That Was Her Brother In Arms. She Trusts Him. And He Was Suffering Right Underneath Her Nose - Tumblr Posts
I am serving my headcannons on a silver platter. Here’s your meal my good sir. Tonight we are serving the emotional repercussions of neglectful parenting and child soldiers with a side of sleep deprived college grad.
Nah but seriously thank you!! I’m glad you enjoyed!!!
Now I wonder what Kiran’s degree is for 🤔

It's very unclear! But Alfonse's "It's been at least 10 years since Sharena was a child" line is a rough estimate itself. I feel like it could place Sharena anywhere to 18 to 20 when she joined the Order of Heroes (this is just my headcanon though, based on what's typical irl -- there's also a possibility that in Askr, the age you're considered "an adult" is different, but that's also speculation)
But if Sharena was anywhere from 18 to 20 when she joined the Heroes, and granting that a few years have passed to get to Book 4. Maybe 22? 24? At oldest? If every book is a year. Which in that case!
Yeah she could be at this point actually 🤔 Or maybe 26.
And really you can throw any random number at Alfonse like. I kinda hc he's 3 years older than her, if not 4. They do seem close in age, but far enough that Alfonse has always felt more "grown up" to her (possibly by the way he was treated/raised, many possibilities). But going off those numbers, he could be 29 or 30ish current Book, if we're going w Sharena being 26 (makes me wonder if his Brave alt is gonna make him look "more mature"... like his portrait always read as young adult to me, but I wonder if he'll be a little less baby faced.)