Tes Heather - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

DiD Ya KNoW THaT i aLSo HaVe SoMe oTHeR oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😬, a CHaRaCTeR oF DiFFeReNT DiMeNSioN/GeNRe… WeLL… JuST CHeCK THiS GiRL’S DaTa…😐 (i DoN’T NoRMaLLY uSeS HeR oN a DaiLY BaSiS BuT oNLY THRouGH oCCaSioNS) 😑

Name: Tes Heather Age: 18 Gender: Female Status: Single (and a Mortal) Height: 5'5’’ Race: Human Job/Class: (Nifty) Hexer or Magic Caster (and soon to be a Witch) Eye Color: Tyndall Blue Hair Color: Rosewood Brown Complexion: Fair skin with pink undertones

Appearance: A Short haired, Tomboyish looking Skeptical girl who wears something fancy looking vesture(s) paired with her favorite simple mahogany colored scarf which her mother gave to her as a present and An accessory of Purplish-pink colored Brooch that represents their Clan’s name “Heather”. Also see’s carrying her vine wood wand since that she’s still a tyro level on her magic skills and occasionally rides on her broomstick whenever she needs a quick transportation tool.

Personality: Skeptic, Bold, Ingenious, Persistent, and a little Euphoric when it comes to her guilty pleasures such as her likeness to dark arts.

Hobbies: Sneakily probes her studies in dark arts magic, collecting spooky or exquisite trinkets and visiting secluded or abandoned areas where she can review her treatise on dark arts magic.

Likes: Necromancy, Dark arts magic, the Scarf her mother gave to her, being Cunning and Befriending Sid (The talking “magical” wizard hat).

Dislikes: Bewitchery, Barbaric men, Animals, being mistaken as a tomboy or being called as a magical girl and hates Nosy people.

History/Bio: Come’s from a reputable clan of Witches “Heather” Family. Tes’s mother “Leah Heather” was once a witch but cloistered herself on the world of magic when Tes was created, she focused herself on raising Tes even that she was a product of ravishment. At the age of 40 Tes’s mother passed away, Tes was then peremptorily adopted and raised by her mother’s sister or her aunt; “Krese”; a prominent apothecary and a sorceress who introduced Tes (Tes was 13) on the world of magic since that Leah chose to raise Tes as a normal non-magic caster child. Having the bloodline of Witches; Tes magical skills comes natural and Nifty thus still needs some improvements, that’s why Krese decided to further and enhance her skills by first handedly training her along with introducing her on her knowledge in apothecracy which Tes didn’t took pleasure in. 5 years later, Tes have grown to improve her Hexer skills but lack in passion and purpose in life for being apathetic towards magic, but it all change when she accidentally found herself roaming on a black market and got intrigued with the tomes of Dark arts magic which a shady merchant offered her as a trade for the Panacea that she had which her Aunt Krese made for her to be used in time of crisis. After those unanticipated events, Tes started to like and be obsessed with her learnings on Dark arts magic and secretly probes her studies in dark arts magic from the various books about Dark arts magic she secretly bought for herself since that her Aunt Krese did told her that Dark arts magic is prohibited.

Extra info: Tess was 20 when she unexpectedly met Sid “The Talking Wizard Hat” on a mausoleum on a random town’s boneyard, Why did you ask? That’s because Tes chose to isolate herself whenever she tries to self-taught or practice her skills in Dark arts magic because she knew that if she had been discovered by either public or her Aunt Krese; she’ll be force to hand over her illicit possessions of those tomes and scrolls of Dark arts magic she had and will either be enchanted with a sealing spell or terminate her as what on the rules of the Holy orders advocates as a punishment for the crime(s) concerning with the Dark arts magic matter(s). Back to Meeting with Sid inside a mausoleum; At first Tes thought that having exposed to Dark arts magic made herself enticed to spirits so she had mistaken the voice of Sid as a spirit which is coming inside a crypt, only to found out that Tes was only talking to a “magical” (as what she mentioned) Wizard Hat which is tucked just beside the coffin (The coffin where Sid’s mortal body is placed) inside the crypt that she forced to open. After that another unanticipated events; she become good friends with Sid believing that they’re destined to meet ignoring Sid’s story and considering him as a product of Dark arts magic (Which is precisely connected in some way), She took Sid (The Talking “Magical” Wizard Hat) under her custody and begun developing a good relationship with him due to their similarities on attaining their ambition in magic.

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7 years ago

DiD Ya KNoW THaT i aLSo HaVe SoMe oTHeR oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR(S) 😬, a CHaRaCTeR oF DiFFeReNT DiMeNSioN/GeNRe… WeLL… JuST CHeCK THiS GaL’S DaTa…😐 (i DoN’T NoRMaLLY uSeS HeR oN a DaiLY BaSiS BuT oNLY THRouGH oCCaSioNS) 😑

Name: Tes Heather Age: 25 Gender: Female Status: Immortal and in a Relationship (With Sid = The Talking “Magical” Wizard Hat) Height: 5'7’’ Race: Human Job/Class: Witch, Dark magic Sorceress, Bounty Hunter = “Wicked manslayer Witch” Eye Color: Tyndall Blue Hair Color: Rosewood Brown Complexion: Pale

Appearance: A Short haired, Insensible woman who wears a long tattered dark reddish-purple colored gown, along with grease colored tatty and scruffy sleevelet on her arms paired with a Yew made brownish umber colored enchanted grotesque looking gloves, a pair of dirty darkish grey ballet shoe like foot wear, a metal chain as a belt on her waist with a skull shaped ornament, her favorite simple mahogany colored scarf which she now calls as “TYR” because of being magically fused with Sid’s fossilized left hand, she carries a large obsidian scythe attached to an acacia snath, and let’s not forget the dull brown colored Wizard Hat (Sid) that she’s wearing on top of her head.

Personality: Skeptic, Bold, Ingenious, Persistent, Adventurous, Tricksy, Kind (only towards Sid and some Merchants) and a bit baleful when associated and approached in a wrong way.

Hobbies: Collecting spooky or exquisite trinkets, Bounty hunting, Casting Curses to random people, being Pompous discussing her mischievous achievements to Sid.

Likes: Necromancy, Dark arts magic, the Scarf her mother gave to her, being Cunning and Befriending Sid (The talking “magical” wizard hat)

Dislikes: Barbaric men, Animals, Being called as a magical girl, Nosy people, having been discovered by her Aunt Krese about her current status and the Holy orders who’s pursuing her for her random foul plays and numerous evildoings.

History/Bio: After 7 years of clandestinely studying Dark arts magic along with her advance learning and training with her Aunt Krese for becoming a full pledge Witch and also for meeting and befriending Sid (The Talking “Magical” Wizard Hat), She asserted her parting to her Aunt Krese as a part of her independence and also for fulfilling her ambition on using her learnings on Dark arts magic. She decided to live on a distant land far from her motherland to avoid further conflict and trouble that she may have cause to dishonor her Aunt Krese and their clan’s name because of her mulishness decisions. Having Sid on her side (or should we say on her head); they’ve managed to live on their own by becoming Bounty hunter(s), Tes seemed to enjoy the idea of it because she got to use both her magical learnings on Witchery and Diablerie (Also aside from the fact that all jobs that she’s picking includes Killing of the target or much worst: Carnage). Tes have grown quite frightening and popular to many people due to her bloodthirsty deeds, having earned the title of “Wicked Manslayer Witch”.

Extra info: Aside from learning the Dark arts magic or “Diablerie”, Tes have become fascinated with one of the most forbidden magic: the Necromancy, there are two reasons why she become interested in dark arts magic the moment she discovered it. # 1. She have read something about immortality among the pages of Necromancy which includes a lot of sacrifice by consuming a lot of life force and merging it into oneself as its inestimable source of eternal life (Thus the word Immortal is quite debatable specially if the word “Inestimable” is mentioned because it still refers to finite number of degree or amount). #2. She believed that “Diablerie” has something to do with Sid’s current status, remembering that Sid have accidentally transferred his life force or soul into the Wizard’s hat, Tes believing that she can reverse the curse that Sid have casted to himself, She (or They (Tes & Sid)) took a phantasmagoric journey as she tries to further her knowledge on forbidden magic of conjuring the souls of the dead, She’ll do her best to discover its secrets and help Sid reverse his curse along with recovering his lifeless, disintegrated decayed body (Tes may have known how to animate corpse but she dislikes playing the cadaver or carcasses of the once living beings).

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