The Artwork Challenge - Tumblr Posts

The Artwork Challenge
The Artwork Challenge

The Artwork Challenge  🏺

I was tagged by @ladykendalsims, @budgie2budgie. Thank you so much!❤

🏺 The Rules 🏺

Pick a piece of visual artwork (sculpture, painting, illustration) and re-create it in one of the sims games! It doesn’t have to be spot on, so no need to agonize over accuracy (unless you want to). Tag a bunch of simmers afterwards so everyone can have fun.

"Today was just an ordinary day as always, with nothing worth talking about." From San Myshuno in January.🐄 I chose is "February" by Michael Sowa!

Tagging: @elfydrell @harinezumi-sims @honeyteasims @smolteabirb @lunanelfeah @lovelymindlonelyheart @yusims If it's already tagged or you're not interested, you can ignore it :) And everyone who wants to do this. Have fun!

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4 years ago
The Artwork Challenge
The Artwork Challenge

The Artwork Challenge 🏺

🏺 The Rules 🏺

Pick a piece of visual artwork (sculpture, painting, illustration) and re-create it in one of the sims games! It doesn’t have to be spot on, so no need to agonize over accuracy (unless you want to). Tag a bunch of simmers afterwards so everyone can have fun.

Thank you for the tag @thesimsblues :)

I chose an artist I’ve loved since high school, Egon Schiele. The above is “Wally in Red Blouse with Raised Knees” circa 1913. Obviously its not a perfect representation but hopefully close enough.

I feel like everyone I know has probably done this already but I’ll tag @honeykiwis, @ice-creamforbreakfast, @boolproppin, @boolpropism, @budgie2budgie <3

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