Tarjei Sandvik Moe - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Vote vote Vote!!


frihetstyrke - Sin tĂ­tulo



They deserve to win. It’s not a battle between fandoms, they are going to win real awards. We can’t let them down. VOTE HERE for Henrik and Tarjei VOTE HERE for O Helga Natt

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7 years ago



Halla! As expected our boys Henrik Holm and Tarjei Sandvik Moe are one of the Top 4 and are now OFFICIALLY nominated! *throws confetti* Now voting is open again! See details below!

> To vote click here

> Click on their names (obviously hehe)

> Fill in your name (in the box Ditt navn *) and email (E-post)


> One vote per e-mail and anonymous (so you will not be receiving any confirmation.)

> Voting lasts until MAY 11TH, 23:59 PM.

>  The winner will be announced through TV broadcast, Friday 12 May at 22:15 (10:15PM).

(info source here)



The iconic scene O Helga Natt, is nominated for Best TV Moment! Ya need to vote here too because they deserve this okay??? O HELGA NATT IS A MASTERPIECE.

- For this one you can vote here https://www.rikstv.no/tema/gullruten/

- It doesn’t need email address but you only need to confirm captcha (that thingy that asks you to type something to know that you are human. lol)

- One vote is only per mobile or ipad or whatever. So grab all your gadgets (including your family’s and classmates and schoomates lol) and vote!

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7 years ago

let’s fantasize for a minute here and pretend that this is an award ceremony where Even is being nominated for a director award and dear Isak is there to support the man of his life!

frihetstyrke - Sin tĂ­tulo
frihetstyrke - Sin tĂ­tulo

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7 years ago

Even is all of us

ficlet: all the glory that i bare (even/isak)

Summary: Isak buzzes his hair off on a dare. Even suffers through the five stages of grief. (a.k.a., yes, I wrote a ficlet in response to Tarjei’s new haircut. Sorry not sor—you know what, yes, actually I am very sorry.)


When Isak walks through the door, Even does a double take.

Okay, maybe it’s more like a quintuple take. Who’s counting?

“What did you do to your hair?” he blurts, and it maybe comes out a little sharper than intended, because Isak winces pretty hard at his tone.

he just walked through the door
like that. Like it was no big deal. Like the Earth hadn’t just shifted on its fucking axis. Like Even’s entire reality wasn’t suddenly crumbling around him.

So, yeah. Faced with this
this travesty
Even can hardly be blamed for his reaction.

“Is it bad?” Isak asks, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “We got so drunk last night, and I can remember Magnus daring me to buzz it off but I honestly don’t remember actually doing it.”

Even’s going to find Magnus. He’s going to find Magnus, and he’s going to have words with him. Man to man. Dude to dude. Fist to face.

Okay, maybe not that last one. Even’s not a violent guy.

But still.

Seguir leyendo

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7 years ago



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7 years ago

Does anybody else has problems entering the magazine's photoshoot? I have a 404 error...

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7 years ago

Am I the only one that's obsessed with this song after this?

Tarjei and grease cast at Idrettsgalla 2018 (https://www.instagram.com/p/Bdnzw1GBhjz/)

I’m so proud of him ALL OF MY HEART ❀ He’s so smart, sweet,talented and incredible. He’s a rule model. đŸ˜Šâ€

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7 years ago

I need them in my life again!!

Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner
Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner
Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner
Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner
Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner
Iman And Tarjei At The Royal Dinner

Iman and Tarjei at the royal dinner

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6 years ago

So now we're Fancasting tarjei Sandvik Moe as Remus lupin?! I'm so up for this!! <3

@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor
@marauderseranetworks ( First ) Inter-house Competitive Event: Aus Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw Vs. Gryffindor

@marauderseranetwork’s   (  first )   inter-house competitive event: aus    – —    hufflepuff &  ravenclaw vs. gryffindor &  slytherin   |   hufflepuffravenclaw

after his most recent transgression — willingly allowing himself to be dragged into a fight involving the principal’s son and six others — walburga has finally had enough of sirius’s attitude and decides to ship him off to ilvermorny academy, a boarding school in america. there, he befriends a lonely boy by the name of remus lupin, who doesn’t quite know what to make of sirius at first. but it isn’t long before the dark-haired teen manages to sneak his way past his defenses, and as a result firmly secures a place in his heart. forever.


” the new, mysterious student — and unsurprisingly the talk of Ilvermorny — sirius black, plops down across from a self-pondering remus, his grey eyes gleaming with curiosity. “i hear you’re from england 

remus says nothing, not quite aware of the fact that his previously lone status has gained a straggler. but when the other boy pointedly coughs, loud enough to draw the attention of everyone sitting within a fifteen-foot radius of them, he blinks, the gesture bespeaking of his discomfiture — at least for those who knew him well enough to notice. 

but most don’t. 

“i—i beg your pardon?”

“you’re a brit, yeah? 
 y’know. from england? home to the famed fish and chips, double-decker buses, and cricket?” it’s uttered with an exaggerated accent, successfully wresting a small, albeit bemused, smile from remus. because, while there’s a hint of mockery in the statement, there’s nothing malicious about it. only teasing. 

“yes,” he replies quietly, wondering if perhaps the new student decided to approach him (  only )  because of their shared origins. like is often attracted to like, after all. and no one ever bothers to invite him into any conversations, good or bad. “dorset, actually. i — well, my father thought it best that i see more of the world 
 starting here, i suppose.” 

more like his new wife did. but seeing as his father was rather weak-willed, remus anticipated something like this happening long before he — they — suddenly sprung it on him two years ago.

“huh,” sirius muses aloud, then shrugs, not at all ashamed to admit his case is glaringly different. “well, my mother couldn’t get rid of me fast enough. honestly, i think it’s her heart — the poor, pitiful thing obviously can’t handle the shock of constantly being in the presence of such greatness. i can’t tell you how many times it nearly gave out over this past year alone.” he blows out his breath in mild regret, as though truly contrite for the part he played in her decision to foist her oldest son off onto someone (  anyone )  else — but his eyes tell a different story. “no wonder the woman is always so 
 dour and surly and grouchy and all-around unpleasant to live with. can’t really blame her for it — except i do. because she’s awful.”

remus lets out a surprised chuckle at the dry, satirical undertone lacing his words. not exactly the same situation, but close enough. “i’m remus,” he finally introduces himself with a small dip of his head. but rather than leave it at that, he chooses to take it a step further by extending the hand of friendship.

in which the other boy happily accepts, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “sirius. but i bet you already knew that.”

an answering grin splits remus’s lips, the corners of his eyes crinkling with genuine amusement. “i had my suspicions.”

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7 years ago
2015 // 2017
2015 // 2017

2015 // 2017

Marlon & Tarjei 

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6 years ago
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4
Henrik And Tarjei In SKAM Bloopers Season 4

Henrik and Tarjei in SKAM bloopers season 4

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