The Bible Isn't Any More Real Than Lord Of The Rings Or The Wizard Of Oz - Tumblr Posts
Part of what finally snapped me out of my belief:
If god is the most intelligent and wise of all possible geniuses, then what's written in the bible should blow the efforts of scientists and philosophers completely out of the water.
The works of scientists should seem like the striving of toddlers in comparison to the bible.
It doesn't.
And if god is the source of absolute and perfect morality, then incredibly difficult moral quandaries should have been solved brilliantly in those pages...
I should never feel as if know right from wrong better than the god character.
And yet, with dismay, I frequently felt that way, while reading the bible.
I can't tell you how many hours I spent in desperate prayer, asking for revelation and clarity, on what was, ultimately, already clear:
The bible has no divine origin...and therefore, has no power to reveal anything that humans have yet to reveal; no ability to imbue one with a morality or a wisdom greater than what humans can construct; and no capacity to save you from what you yourself or another human or another animal or a stroke of sheer random chance couldn't save you from.