The Birds - Tumblr Posts

13 years ago


lo lo lo lo lol

dreamchsr - businessend ((

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1 year ago

The Birds

just saw a bunch of birds on a powerline, glad I don't live in California! :D

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7 months ago
MMMMM Energon Nugget

MMMMM energon nugget

'scuse my handwriting; I tried to make it look neat haha

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9 years ago
I Just Thought This Was Silly

i just thought this was silly

wysp has a little “what should i draw” thing and i got The Bird’s (movie) and 19th century clothing...

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Does anyone want to help me kick all the predatory mammals out of new zealand

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3 years ago
Lady Death Our Beloved!!

Lady Death our beloved!!

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9 years ago
Alfred Hitchcock Is Notorious For His Use Of The Ideal Hitchcockian Woman, Many Of The Female Protagonists
Alfred Hitchcock Is Notorious For His Use Of The Ideal Hitchcockian Woman, Many Of The Female Protagonists

Alfred Hitchcock is notorious for his use of the ideal Hitchcockian woman, many of the female protagonists or figures of romance in Hitchcock movies look incredibly similar. An example of the “ideal Hitchcock woman” is Madeline in Vertigo (Hitchcock, 1958), her hair is blonde and she wears a tight, almost fetishised, suit. Tippi Hedren matched this criteria and her relationship with Hitch become one of great controversy. During the filming of The Birds (1963), Hitchcock became incredibly controlling over Hedren, particularly controlling what she ate and drank. He reportedly told cast and crew they were not to talk to Hedren and furthermore, Hedren claimed that Hitchcock tried to kiss her in the back of a car.

This behaviour only enhanced during the shooting of Marnie (1964), a film that can be read as solely about Hitchcock’s fear of female identity and his need for control over Hedren, specifically her sexuality.  Hedren said, “Everyone - I mean everyone - knew he was obsessed with me. He always wanted a glass of wine or champagne, with me alone, at the end of the day…he was really isolating me from everyone”. The relationship reached a climax when Hitchcock refused to allow Hedren the opportunity to visit New York, Hitchcock claimed that he’d ruin Hedren’s career, before it had truly started.

Hitchcock’s control over Hedren’s contract allowed him to decline or accept offers as he wished, he turned down several offers on Hedren’s behalf.

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9 years ago
One Of Hitchcocks Repeatedly Used Narrative Techniques Was The Concept Of Libido Ripping Its Way Through

One of Hitchcock’s repeatedly used narrative techniques was the concept of libido ripping it’s way through to reality, this is seen in Vertigo (1958) and The Birds (1963). However, Psycho (1960) provides a different narrative technique.

Psycho can be read as a film solely about the repression of our true desires and how horrific the release of our “Id” can be. Norman Bates acts as the embodiment of the classic Hitchcockian film whereas, Norma Bates acts as the films repressive figure. The ambiguity regarding Norman’s identity towards the end of the film further proves this, if only Norma exists than the only thing we can truly do is repress our desires as society rejects the freedom of our Id. Norma’s final actions prove this as she states, “I’m not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching… they’ll see. They’ll see and they’ll know, and they’ll say, “Why, she wouldn’t even harm a fly…”. This highlights how important repressing actions is to her character.

Whilst The Birds find it’s narrative progression through the freeing of our desires, Psycho (and definitely, Vertigo) highlights the horror of male desire and how the world cannot exist along with desire becoming reality.

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1 year ago

I have made a nother bird dancer, I think this might be my best disign yet.

I'm unsure if I'll continue this bird dancers but only time will tell.

I Have Made A Nother Bird Dancer, I Think This Might Be My Best Disign Yet.

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