The Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants - Tumblr Posts
every time the Brotherhood did something "evil" without Mystique or Magneto pulling the strings, it was because they wanted money for food or for stable living conditions. just saying
Freaking preach!!
Stupid rant about the brotherhood in xmen evolution
I can't find the post, but it went along the lines of "at least the brotherhood took in mutants who didn't fit Xaviers vision something, something"
And it's just not true 😭, Every single of those poor kids were groomed/forced into joining
Lance: In the foster care system, he was doing so poorly in school that he had to break in for tests, Knocks down a School and Mystique finds him, What's he supposed to do? So he has no choice but to join the brotherhood
Todd: 1st episode we see Mystique threatening and intimidating him it's also safe to assume he's in the fostercare system or a similar situation, considering he mentioned his mom only in s3 and nobody bats an eye when he's moves into the brotherhood home he's also bullied alot Again forced into going the brotherhood
Fred: It doesn't take much to get him to join, but still, the guy is performing @ monster truck derbies and is basically a freak show, someone constantly mocked and being used for other's entertainment, I'm also fairly certain he mentions the circus trying to get they're hands on him, He's offered a sweet deal were he won't be the one being mocked and used (loud incorrect buzzer)
Pietro (the goat): he gets dumped in a foster home by the world's best dad, and he's said this multiple times "Magneto only contacts him when he wants something" In his introduction ep he's in jail, and Magneto says he's in need of his services, Pietro already knows what's happening, so he just agress to whatever, Having no choice but to join
Wanda:Similarly to her younger brother (Pietro is "younger," don't @ me) Wanda is only broken out, So Mystique can use her to get back at Magneto something she promises to keep Wanda under control as if she doesn't have enough shit going on World's best dad decides to wipe her memories of his past abuse (kidnaping a man in the process) Not giving a fuck if he maybe makes her brain dead in the process
The brotherhood is only able to actually like amd care about each other and become a messy found family when the adults who groomed them and forced them all together are gone, Xaiver by no means is perfect especially towards the brotherhood in this show (though two of them have kidnapped and tried to murder two of his students plus Pietro and Evans weird gay rivalry they never brought up after s1) But acting like Mystique or Magneto actually gaf about those kids is inaccurate to say the least
(Never done of these posts b4 so thank you for staying till the end and I hope this wasn't tm of a pain to Try read lol)

“what gives you the right to be happy?”
i had this idea that it would be neat to see the brotherhood from x men be creepypastas, so this is avalanche, or DUST

This is another brotherhood creepypasta. Quicksilver or MERCURY.
in this case, pietro dies but wakes up in a morgue without his legs( comic reference) but attaches them back, so hes kinda ghost like.

The third installment of the brotherhood creepypastas, Toad or THE RED TOAD.
Progressing mutation.