The Arcane X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Reader teaching vi how to properly bandage her hands a Vander catches the two of you?

Had that thought while wrapping my own hands and needed to send this in before I forget

you wrap your own hands? that's hot. but teach me so we can be fight club buddies together

mend the broken

vi x reader, vander x reader

warnings: minors/ageless blogs do not interact or you'll be blocked, genderneutral reader, fluff, bits of angst, fluff, mentions of mylo, claggor, and powder, before silco's return, allusions to bullheaded brawler, plantonic kinda fic

Reader Teaching Vi How To Properly Bandage Her Hands A Vander Catches The Two Of You?

You get the bar in the mornings and Vander gets the bar for the night shift. Despite all of his protests, you’ll help sling a few pints here and there during that time. When you’re closing up for him after a long night shift, you do catch the half-hearted scolding that Vander gives the troops after they snuck back in half an hour ago. Even when his eyes are heavy in his head, you really admire how he’s never raised his voice at those little crumbsnatchers you’d brought together with him.

It took awhile for Vi and Powder to accept the little family they were brought into with Claggor and Mylo who’d been brought in almost a week before, but you nor Vander were going to give up on this. The boys caved easily after a few meals and when Powder wasn’t with Vi, she was showing you her latest inventions.

All of them were a little tough to crack. Vander doesn’t say it outright, but the fissures and blatant apathy from the topside make it hard for any trust to get passed around. You both have had your experience with it. Mylo was skeptical of the two of you, even being the first under your wing, Claggor was uneasy, but came much faster than the first boy. Powder had almost caved immediately when she saw the impressive joint workshop that you started many years back and Claggor’s addition that was becoming much more advanced with every passing weekend. Violet, even seeing how much Mylo loved to get ahead of Vander when it was mealtime, was a little standoffish. She relented after a year, but you could see was still struggling.

You watched as she laid on the floor, trying to reach under the bar for the first aid kit, but you knocked on the counter, garnering her attention when you waved the makeshift kit you’d put together a while back after meeting Vander.

She sat in a booth, away from you, hissing and occasionally writhing from where she was tending to what you guessed was a scraped knee.

“You should rinse those scars out first.” You say as you take inventory behind the bar. “Why didn’t you let Mylo take care of those?”

“Because I’m fine.” She hissed at you.

You noticed how Vi had kept to Powder and Vander, hanging out with Claggor and, much to your surprise, scheming with Mylo. But she was always careful around you. Never sitting too close or going on about the schemes she’d pull with their newly formed posse though you never minded. She’d open up when she was ready.

You smiled even now at the bristle she offered. “You know Vander was the opposite of you when we were younger.” She didn’t say anything, but reminiscing about those times was always fun. “Especially when he’d scrape his knee running after me. I mean, he could really book.”

“He can’t do that now.” Vi muttered, but you’d heard it.

You were laughing, it was boisterous and you nearly dropped the glass in your hand; She flinched from how loud you were cackling at her remark, but you couldn’t gauge the look on her face.

“I mean, he did used to do a lot of the running when he started swinging his fists around for a couple bucks.”

Her mouth dropped open and wonder flashed in her grey eyes, but she reined in her awed expression quicker than it’d crossed her face. “Let me clean that up for you and I’ll tell you about how that big bear practically invented hopping rooftops running from enforcers.”

Violet’s eyes fell from yours as she thought it over for no longer than a minute before closing up the first aid kit with a nod and disappearing to go find a little clean water. When she returned, you were sitting on the other side of the bar and playing with bandages while she stood in the doorway of the bar.

“Hey, you ready?”

Vi looked taken back by your smile before coming to sit beside you. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw the condition of her hands. You silently extended your hand and she placed it in yours before you examined the faint marks that the bandages left.

“Does everybody wrap their hands like this?” You smile and look up at her. “You did pretty good your first time around.”

You noticed her curious eyes as you picked up some antiseptic and laughed.

“I’m guessing you want to learn what Vander did to make enforcers chase him, not how to tend a wound.”

“Was he cool?” She asked.

You shrugged. “He had almost all of the lanes wrapped around his finger, so I guess you could say that. I thought he was a know-it-all.”

That earned the teeniest of smiles out of Violet who seemed to want to know more about Vander’s younger years.

“He used to fight a lot and he lost like one out of yen each time and would come whining to me about it, but he’d never treat his own wounds after we met.”

“Vander?” Vi asked.

“Yeah.” You smirked. “He even went to brawl under the bridge near Piltover. He always lost over there, but he liked the crowd I think.”

“Did you ever go watch him?”


Vi’s quizzical brow raise looked too much like Vander’s, but you opted for leaving that little memento for you to think about later.

“To be perfectly honest, I thought the fights were really barbaric. Back then they’d have some shifty looking fighting rings and sometimes fixed fights would get out of hand, so I avoided going. But then the bighead in there started brawling too much and I had to make him take it easy. So we made a deal and I started going.”

Vi shifted in her chair, leaning on the bar counter while you rubbed some antiseptic on her knuckles. “Did you like going to watch him after?”

“Eh,” you thought for a moment and then gave a nod. “You know what? Yeah. I think I enjoyed myself the more and more I saw him. He was really good and he became such a show off the more he fought so it was fun to watch him goof off.”

You let go of Vi’s hand, standing up and motioning for her to help you out.

“He’d do this thing where-”

Vi watched in awe, splurging about fighting moves and asking what he liked to use most while you showed her a few of Vander’s showboating moves that had Vi comparing his moves to fights she’d seen recently.

Seeing her so open, even more than you’d seen her with Mylo or Vander, made your chest warm from seeing this side of her.

“But my favorite move of his was the one where he’d grab the wrist and yank so the knee connects with the stomach. It’s a devastating move, but it closed out his round easily and broke records so it’s my favorite.” You say, sitting down as Vi showed you a couple of her own moves. “He’d help you if you asked him.”

She scoffed and you watched her close up again. Sitting beside you and staring at the empty pool table. “I don’t want to hear another lecture about how fighting is wrong.”

“Oh please, I know that brawler in him is itching to pass on the legacy. He doesn’t want you getting hurt like this is all.” You twirl a bandage around your finger. “I’ll show you how to wrap them and I’ll help you practice a little.”

Her head whipped to you. “But won’t we get in trouble?”

You smirk and tap her jaw with your face. “He’s not going to stop you from doing what you love, Vi.”

You wrap one of her hands, explaining every step and how it should feel on your hand for every wrap she makes and watch as she reiterates some of it back with a little correction from you.

“We going to war now?” You hear Vander quip from the doorway and Vi doesn’t turn to look at him as she looks at her hands.

You turn your attention to him and he’s intrigued by the scene laid out before him. “I was telling Vi that you were lousy at taking care of your own bruises.”

He scoffs, displeased with you bringing up that forgotten skill set of his, “That’s what you were for.”

You flick his jaw and he’s motioning to Vi’s left hand, “Looks like you’ve gotten rusty, too.”

Vi flashed him a proud smile, it’s rare, but you can tell that she’s just knocked Vander flat with that smile of hers. “I wrapped that hand.”

“And she’s better at it than you were.” You tease and Vander rolls his eyes. “But from what I can tell, her guard is like yours when you first started.”

“My guard was great,” he gaped at you. You snickered and shook your head.

“Neither of you know how to guard your faces and you were practically a punching bag.” You start packing away the first aid kit and a sly smile comes on your face. “But I told Vi about those opening moves of yours.”

He smiles and you see the tips of his ears turn a bit red. “They were so dated.”

“But that’s what made them cool.” Vi piped up.

You both looked at Vi who was starry eyed and swinging her fists in the moves that only Vander could’ve mastered.

He looked completely moved. The hand over his mouth that was there to make him look like he was thinking was in actuality to keep him from looking like an emotional, speechless mess. But you saw right through it.

“You know,” You slid him the first aid kit. “Vi’s not interested in beating people’s brains out.”

Vander watched you and Vi set her hands on the counter, effectively getting his attention back on her, “Can you teach me some of those moves?”

Vander raised his brow and crossed his arms, “Who taught you to be so straightforward?”

“That’s how you are.” You call from where you’re wiping down the booth that Vi was at.

You watch Vander sigh and shrug, “If you keep wrapping your hands then-”

“Yes!” Vi was pumping her fists in the air before he could even finish his sentence.

You give her a smile and toss the rag you have at Vander, covering his face and making you laugh at the glare he’s sending you. “It’s about time.”

“We’re waiting till your hands heal up a bit.” He makes a gesture to his knuckles and she nods, “Go rest up. It’s late already.”

Before Vi gets far, she stops and hugs your waist. It’s brief and she sends you a tiny smile and a quiet thanks before she’s leaving you and Vander to tend the empty bar.

“Don’t think I didn’t get that.” He leans on the counter, “Teaching my moves to that nibbler.”

You shrug and wrap your arms around him, “She reminds me of you.”

He sighs and picks you up so you’re level with him, but more importantly, so he can bury his face in your neck. “That was a low blow.”

You ran your hand through his damp hair, “It got me what I wanted.”

He raises a brow and it’s now that you can appreciate just how much he’s rubbed off on every one of those kids. Vi being the most like him is incredible and the way all of them follow him around like little ducklings is almost too much for you to handle sometimes.

“Hey,” Powder pokes her head in the room. “Mylo told me to tell you it’s leaky in our room so we can sleep in your bed tonight.”

“Powder!” You hear the boy snip before yanking her out of the doorway.

Vander is laughing and you’re smiling, wrapping your arms around his neck as he plants a few kisses on your cheek. “When are they going to stop sleeping with us?”

You plant a tender kiss on his lips. It’s for the smiles you share with each other, the little schemes you pull with the newly formed family you have in favor of annoying Vander a little (he loves the distraction with all his heart), and the moments you all have in this little corner of the fissures.

“When you learn how to take care of your own cuts.”

He groans and you’re laughing, pressing a kiss and going to go join the waiting dogpile in your shared bedroom.

“I get the left side, Claggor!” He calls up the stairs as he shuts the bar lights out and moonlight filters through the windows.

Dogpiled in bed with your family in the late autumn months in the fissures with Vander and Claggor bickering over who gets the leftside, Mylo and Powder who snip at each other for kicking each other in their sleep, and Vi who is quiet as a mouse from where she’s comfortably nestled into your back. Nothing comes close to being as great as this home you’d helped to build.

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2 years ago


it's not really a disturbance if you both enjoy it, is it?

warnings: minors/ageless blogs do not interact or you will be blocked, nudity (in general plus photos sent to vander), smut, fluff things, maybe dilf vander, ceo!vander, assistant!reader, boss x secretary

a/n: thank you for all the support and nice messages guys, there's more where this came from


received 3:49pm: Image Attachment

It’s late in the afternoon and Vander’s stuck in this conference room listening to Sevika go on about change and negotiating with a subdivision - namely Silco’s division - to strengthen this one. It’s unnecessary. A song he’s heard before and your name gently stirs his phone to life in his pocket.

received 3:40pm: i miss you :(

received 3:41pm: come home already?

He nearly grins. Vander can hear that honeyed tone in his ears. He can still hear you from this morning, insisting he stay with you for the day or go in late to work. He almost wishes he listened after all this drivel all morning.

“Vee.” You murmur, watching him draw his belt around his hips and fiddle with the buckle. A stinging ache on your ass makes your leg twitch from underneath these lukewarm sheets, much colder since Vander had gotten up to get ready for work.

He’s missing his shirt. Tufts of hair on his chest and your eyes rake over the corded muscle of his arms to his hands at his hips. Your eyes flit up to him and he shoots you a smile.

“Don’t look at me like that.” he muses, a brow furrowing as his lips curl upwards.

Your cheek is pressed to his pillow and he’s not sure if you know about your habit of unfurling from your ball in your sleep to roll onto his side in search of him - his heart swells whenever he notices it. How can he be sure when you beam at him like that?

“Like what?” Your voice is still thick from sleep, a little hoarse. It always is in the morning, but this one, he can hear the mischief in your voice.

Vander says nothing. He smiles as he picks up a shirt that’s hung over a chair and all you have to do to see him is turn your head, feeling the warmth of the pillow beneath your cheek as you watch him.

The right arm goes in first and you breathe out a heavy breath in your lungs when you watch his muscles stretch to bring the shirt over his shoulders. It’s crisp, but only from the dry cleaners. (He could never get those creases that slick even if he wanted to) and you laugh from it, making him peer over his shoulder to look at you.

You’re bare. Skin exposed and brilliantly radiant underneath the sun that’s dripping it’s syrupy light over the walls. It’s enough to make him stop altogether. His breath gets caught in his throat when you stretch still as you’re lying down and his eyes follow down your back to where the lows of your back disappears into the sheets that flow over you and bunch at your waist.

“Like what, Vander?”

The words are smooth this time, as if the sound of your voice doesn’t beckon him regardless.

“Come here.”

His legs feel weak. “Love-”

“I’ll behave.” you murmur as if it’s a secret between the two of you. “Please.”

Like hell you behaved. You didn’t let him leave this morning until he’d folded you over and pumped you full until you’d have his spend dripping down your legs, like he hadn’t done just that last night.

He knows what he’s in for when his phone stirs to life in his pocket. And stirs something else when he remembers this morning.

Grayson shoots him a warning look: pay attention.

Vander gives a sigh, a subtle nod on his features confirms his compliance as he opens up the attachment you sent him. His breath catches.

The picture’s taken in his study. It's a timed photo.

You’re kneeling in his leather swivel chair, dwarfed by it and the white button up he’d worn in light of the Medarda’s carouse the two of you attended last night. Only two buttons on the shirt are clasped and the rest is left open so that he gets a vague glimpse of the swell of your breasts and, between your parted legs, the dewy puddle of cream leaking onto it. One hand is holding the end of the shirt so it parts just right, so that you’re showcasing the curve of your legs and every bruise, bite, and crescent from your lovemaking. The other is pressed against the desk, a ploy to keep you from falling like the chair won’t already do that with the lock on its under side.

sent 3:55pm: don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you

Silco catches his eye and Vander says nothing, merely rubbing his palm over the hardness against his thigh as Silco seats himself and allows Benzo to take over, he’s wrapping up the meeting and has little to say on all the ‘pressing’ matters Silco brought up.

His phone vibrates softly in his hand and he’s obligated to look.

received 3:56pm: you’re not here so my options are limited.

Vander bites back a scoff. Cheeky little-


He looks up and all eyes are on him. Shit. This hasn’t happened in a while.

“Nothing to add?”

Vander furrows his brows, a smart decision as he leans forward onto the table, “Nothing outside of the usual.” he says, standing and inhaling. It makes him look like a bear from how wide his body expands before he’s relaxing back to a fraction of what he was just before.

He clearly looks contemplative, like he’s got some master plan for it all and he does.

Your legs are hitched over his elbows and his pace is relentless as your ass hangs off the desk. Vander’s got his face buried in your neck, kissing open mouthed against your skin that’s sweet like it captured the honeyed rays that filtered into the room from this morning. Your fingers claw at his arms with the ache of his cock plunging against your sweet spot again and again.

“S-So, so good…” you warble as Vander takes your hips and brings them flush against him and his balls press against your ass, a promise that he’ll fill you up. You clench around him at the thought.

“Didn’t fill you up enough this morning, did I?” he jests in your ear, a rasp that makes you shudder and move with him like he’s not already using you like a cocksleeve. “My pretty little assistant’s supposed to be helping me-” A sharp slap to your already sore ass makes you shriek, fingers digging into Vander’s arms more. “But you need to be filled up every minute.”

Every thrust feels like it’s in your stomach and tough luck trying not to make any noise, because he’s forcing moans and these pitched gasps that are making him throb.

“I- ugh, m’cum- ming-” you hiccup quietly against his cheek before you throw your head back as his pace gets more brutal. “Oh fuck, cumming!”

Vander empties himself inside of you with a few slow thrusts, but they’re still punishing. Your lips are still wrapped around his cock as white pants at his reddening length. It stings to keep thrusting and he braces a hand on your lower back, the other on your hip keeps you flush against him so nothing drips out of you when he sits in the chair of his office.

He massages the cheeks, sore from his hands gripping and spanking them, courtesy of your photoshoot from earlier.

“You’re going to ride me til your legs give out. That alright, love?”

Your hands grip his shoulders and your voice rasps for an entirely different reason now that he’s buried to the hilt inside of your fluttering walls. “But Vander-”

“Till your legs give out.” he reassures as if you won’t be screaming for his everyone on his payroll to hear outside of this door. He kisses your sternum, your collar, your neck, then your lips. “This is your punishment and you’ll be taking it since my baby couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.”

You're sighing like you haven’t been rolling your hips this entire time.

He presses his lips to your jaw, smiling against your skin when your head tips back, “Good girl.”

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