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3 years ago

Finally finished reading 50 Tea Recipes from the Duchess. I loved every minute of it. It made me laugh and smile from the sweetness between Chloe and Alphonse.

—— Spoiler alert ——

Not going to lie, I kind of cried for Prince Arthur when he was shipped off. Don’t be me wrong, he was a dumba$$ with how he handled his feelings for Chloe, but a small part - really small part- of myself felt bad for the guy. Like the moment between him and his dad before setting sail was brought me to tears. The fact that the Prince admits and owns up to his mistakes shows that he is starting to show some development.

I kind of wish for an epilogue with Chloe and Alphonse with a child. Or seeing how Prince Arthur comes back a changed man from his exile.

——Spoiler ends——

I went to see if I could find fanfic for this comic, but I only found one on AO3.

As I was reading the comic I had an idea for a fanfic as well. The problem is flushing it out. Typical idea of where Chloe meets a different transmigrator who is interested in crocheting and embroidery and baking yet she can kick a$$ with a dagger and her archery skills. Can’t use a sword worth crap, but a dagger or bow is fine. The character can’t be short or dainty either. More tall and not so curvy. It helps add depth as she is self conscious about it when going to parties hosted by nobles. It makes it harder to find a husband as well because I feel like men in that comic would want a more dainty wife. Her other flaw would be that she doesn’t know when someone is flirting with her as it rarely ever happens.

Honestly, I’m up in the air about writing the fanfic. I feel like it would change the story too much... Especially since I kind of want my character to end up with Prince Arthur. Is he toxic yes, but the way he would get all flustered and confused over Chloe made it him so adorable I couldn’t help but like him a little. Like I can’t fault him for falling in love, it’s something you can’t really control completely. The way he went about dealing for his feelings for her though was self destructive to himself and problematic for those around him. He was a dumb-a in love who didn’t know how to handle being rejected by a woman who said to have loved him before all this happened.

My idea is for the romance between Arthur and my OC is that he finds her interesting at first because she doesn’t fit in with how most noble ladies look being as dainty and ladylike. OC stands in the corner just watching everyone dance. Content to be a wallflower. He goes over to flirt with her, but she doesn’t think anything of it as he is known as a womanizer. She thanks him and excuses herself. She’s more confused on why he flirted with her. From two to want it to be a mix of meetings between them, at parties, or tea times with Chloe. I’ll have to flesh everything else out.

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