him. "Oh. Falcor...I just put him back." He pointed at his heart or chest. He didn't think it was odd to answer that way, after all, he still assumed it was in a further part of Vacuo.

Siold had been in the forest for some time now, taking her usual stroll to read one of her books, but she hadn't found a good place to sit and read though, it was until she noticed something in the sky, something unusual as she followed it and soon saw the being in front of her "Umm, hello? What happened to you?" She asked as she walked over to Lance kinda worried that something might have happened to him "And where did that owl creature go?"

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4 months ago

"Funny?" He couldn't help but get darkened cheeks from embarrassment. "It just came to me when I first summoned him..." He'd look down to this woman, she didn't seem like any faunus he's seen.

"Funny?" He Couldn't Help But Get Darkened Cheeks From Embarrassment. "It Just Came To Me When I First

"Oh my apologizes- I am Lance Ashford, of the Ashford family." He bowed to her. "I'm on a mission from my family to search for a relic and thief that were in the area, I hope I did not disturb you Ma'am." His tail lulled behind him.

She had never seen anyone that looked like him as she tilted her head "Falcor? That's a funny name for an owl" She said as she walked up to him, she was obviously shorter then him as she looked up at him "Who are you?" She asked as she was intrigued now as she smiled softly

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4 months ago

Lance was not the confused one, slow blinking at her like she had too heads, though it was hard to tell from his unchanging expression.

They'll move spots to a shady tree where Lance made them makeshift chairs out of rocks he carved with his sword; after sitting infront of her he'd ask again.

"So you haven't heard of Vacuo even?" He was starting to put two and two together about where the portal actually took him. Planting his sword before him he'd answer her other question. "The Ashfords have a power passed down from generation to generation that allows them to summon- including myself, my mother can do it, my grandmother can do it as well as my sister." He put a hand on his chest and a white light would shine fort but he would not summon him.

"My summon is called Falcor, a mighty owl like creature though he has some physical differences." A smile would form on his face. "I remember when I first met him, we were both young, small, he is my oldest ally and my best friend."

She looked at him confused, 'summoned', what does he mean by that as she kept on listening to what he had to say, more confused when he mentioned his family name twice, what is this 'Ashford' family he speaks off as she rubbed the back of her head "I am sorry, but what do you mean by 'Summoned' and 'Ashford Family'?" She asked while tilting her head

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4 months ago

"I am not I assume, as for Vacuo- it is my home." He'd pull out his scroll a small cylinder object that he'd open to a glass that would show holograms of his home.

"This is Vacuo- an Oasis sprawling out in a vast desert, my family are the protectors of said home, with my mother being the official of the nation- I assume if you don't know it its...." He couldn't tell her he was from another world, would she even believe him? No he had to hold his tongue for now, just in case.

"Most likely far away, so to answer I'm not from nearby- my travels bring me here, along with Falcor." He'd state standing up. "I should probably be looking for my quarry, I did not wish to bother you." as he stood he winced, grabbing his side.- a red stain appearing on his side.

She looked at him as she saw him begin to create makeshift chairs out of the rocks that where nearby as she sat down on one of them as she heard his question and shook her head "No, what is a Vacuo?" she asked as she then listened to everything about the Ashfords and his summon as she nods softly "I see, that does not ring a bell though" She said as she rubbed the back of her head softly "Are you from around here?" She asked him now as everything sounds like he was not from anywhere close by really

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4 months ago

He smiled at that statement, he felt like his home was amazing, but the world...had it's flaws. A story for another time of course- with a small nod he'd look down. "It is just a flesh wound..." She must of noticed the stain.

"..." He didn't want to inconvenience her, wait town? Not village? He thought for a moment, sure she'd insist if he tried to protest before nodding in agreement. "Very well...lead the way." As he stood he'd bow before her. "Again I am Lance Ashford, it's nice to meet you miss...?"

Siold nodded and listened as she then saw the glass that he was holding to show off his home, she gasped as she was amazed by such technology, she thought she knew about everything but seeing this topped the cake as she then looked at the holograms while listening in closely to what he said

"Oh? Your home must be amazing" She said with a smile "If you want, I could be your guide~" She said with a smile before standing up, as she did she was quite literally in eye level with him due to how short she was "There is a town close by where I live"

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4 months ago

"I will walk it off." He stated, not wanting to burden her with it, sides he felt he would have to sit and wait for it to heal which he just didn't have time to sit in a bed healing.

He'd follow her to her village, many people have the same ears, if not faunus he wondered what they were, they all seemed nice, he'd bow to the one waving, this was a quaint little village, everyone seemed happy, it brought a smile to his face as he followed Miss Siold. "What do you do around here miss Siold?" He was curious to learn about her and her home.

She tilted her head as she had not realised about the wound at all, before she then looked him over “Does it hurt? Want treatment?” She asked as she smiled softly before nodding towards him

“My name is Siold Ciderheart” She said with a smile before guiding him to a small town right outside the forest “It’s not the biggest, you might even consider calling it a village with how small it actually is” She said as she smiled and waved at some of her neighbours walking by

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4 months ago

He was surprised and impressed at the status and size of the library, he could honestly get lost in a good book about now, if his mission weren't pressed and his hand weren't covered in a bloody stain. It also seemed life was peaceful here nothing was attacking them or enslaving or anything.

And no threats he could sense. "I could use a good book right now actually." He'd wrap himself up once they got settled down and situated. He'd follow her to her house, it was a bit to far to make out and see how she lived and now she decorated, if she did at all. He also wondered how she ran a library at her...stature.

Siold smiled as she was welcomed back from the forest, working as the librarian has it perks as she gets to know many people but also gets the books that she uses for her small little fun in the forest, right now she walked with him towards her home "I work as a Librarian" She said as she smiled towards him "Reading is a small little hobby of mine" She said as she pointed towards one of the larger buildings "That's the library, and there is where I live" She said as she pointed to the house next to it

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4 months ago

"Much obliged miss Siold." he'd nod to her as he tried not to take up too much space and be rude. Taking his sword he'd leave it by the door next to what he presumed was a umbrella holder.

He'd sit in whatever chair was available and remove his boots and long-coat; revealing his sleeveless shirt, his arms were toned, muscular befitting of a sword wielder, As he sat he'd move some hair out of the path of his hidden eye to reveal a normal eye before it would go back into place, a reflex that he preformed occasionally just to keep himself busy. He'd take her up on the library later, he should once he's taken care of look for the relic and the thief, single arm or no he's a threat.

Siold smiled softly as she walked peacefully with him as he then heard him speak up "If you want, we can go to the library, but first we are going to my home" She said as she walked with him up to her house, it was not the biggest house, but definitely suitable for a small family if she ever gets one, she then took out her key and unlocked the door "Welcome in, make yourself at home" She said as she walked in, dropping her coat and shoes before fetching the first aid kit she has

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4 months ago

After removing his armor, he'd unbutton his shirt, and then remove another piece of armor, and then another, and another before his skin was revealed, his body was tone but lean, as he removed it, his dark skin glistened against the sunlight.

After Removing His Armor, He'd Unbutton His Shirt, And Then Remove Another Piece Of Armor, And Then Another,

"Do you see it?" He didn't mean his body but he wouldn't be surprised if she was distracted, his tail would brush against the would on his side to point it out it's location. He'd look away embarrassed at being half clothes.

She soon enough returned with the kit as she looked at him "So, I need you to take of your shirt, can't have you running around being hurt, understood?" She said as she stood in front of him now opening the First Aid kit to see what she had in it that could help him out

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