The God Of Pains Groom - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Poly!God Of Pain’s Groom Comic

I know Khoal sucks but I honestly liked them all so much that I kinda just wished they would all be happy together (yes this includes Kaveri). This is sort of ooc and an au but I need this leave me alone

you should also probably read the comic or this won’t make any sense srry

In this AU the servant of Khoal is not River’s ancestor, it’s his previous life

River had a crush on his master Khoal but as a servant dared not to say anything

As a servant he got to know a bit about Kaveri which also led him to developing a crush

Kaveri and him became very close friends eventually

When Kaveri and Khoal got together, Kaveri came clean about his crush on the servant

Khoal was like “Shit me too😳” so they bonded over this but their life was ended before they ever acted on it

River was fully aware of their relationship but when he was walking in to give something to Khoal that he asked for, another servant saw through the door and saw Kaveri and Khoal doing the dirty

This caused a ruckus and the whole torture and death thing played out essentially the same but River was forced to undergo that as well as they felt he was guilty by keeping this secret

Once reincarnated, the beginning of the story plays out essentially the same except Khoal has more fondness for River due to their history (which River does not know about at this point in time)

Larry is still a male reproductive organ to River but Khoal doesn’t let it slide as much because this is his reincarnated crush

Khoal does try to stop Larry when she nearly attacks River but Heil is faster

Thus he is introduced to Kaveri (again)

Kaveri still has his memories with River but for him this is like meeting Kaveri for the first time

Tbh I like them becoming besties all over again

They just joke abt their connection to Khoal and their relationship with each other

They have fun times

Ofc River is also falling for Heil as usual but Heil used to have a thing for Khoal and has a specific fondness for Kaveri he can’t quite place while having a new crush on River

Kaveri reciprocates Heil’s feelings but he doesn’t know that

Basically everyone has a crush on each other and the only one who is completely unaware of anyone’s feelings towards him is River

Skipping forward Larry is unfortunately successful in ending River’s life but not without Khoal seriously attempting for that to not happen

Khoal is very depressed after this and hates Larry’s guts :)

River doesn’t become a river deity instead his soul passes on to the afterlife like normal and all his memories of his original life r backkkk!

He chooses to stay in the afterlife a little bit bc this is where his friends are

Kaveri and his relationship grow as well as his one with Heil

He’s now acknowledged his romantic feelings for the two of them but doesn’t act on them since he doesn’t feel they are reciprocated

Instead he sets up Heil and Kaveri since he knows of their feelings for one another which works out and they officially start dating

Not long into the relationship they both tell River about their feelings for him, he does the same and now they’re a throuple🥰

The god of the underworld and his two dead lovers how romantic

Khoal is aware all 3 of them are currently residing in the underworld (unaware of their relationship status) and has begged Heil to see them

Heil, under the impression he didn’t try to prevent River’s death, refuses every time

Eventually Khoal’s worry overpowers his common sense and he simply goes there himself which, if you’ve read the comic, is dangerous for him

Heil like “damn fine if u gonna be a female dog abt it” and finally bring Kaveri and River to Khoal’s estate

Heil confronts abt the whole “U let Larry kill River” thing

River is like “no sir he did not”

Heil felt like 🤡 fr

There’s a lot of just regular catching up that they did before being like “K how we gonna stop Larry?”

Heavy fast forward they defeat Larry, Heil finally has the power required to bring Kaveri and River back to life, Khoal tells them of all the feelings he’s had since the beginning of the story, River makes a pikachu face but then is like SAME

Kaveri, River, and Khoal kith

In the background of everything Khoal and Heil had some seggsual tension so they finally kith too

They’re all dating and live happily ever after

And if u ask “Where’s Hella?” Or whatever her name


This was more of a rewrite of actual events than it was relationship head canons as planned but I’ll probably be writing that at some point

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