The Eclipse And Puppet Show Moon - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Finally have a design for SunShine & MoonLight aka The Eclipse & Puppet Show Sun & Moon

Finally Have A Design For SunShine & MoonLight Aka The Eclipse & Puppet Show Sun & Moon
Finally Have A Design For SunShine & MoonLight Aka The Eclipse & Puppet Show Sun & Moon

Do not ask why they are goats, I just randomly thought of Sun & Moon as goats then it went to making TEAPS Sun & Moon as goats

They are matching sweaters, maybe by force who even knows tho

They got some hair bc gotta give the goats some fur on their heads

That all, maybe will make a little thing to link all the references for my designs if anyone wanna draw them

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6 months ago

I’ve come to bless with more hcs!!

Sunshine (EAPS sun)- gay ass lithromantic man, he just doesn’t realize it yet, oh and also maybe on the nonbinary/trans umbrella

Moonlight (EAPS moon)- somewhere on the aroace spectrum, that fucking enigma /silly

The computer AIs (pre-Spaniard)- since y’know sentient computer, aroace just like their father babyy

Spaniard- aroace, and also pan if they would wanna date someone

Glam Ballora (EAPS)- lesbian

Monty (EAPS)- still bi, just w/ female preference :33

Foxy- to contrary belief, I think he’s straight (an ally of course)

Gemini- pan, sprinkle of demiromantic

Nebula- lesbian ace hehe

Sven (Nice Creator)- bi-curious

V1 Eclipse (I’m including him bc he’s diff than current Eclipse)- unlabeled, he would probably find labels stupid and/or not important

Solar again (apparently he has a crush)- demiromantic ehe

Atlas- demisexual gay, that seems right

Taurus- he seems like a gay man

Molten- probably ace

Lord Eclipse- gayest ass bitch ever

Servant Sun- maybe ace, and agender with all prns :3

Puppet- bi or straight, idk

That’s all my brain can think of at the moment :33

Even more sexuality headcanons 💕

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5 months ago

So I don't really know if this counts as a headcanon but like. You know how people draw daycare attendant models with body types other than twig?

Hear me out

Pudgy Moonlight/EaPS Moon

I'm hearing you out

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5 months ago

I imagine Moonlight is a very snuggly guy, he just doesn't know it yet. Like I'm pretty sure he's yet to receive physical affection, but when he does, I think he's gonna love it

I would hug Moonlight so many times

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