That's A New Low - Tumblr Posts
Warning: This might sounds like another stupid Call Out post- which is kinda right but I'm trying to make it more chill and less serious.
And since no specific culprits have been identified yet. I know the creater but I don't know their tumblr account so PLEASE don't harass or contact all of people that I mentioned in here... YET.
I don't want to be big meanie or a snitch
I mean- I am but skudhdud
also since I'm from korea- bad english warning.
More information below ↓↓
So back in May 30th, I was chatting with my friend about some weird anons on Tumblr (I was suffering from strange anonymous questions at the time.)
but one of my friend (@/91divoc) told me about A person named 'clydefrog' on C.Ai (Character.Ai) Which is a neural language model chatbot service that can generate human-like text responses and participate in contextual conversation. (Sources- Wikipedia) stole my drawing of Edward cosplayed as a maid which is I posted on March 8th. let's call them 'Jazzy' from now on.
So I checked the account when I heared from him, and it turned out that what he said was real. But at the time, I just thought it was fun so moved on. (At the time, I was tolerant of using my paintings for non-commercial purposes)
And back in August 24th which is yesterday to me, my friend (@/shikariiin) told something about this user again. she said they stolen of her drawings and other drawings that on Tumblr. here's proof if you want ↓

And I found out they stolen five of my drawings too not only Edward one- here's proof ↓↓

I was shocked and I just decided to look at their page. and I realized that a lot of the artists' works on Tumblr were stolen, and I was just outraged that I didn't know this until now and that they were getting famous on the app after stealing lots of my friend and other people's work. They stole so many people's art. like- @/bruhstation, @/asktrio516, and as I mentioned- @/shikariiin Many other works have been stolen, but it's too much, so I recommend you to look for it yourself in site or app. but PLEASE don't go to their account and spam this because I want them to stress out of this. And this is Jazzy's profile↓

This writing this article and let every people on Tumblr community know this shitty kid in This is a clear crime, and it should never happen in anywhere. If you look at all of these pieces coming from Tumblr, this is a sign that Jazzy is still going somewhere around in Tumblr. Please let me know if you have a user who is personally suspicious. This article will be uploaded on the reblog if there is an update.