The Admins Wrong - Tumblr Posts
7 months ago
Hotguy is...
![Hotguy Is...](
performing a soliloquy? is that hamlet that he's performing? where on earth did he-
right sorry yeah i'll be quiet in the theatre
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to Hotguy or not to Hotguy
that is the question
whether tis nobler in mind to make them suffer the shots and arrows of outrageous bowmanship
or to take shots against a sea of hermits
and by opposing end them
to die to sleep no more and by a sleep to say we end the hardcore and thousand xp levels
that player is heir to tis a consummation devoutly to be wished to die to sleep perchance to respawn
ay there’s the rub for in that respawn what mobs may come when our tools and armour have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause
there’s the respect that makes calamity of such long life for who would bear the crits and thorns of melee
the admin’s wrong
the proud man’s nice biceps and six pack
the pangs of despised death messages
the law’s quick and fiery shots and the insolence of office (which is me)
the patient acceptance of the promise that no i will not shoot them when we all know I’m going to anyway
but the dread of what would happen if someone tried to remove this bow from my hands
the undiscovered consequences of from which attempts have no hermit returned and puzzles the will
and makes them rather bear these hotguys they have than face some other bit that might be more annoying
their consciences make cowards of us all and so the natural desire to live and not be shot with flaming arrows is overcome
with flaming arrows to the face
and while they are too busy thinking of how to stop me from shooting flaming arrows at them
I’m busy shooting more flaming arrows
golly my abs are nice