That's Where The Blood's Supposed To Be - Tumblr Posts
Whumptober: That’s Where The Blood’s Supposed To Be
In hindsight, this really wasn't his best plan.
The enemy was kind of like Rocksteady. They were big, sturdy, incredibly strong, and notoriously hard to take down. So, his plan was simple. It was a long abandoned theater. Tall columns, a lot of open space, and nothing that would be missed too terribly once it was. The plan was even simple, for the first time in a very, very long time. They were going to lead the enemy- Chad, as Michelangelo had named him in a creative stump- Into the center of the open theater, then set off the bombs that were attached to the columns. Said columns would then collapse and bury "Chad" underneath. Even if it didn't completely put him out of commission, it would at least immobilize him for a bit.
Of course, it went wrong. The bombs went off on time, and they did get Chad down. However, somehow he completely managed to miss the fact that once the columns went down, so would the rest of the building. The whole place was falling apart, and still they fought. People would die if they didn't.
He got hit. A rather large piece of debris hit Leonardo's shoulder, followed by a loud, reverberating pop. The dislocation was enough to stun him into stillness for just long enough to get hit. Of course he tried to duck out of the way, to move so that he could avoid injury. By the time it registered, though, it was too late.
Leonardo stumbled back, squeezing between two boulders and gripping the side of his hide. Lightning bolts of pain met him, and when he pulled his hand away, he only saw scarlet.
Scarlet was not good.
Chad was outside, working to tear him out of his hiding place, but Leonardo paid him no attention. He only looked at the red dripping from his face, clouding his vision, and trailing outside.
He placed his hand back on the side of his head, placing pressure where there was pain. Pressure was good. Vibrant red was not.
The banging outside stopped. Instead, there were voices. When did the banging stop? His head was spinning and his hand was slipping. Something in the back of his head screamed wrong. He could usually trust his gut. His mind was right. Maybe he would stay where he was until the sound stopped.
But then there were mahogany eyes and a purple mask. Don’t move, they said. Donatello's mouth was moving. It made no sound.
Donatello pulled his hand away from his head, and his panic spiked momentarily. He needed the pressure, he didn't want to die-
Now the pressure was back, cold and welcoming against the warmth of the blood on his face. Right, the red was blood. Bleeding meant he was injured.
They were outside. When did they get outside? He remembered crawling into that rock shelter with the building falling apart around him. Now he was in front of a pile of rubble, multiple blurs of green fussing over him.
"It's still bleeding!" He caught a glimpse of their conversation, and strained to hear the rest. "We need to get home or in the Shellraiser soon. Somewhere where I have more medical equipment than this!"
It was that bad? He needed to get up or do something to help, but his body wouldn't move, wouldn't respond to his commands.
Leonardo was next under a bright, near blinding light. He could smell chemicals and copper. Copper? Copper was bad. Somebody gripped his hands, whispering apologies and trying to reassure him.
No, not him. They were trying to reassure themselves.
"Not- Your fault," he whispered with a smile. If they needed reassurance, he would give it.
"This is my fault," Donatello whispered, staring at bandages that were finally staying white.
"It's still bleeding!" He was right, too. The bandages were running out, but they were still turning red. That wound needed to be closed or else it would never stop bleeding.
Well, he finally closed it. It was carefully stitched up, a neat row of black lines along the side of his head.
"Donnie-" Michelangelo started from where he was sitting.
"No, Mikey, listen. I’m the doctor, I’m supposed to make sure that people don't die. He almost bled out and-"
Wait what. Wait, what. How was he even talking?
"My plan," Leonardo murmured, still not opening his eyes, "My fault."
"Leo, please don't-"
"'M so tired… Don't blame yourself, mkay? Shoulda seen it comin'."
"Leo, this wasn't your fault, you don't have to see every future that could possibly happen, please-"
His pleading and rambling fell on deaf ears. Sleep was not a good thing when they didn't know what kind of head injury they were looking at.