The Invisible Man Griffin - Tumblr Posts
I found my messages about reading a book with some drawing tutorials and there were some tips for the classic monsters — Dracula, Frankenstein's creature, werewolfes, etc. I made a joke back then that my skill is just good enough to draw Griffin. Already invisible, naked and hungry Griffin.
So there he is!

I saw a comment about the movie (I guess it was Fear the Invisible Man? Not quite sure) and it was something like "Finally it was realistic, they showed an invisible guy who is peeping a woman, honestly every man would do that".
And I was like uh?.. Dude go read the goddamn book because you obviously didn't. Then look at the cover and see the name of the author. I'm pretty sure Herbert George Wells was a man himself. Secondly, go and have some nice walk with the naked ass in the winter and I would like to see what you would actually want to do in such circumstances. Maybe it's something wrong with you if that's the first thing you can imagine.
Also I hate Alan Moore interpretation for the very same reason. He just uses this theme as an easy way to show a complete monster. Despite the fact the only time in the whole book Griffin put any interest in women was when he met a girl his once knew and decided to talk to her. And found her boring. Literally.
Literally every adaption of The Invisible Man ever: Of course the first thing a guy is going to do if he has invisibility is prey on women, he’s a man after all!
Actual book Griffin’s first scene of invisibility: No, I’m invisible. It’s simple. That means you can’t see me. INVISIBLE. No, not hiding, you can see through— I-N-V-I-S-I-B-L-E! Invis—

That is literally the most accurate crossover I've seen so far.

then again, loving yourself or loving your son is not any of the conclusions jekyll and frankenstein reached in their supposed self reflection so who’s really the buffoon
I saw at least two redraws of this, but it was after I had this idea, so...
Griffin being Griffin, visible or not. Featuring Kemp and soon-to-be invisible cat. :D

Bonus version without spectacles, because I like how I drew his nose.