Teen Tiny Town - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Fairuza's Family Has Always Been Travelers And Artisans. Throughout Her Childhood They Hopped From Place
Fairuza's Family Has Always Been Travelers And Artisans. Throughout Her Childhood They Hopped From Place

fairuza's family has always been travelers and artisans. throughout her childhood they hopped from place to place which, admittedly, was exciting and fun, but eventually she realized that all her friends felt arms length. nothing was rooted. so when the palette family moved to the arts district of san myshuno, fairuza decided to stay.

still, it wasn't everything that she had dreamed. between school, city life, and trying to make enough to keep rent, her art fell to the wayside. there was no time for inspiration in this endless grind. there was no room for creativity in this cramped living quarter. surely there had to be somewhere for her.

that is when she walked by the notice board in her building and saw: 'tiny town adventure: apply today!'

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10 months ago
A Tiny Town Adventure? It Couldn't Hurt To Check It Out. Fairuza Bought A Bus Ticket All The Way Out
A Tiny Town Adventure? It Couldn't Hurt To Check It Out. Fairuza Bought A Bus Ticket All The Way Out

a tiny town adventure? it couldn't hurt to check it out. fairuza bought a bus ticket all the way out to henford-on-bagley where past the old mill, a big scrap of land was being advertised as this soon to be tiny town. all it needed was... everything. there were no buildings, there was no infrastructure, there were no people. so what exactly did it have?


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10 months ago
Promise Would Have To Be Enough For Now Since She Didn't Even Have The Pocket Change To Buy A Bus Ticket
Promise Would Have To Be Enough For Now Since She Didn't Even Have The Pocket Change To Buy A Bus Ticket

promise would have to be enough for now since she didn't even have the pocket change to buy a bus ticket back to the city. the very first vacancy sign in tiny town now boasted 'taken' marked by an audaciously bright sticker. this little plot officially belonged to fairuza palette. could it really be possible to turn a pile of dirt and a little tent into a dreamy oasis of belonging? maybe not alone, but she could take the first steps towards that vision.

then, for the first time in a very long time, inspiration struck. in the dusty light of spring morning rays, in the still quiet of farm field life, fairuza finally reached for a canvas and a brush.

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10 months ago
When The Funds For More New Canvases Ran Out, Fairuza Noticed The Unsettling Feeling Of Something Watching
When The Funds For More New Canvases Ran Out, Fairuza Noticed The Unsettling Feeling Of Something Watching
When The Funds For More New Canvases Ran Out, Fairuza Noticed The Unsettling Feeling Of Something Watching

when the funds for more new canvases ran out, fairuza noticed the unsettling feeling of something watching her from a bush just on the edge of town. the skin prickled on the back of her neck. wasn't she supposed to be out here alone?

"hello?" she called to the now eerily quiet day and the startling noise that returned sounded almost like a little song. suddenly, a lithe, black fox leapt from the foliage and greeted her. fairuza laughed and returned a relieved melody of her own. it was just a new friend.

as the sun rose and fell on this first day in tiny town, fairuza focused on the completion of a few important chores. homework before school tomorrow, buying a spigot to wash up, and cooking her first meal. (although quickly realizing the majority of it would go bad with no fridge in which to keep it.)

but hey, what was a new adventure without a few mistakes?

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10 months ago
As The Sun Crested Over The Horizon Directly Behind The Old Blue Tinted Canvas Tent Which Wasn't Quite
As The Sun Crested Over The Horizon Directly Behind The Old Blue Tinted Canvas Tent Which Wasn't Quite
As The Sun Crested Over The Horizon Directly Behind The Old Blue Tinted Canvas Tent Which Wasn't Quite

as the sun crested over the horizon directly behind the old blue tinted canvas tent which wasn't quite comfortable enough to call home, fairuza finally roused herself from the ache-inducing palette of blankets with enough time before the first day of school to clean up. it wasn't the most fruitful effort considering there was no shower or sink. (a toilet desperately needed to be her first order of business.)

the spigot worked well enough to cleanse the face and brush the teeth, but body hygiene felt lacking. fairuza made her way down the embankment to the river that ran through the old mill and past tiny town. a little morning dip was the perfect way to feel a modicum more clean. the cool, crisp water woke every sense and left the mind feeling focused and ready to take on a new challenge.

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10 months ago
Cecilia Has Been So Supportive Since Moving Into Tiny Town. Maybe It Is Just Her Kind Nature, But Something
Cecilia Has Been So Supportive Since Moving Into Tiny Town. Maybe It Is Just Her Kind Nature, But Something
Cecilia Has Been So Supportive Since Moving Into Tiny Town. Maybe It Is Just Her Kind Nature, But Something

cecilia has been so supportive since moving into tiny town. maybe it is just her kind nature, but something gives fairuza the sneaking suspicion that she understands how difficult it is to build a home all alone, especially as the new kid in town. it is nice to know there is someone stable on which to rely when all the cards are down. is this what the other people in town mean by a 'fairing friend'?

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