Tc Answer - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I know no one's gonna ask me so I'm just gonna answer these :DDD

1. I think if my tc were my age, he'd be in my friend circle because we have so much in common and he did similar level classes when he was in my grade. I imagine he'd still be just as nerdy as he is now, and I would therefore definitely be good friends with him. At the same time though, I don't think I'd crush on him too hard. I just don't like guys my age. 😳

2. If I could go anywhere on vacation with him, it would be New Orleans cuz he really likes it there...for some reason? Either way, I know he'd like the trip to that location so it would be nice seeing him happy there :)

3. I would make them wear button ups, suits, and lil vests all the time. I've only seen him wear a suit once but he looked incredible! I probably glanced at him way too much that day 🤦

4. G's old car was a type of mustang and his new one is too. I think he has a taste for finer things so it does suit his personality. He's mentioned poker with his family and I know he's gone golfing so liking sports cars isnt really a surprise I suppose

5. I actually don't know what he was most involved in during his highschool years. He's mentioned taking technical theatre classes but I'm not sure when. He was probably involved in digital arts of some sort because that's the kind of stuff he teaches

6. I think he's not serious enough to teach a core subject lol He'd probably do art, cuz it's close enough to his subject, and he's a chill guy who comes up with some nice prompts. (Not the writing kind though, hilariously and adorably)

7. I think if I saw them at the grocery store they'd be getting some basic stuff like milk, eggs, or bread. First my reaction would probably be me just feeling my stomach implode and my heart beat a million times a minute. But then I'd decide this may be my only time seeing them in forever (fucking Coronavirus ಥ‿ಥ) and I'd give them a wave. If they wave back, I would then think about it for weeks afterwards.

8. My assumption is that he does enjoy video games. I mentioned my favorite game, Apex Legends and he said he'd tried to play it but is pretty bad. I think he'd probably like story driven games like the last of us.

9.I would choose to be stuck in Russian Doll's scenario. It's a sad one, but it allows us to get close and risklessly maybe get together if he's interested...

10. I love his hair! It's dark and it's got this lil floop that I think adds personality to it. I would commit crimes to brush my fingers in his hair

11. The age difference is 12 years and a few months.

12. If I spent the night at his house, he'd probably get me to binge watch some anime together. He once recommended me an obscure one because it fit stuff I was interested in and I assume he often finds underrated good anime because of that.

13. His voice is definitely medium range. It's not harsh or soft and it has a bit of a distinct vocal sound to it. It's not an accent or anything, just a specific sound to it that makes it recognizable. I love it, especially when he says "huh?" In his weird, adorable way.

14. G is pretty geeky so I don't think he'd be in the popular group. I'm sure he had a decently sized and nice little clique for him, though.

15. I'm sure he visits friends/family, goes to see movies, and of course heads to New Orleans in normal summers, but he's never really talked to me about his summers.

16. All mainstream My Chemical Romance and Green Day songs remind me of him because I know he likes those bands. I like to imagine him dramatically singing The Black Parade and even doodled in it a personal journal once. Mainly though, Brain Stew by Green Day always hits me as something he would jam to and therefore brings him to mind.

17. If my parents met him, they'd probably say he was a really chill teacher, because he is, and not much more than that.

18. I feel like he would definitely have a very lengthy list of the geeky shows, movies, and video games he loves in his about section. ☺️

19. I legit can't think of a name more suiting for G than his first name. It fits him very well and I just don't know why.

20. He doesn't strike me as a coffee or tea kind of guy, but I imagine he finds coffee more tasteful. I also just like the image of him drinking a hot mug of coffee in his sleepy attire when he wakes up

Just some TC askbox questions!

1. What do you think your TC would be like if they were your age? Would you still like them? 2. If you could take a vacation with just them anywhere in the world for 1 week, where would that be and why? 3. If you were their fashion go-to-person, what would you make them wear the most? What do they look best in? 4. What type of car does your TC drive? Do you think that fits with their personality? 5. In high school, what were they most involved in? (Choir, art, sports, etc.) If you don’t know, what kind of activity do you think they were  most involved in during high school? 6. If your TC was forced to teach another subject, what subject would they be fit to teach and why? 7. If you saw your TC at the grocery store, what isle would they most likely be in? How would you react?  8. Does your TC like video games? If so, what kind of video games do they play? If not, what kind of video games (if any) do you think they would play? 9. If you were stuck in any TV show/movie with your TC, what would it be?  10. What is your favorite body part of your TC and why? (Hands, eyes, hair, etc.) 11. What is the age difference of you and your TC? 12. If you spent one night at their house, what would you and your TC do?  13. Describe your TC’s voice. (Low range, medium range, soft, loud, etc.) 14. Do you think your TC was popular in high school? 15. How does your TC spend their summer vacation?  16. Name a song that reminds you of your TC and why.  17. If your parents met your TC, what do you think they would say about them?  18. If your TC had a dating site profile, what would be under their “About me” section?  19. Does your TC’s first name fit their personality? 20. Is your TC a coffee or tea kind of person?  Bonus (for the Pokemon fans because why not): If your TC was a Pokemon trainer, what type of Pokemon would they specialize in and why? (Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ground, Steel, Dark, Ghost, Flying, Poison, Ice, Psychic, Rock, Dragon, Fighting, Normal)

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