The Kamado Siblings - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Have a headcanon that Yoriichi helps Nezuko in hinting how to get Tanjirou's blade turns red.

Have A Headcanon That Yoriichi Helps Nezuko In Hinting How To Get Tanjirou's Blade Turns Red.
Have A Headcanon That Yoriichi Helps Nezuko In Hinting How To Get Tanjirou's Blade Turns Red.
Have A Headcanon That Yoriichi Helps Nezuko In Hinting How To Get Tanjirou's Blade Turns Red.

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1 year ago

Not some people complaining that Tanjirou getting more annoying in season 3 💀💀

He's literally a child, the reason you don't seen him goofy much in the first begining seasons is because he's literally still trying to adapt on losing his family and being forced to take lives. Guys, again, he's a CHILD. It's surprising how he doesn't succumb to despair at such a young age, maybe because with Nezuko being a demon is the only sole reasons he's trying to stay sane.

If you guys noticed in season 3, Kotetsu said that he's 10 years old and Tanjirou perked up and mentioned of his late little brother with the same age which is Takeo.

" You're the same age as my brother! My little brother is -- "

'is'. He still used present tense when talking about his dead brother. :(

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1 year ago

How it started:

How It Started:

How it's currently going:

How It Started:

Based off a book I wrote: 桃色 (𝑷𝑰𝑵𝑲) || 𝗞𝗻𝘆 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰

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1 year ago

Inspired by a fan art I saw on Pinterest sometime ago, where Muichiro, Genya and Senjuro realizing they could call Tanjirou brother if they became in-laws.

Inspired By A Fan Art I Saw On Pinterest Sometime Ago, Where Muichiro, Genya And Senjuro Realizing They
Inspired By A Fan Art I Saw On Pinterest Sometime Ago, Where Muichiro, Genya And Senjuro Realizing They

So I have an AU idea with set on modern era with bits of mixed of the original one, where Nezuko gets ask out on dates by other boys who actually (at first) only want to have Tanjirou as their brother.

Hot take: Nezuko knows their intention, decides to take advantage of the situation, but always making sure that everyone knows that the only person who can call Tanjirou brother is her.

Inspired By A Fan Art I Saw On Pinterest Sometime Ago, Where Muichiro, Genya And Senjuro Realizing They

- Inosuke tried at first but got confused on the whole 'asking thing out' and just proudly claim that he wants to be Tanjirou's brother (at first he thought taking out means tackling them so he did that to Nezuko and got scolded by Tanjirou) (he dropped the asking thing out with Nezuko because he views her as sister from the very first begining)

- Senjuro got to embarrassed to ask her out but still hangs out with Nezuko (he's still trying but decides to take careful measure)

- Muichiro straight up being honest with Nezuko and makes a PowerPoint on the benefit the two parties can get if he becomes associates with her and Tanjirou's brother-in-law

- Genya just can't do it like Senjuro but still hangs out with Nezuko and tried subtly (failing) making himself look cool or something

- Zenitsu thinks he has the best shot at it cause he's been friends with the Kamado since kindergarten and the closest to Nezuko (but he's often on Tanjirou's bad side, so....)

This is mostly a crack sort of AU that I find silly.

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1 year ago

You get to choose between saving one person, or a whole bunch of others.

Hurry, make a choice

You Get To Choose Between Saving One Person, Or A Whole Bunch Of Others.

(and yet he didn't.)

What a I love about this scene:

1. Tanjirou having a panic attack, his breathing gets messy and unsteady

2. The background music and soundtrack, the voice acting is so good too! Love how they make the sounds of struggling, cries and shrieking in pain.

3. Nezuko realizing that they are at the mercy of time and decides to make the decision instead

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10 months ago

Demon Slayer, but Nezuko looking a bit unhinged.

Demon Slayer, But Nezuko Looking A Bit Unhinged.
Demon Slayer, But Nezuko Looking A Bit Unhinged.

I should do a series of this. Lol.

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8 months ago


In the honour of Season 4 about to end, remember the last arc where human Nezuko arrives at the final battle scene after everything ends, in search of Tanjirou. A kakushi guides her through the rubble,

through the torn and shredded corpses,

passing by the embraced bodies of the Love and Serpent Hashiras, cold and unmoving, and the blind slayer whose eyes finally stopped leaking with tears,

through the bloodied grounds scattered with severed limbs and organs,

passing by the crying crows that stay besides their slayers, a familiar bird with long eyelashes is uncharacteristically quiet,

passing by bleeding Zenitsu and Inosuke, an unconscious scarred slayer with white hair lays nearby,

and she spots the back of the first slayer who spared her regardless of what she is -- or what she was --

until her pink eyes, finally human and glisten with tears,

spots the body of her brother, for the first time not breathing.

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8 months ago

Oh my traditional art skill has weakened the moment I turned to digital tab

Unhinged Nezuko #4 (but make it traditional art)

Oh My Traditional Art Skill Has Weakened The Moment I Turned To Digital Tab
Oh My Traditional Art Skill Has Weakened The Moment I Turned To Digital Tab
Oh My Traditional Art Skill Has Weakened The Moment I Turned To Digital Tab
Oh My Traditional Art Skill Has Weakened The Moment I Turned To Digital Tab


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6 months ago




19-years-old Tomioka Giyuu receives a call from the local police of his old hometown, about his old guardian Urokodaki being arrested as a suspect for the missing children that have been going on for years. Returning back to prove the innocence of Urokodaki, Giyuu discovers a more horrifying truth about the missing children...while also trying to protect two strange kids that claim there is a 'monster' with many arms living in the mountain.


• When Giyuu was 13-years-old, his best friend Sabito suddenly went missing one day on a Summer night. The only thing that was left of him was a piece of fabric from his haori.

• Giyuu enters a university away from his hometown, only to receive the news about his guardian Urokodaki being arrested as the primary suspect of the missing kids in the hometown.

• While Urokodaki is being interrogated by the police, he manages to ask Giyuu to take care of two children that seek protection under his care; Tanjirou and Nezuko.

• Wanting to find a way to prove Urokodaki's innocence, Giyuu starts an investigation of his own about the missing kids.

• Along with the Kamado siblings, the three of them find clues that lead them towards the mountains that always have wisteria trees blooming around the base.

• Memories and the trauma of the past start to mess with Giyuu, rendering him to an emotional mess that he starts to see ghosts of Sabito

• Tanjirou and Nezuko can see the ghosts of the missing children, making friends with Sabito and Makomo along the way. Thanks to the children, they finally managed to find the roots of all the missing cases.

• The demon with many arms makes himself known, chortling as he begins to hunt the three humans through the mountain the dark of the night

• It turns out many of the missing children were orphans and helped by Urokodaki, who always gifted them with fox masks. Urokodaki had met the demon in his youth and trapped it in the mountain with the wisteria to cage him. Thirsty for revenge, the demon managed to lure every kids Urokodaki had saved and ate them. Sabito and Makomo were amongst the unfortunate ones.

• Giyuu tries to fight the demon off with the swordsmanship skills he learnt from Urokodaki, but since he stopped training after Sabito's death, he is easily defeated by the demon.

• His main defeat is mainly caused by the demon's taunting of Sabito's death, like how he ripped off the boy's head before eating him. Blinded with rage, Giyuu strikes the demon but then gets struck off his feet and injured.

• With the momentary distraction between the demon and Giyuu, Tanjirou managed to kill the demon with an axe by slicing the demon's head.

• The demon crumbles away in his death, turning into ashes. The fox masks belonging to the missing children were found in a cave at the feet of the mountain.

• Giyuu finds Sabito's mask and holds it close to his heart, finally finding the closure.

• With no supporting evidence, the police let Urokodaki go out of their custody. Urokodaki is told what happened and breaks down in tears.

• Graves for the kids are built, with each of their masks placed on every one. Giyuu places Sabito's mask on a grave as a sense of letting the past go while Tanjirou and Nezuko place Makomo's mask on her spot.

• The Kamado siblings are adopted by Urokodaki and Giyuu promises to take them to the city on holidays if he can as he prepares to return to university.

• As he leaves, the ghosts of the missing children are seen at the mountain. One by one, they turn and disappear into the mist, with Sabito and Makomo being the last ones as they mouthed the words "Thank you" to Giyuu and the Kamado siblings.

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6 months ago

During the earlier days in the beginning of their friendship, Zenitsu and Inosuke notice the way Tanjirou wakes up in the middle of the night to stare at a sleeping Nezuko for a while before returning to sleep.

" Why do you always do that? " The blond boy decides to ask one day, his tone light. " It's not like she's going anywhere. "

" And no one would try to attack her in the presence of Lord Inosuke! " The wild boy cackled, stuffing his boar hide on as he laid on his futon.

Tanjirou glances at them, his smile warm and his eyes distant. He's about to answer, before his eyes dart back towards his sleeping sister and the sudden change of expression startles the other two, as Tanjirou scrambles to his feet and rushes over to Nezuko. He puts his hand over her nose, leaning in close and his other hand places over where her heart is.

After a beat of silence, they heard him sigh in relief and when he looks at them again, it's easy to recognize the anxiety and worry on his face.

" I am sorry for the false alarm, " Tanjirou says, gently patting Nezuko, " I thought...she stopped breathing for a second -- "

And that's all that Zenitsu and Inosuke need to know. The questions stop, and sometimes, the two of them would wake up in the middle of the night to check on Nezuko too.

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5 months ago

Unhinged Nezuko can turn her head 180° degree and clings on ceilings too

Unhinged Nezuko Can Turn Her Head 180 Degree And Clings On Ceilings Too
Unhinged Nezuko Can Turn Her Head 180 Degree And Clings On Ceilings Too

She enjoys some warm hot springs too 😊


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