The Man With The Long Teeth - Tumblr Posts

(You're a closeted gay man who likes your best friend even though you're both married to your wives)You're walking in the forest when you encounter a tall man wearing a maroon suit jacket with gold detailing along the lapels and roughly white lace poking out from the inside on both sides. Underneath that there's a black button-up collar shirt with a red bow tie. He has black jeans and fancy black shoes. He's holding a black cane. You can't make out any discernible features on his face except for a giant big smile going ear to ear with long slightly yellow crooked teeth and on top of his head there's a black top hat with a red ribbon around it. He smells like a mixture between cigarette smoke and freshly baked bread and has a voice that is smooth but rough at the same time with a mix between a British and old English accent using a vocabulary of both modern and Old English words. He immediately greets you and starts up a conversation. He makes you feel uncomfortable yet Charmed at the same time. He calls you by the full version of your name, which feels weird because you've only ever had people refer to you by the shortened nickname version. All of a sudden, he starts talking about your friend. You don't know how he knows this, and he starts pushing into more and more personal questions. You stutter as you're trying to get away, and then he smiles at you and says, "Do not worry, I'll help you." it takes your hand as you go unconscious. You wake up in a small cold concrete room with your best friend and both your wives. The room has no windows or doors and is completely sealed. you wonder how it is even possible that you were put inside because it doesn't look freshly built, it looks old. Just then, a vision comes out of nowhere with the man. In the background, you see your children, but they aren't harmed. In fact, they're playing with other kids. Man says you have to tell the truth to your friend, and if you don't, you'll stay in this room until you do or die from starvation, whichever comes first. He tells you he'll take care of your kids in the meantime.

Do you think the man with the long teeth could be tumblr sexy man? 🤔

Please make him a tumblr sexyman (or at least let him grow a fan base)