Temnurus Rambles About Feelings - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Could you elaborate on what you meant by "[Draco] appreciated the exact things about him that make me love Harry so much as a character" in your rec for The Light More Beautiful? That got me really curious, but I already have so many fics to read atm 😭

I'm so sorry that I didn't answer this sooner, but I'm very scatterbrained, nevermind all the upheaval in my life this year, haha. Anyway, to give you a full explanation would require quoting part of the fic like I did in my comment on it, but I don't want to spoil anything for you. So I'll do my best with just the general idea.

The Harry in The Light More Beautiful is very protective of the people he loves. He's funny, clever, & tantalizingly powerful. But the thing I love most about him, that the Draco in the fic agrees with me on, is that despite Harry's horrible childhood, the mad years with Voldemort trying to kill him at school, the war, & all the death & sadness he's seen, Harry can still deeply appreciate the simplest things. Like his favorite song coming on the radio, the first bite of a crisp apple, making a friend laugh, or savoring the warmth of a fire during winter.

This is illustrated by a moment in which Harry is savoring something simple like that & Draco is watching him & appreciating that quality in him, thinking about what a marvel Harry is to him. I loved it because I was like, "Yes, that! Someone else sees it & understands & feels the same way I do." Connecting with a character & a moment like that makes a story particularly special, & it's stuck with me even years later. I really do highly recommend it if you haven't gotten to it yet. I hope you read it & that you enjoy it just as much as I did.

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