hi!! I just found your blog and I also love River Song!! It makes me happy to see there are still people on here who love River (and Doctor/River!) who haven’t moved on past Doctor Who yet!! :D what’s your favourite River episode? and have you listened to any of her Big Finish audio dramas yet?
hello!!!! thank u for asking!!! i love river song SO much, she's soo important to me and one of the tv characters or just characters in general that have left SUCH an impact on me??? i think about her so. much. i'll never move past doctor who jsjfj. anyway!! onto your ask.
my favourite river episode- this one is well. it's a hard choices, all her episodes are SO amazing my favourite episode in which river appears is the husbands of river song (i have a complicated relationship with it where it's my favourite episode of doctor who and i love everything about it but i also Have Questions and wish i could ask steven moffat round 2993 questions about why he did things a certain way up to just disagreeing with things that happen. but also favourite episode <3) but my favourite river episode for like river characterisation is probably the pandorica opens/big bang BUT then the angels arc in s5 has had the biggest impact on me in terms of how much i love river because i literally started my doctor who watch with 11 so seeing her as the THIRD episode of this tv show i was 1) in love 2) heart-eyed 3) absolutely obsessed with her from the get-go. so yeah that from that what u will sjjfj also i HAVE listened to some!! mostly her diaries 1-3?? i think also the ten and river thingy which i did love i also loved my dinner with andrew i think? but i'm mostly not really a podcast/audio kind of person which im trying to change because i need more river content ahah. thank you for asking it was such a joy for me !!!!