The Hand Holding! I Just Love That Its Their /thing/ I Also Feel Like - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
For A Moment She Thought She Might Have Been Found Out, That He Had In His Way Figured Something Was
For A Moment She Thought She Might Have Been Found Out, That He Had In His Way Figured Something Was

For a moment she thought she might have been found out, that he had in his way figured something was up. But she relaxed as his hand reached over for hers when she realized what he had meant and shook her head with a small chuckle as she continued to scroll through her phone. "You trying to get us banned from flying aren't you?" The idea of doing exactly what her boyfriend had in mind had crossed hers once or twice, but the thought of them getting kicked off before even making it because of it was also something she didn't want to happen. If it was something he had always wanted to do, she'd find a way to make it happen, happily. It wasn't their first nor would, she knew, it be their last foray into doing things in public that they probably shouldn't have.

Taking a moment to wave at his family as they passed them by before she continued to scroll on her phone for what activities to do. It was mostly to calm her nerves for what she had in store but it was also exciting to know that this time she was going back with someone. Something she thought she would never do. "Ha! I would never!" A giggle came at her denial. "Who said that? Was not I. Never have I ever and never will I ever." Her fingers threaded between his and gave his hand a small squeeze letting him know that she was just being bratty, before her the tip of her thumb began to caress small little circles on the back of his hand.

As he began to list off all the things he wanted to see, her hazel eyes studied his profile for a moment as he drove. The curve of his jaw, the slope of his nose, the way his green eyes always seemed to shine when he was happy or excited about something. With every excited word he said, the smile on his face, it took everything in her from just having him stopping then and there to tell him what she wanted to say. What she needed to say. God, she loved him.

Smiling at him, she let a small chuckle out at the memory. She should have known then when he held her hand the entire time as they trotted on the back of those horses that she loved him, that he loved her. That was neither here nor there, she didn't want to live regretting not coming to the realization sooner rather than later. "Nope, just excited to see it all with you. They all sound good, ástin mín but I don't think we'll be able to cram so many things in at once on a short weekend getaway. We can definitely do the whale watching but that would take a big chunk of time." As she scrolled, she began to throw ideas out. "How about we whale watch first, see the city for a bit, maybe a museum. Then head east to Thingvellir. When we get tired, we head back and stay at the domes outside of of Reykjavik to see the lights. Best place, trust me. Then in the morning we can continue east to the Blue Lagoon. What do you think?"

For A Moment She Thought She Might Have Been Found Out, That He Had In His Way Figured Something Was

"Red eye flights, this one in particular isn't that bad. It has you. I don't think we'll be getting much sleep though," he chuckled and grabbed her hand over the gearshift. There was mischief in his smile and truthfully in his words. Really, all things she was used to by now. The proper man that was seen at work or the fun uncle at home was nowhere to be seen here with his girlfriend. Like his sisters, he too had a streak of the gutter mind. "Is that what you're hoping for? To stretch out? You know my lap is always available to you." He squeezed her hand and smiled as he pulled out of the garage, honked once to wave at his sister in the window on the other side. Annie was on her dad's shoulders waving to them. "I'll have to record you saying that for when I piss you off. I'll have proof you actually said I was right."

Effortlessly he got onto the road to get to the highway. This would be easier at this time of night since the streets weren't filled with traffic so he'd get there faster. This trip gave him a renowned excitement. Sleep was furthest from his mind as he thought over the options Liz had given him. He looked over his shoulder to make that left turn into the highway and took a small glance over at her scrolling through her phone. "The blue lagoon for sure. The black lava rock, caught my attention immediately. The Golden circle but also can we also do whale watching? I feel like Annie won't let me live it down if we don't do it. I need to get her a Keychain for her collection. We have to do the museums. We should also go horseback riding." The memory causing him to smile as his eyes remained on the road. "Oh! Thingvellir National Park. A must." When Wally nerded out he really nerded out.

"Red Eye Flights, This One In Particular Isn't That Bad. It Has You. I Don't Think We'll Be Getting Much

Okay maybe his excitement was a little more than obvious but this was something he had always wanted to go do, it had become something he'd wanted to experience with her even when they were just friends. Sure, if she'd taken him back then he'd still felt excited even if they were just friends. But this added an extra layer. Without saying a word to her he brought her hand up and kissed her knuckles. He always showed loved through actions, even as miniscule as a knuckle kiss. No one was left wondering if they were loved or not. "Was there something you really wanted to go back to?" His voice broke through the small silence as his thoughts dispersed and took a quick glance over to her.

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