The Name Which Makes Sense But Sounds Terrible Is An Onus Unearthed - Tumblr Posts


Which do you prefer? (Angst vs. Fluff)

-I'm of the opinion that they should go together. Got to have bitter before you can really taste the sweet. But...I'm going to have to say angst. Now make like Hubert and down that black stuff!

-What kind of music/sound do you listen to while writing?

It varies, but I like to turn on the soundtrack from Trine because it's calm. (Trine is a relatively obscure but quite good game series.) Sometimes, I'll try to turn on music which fits the story. For example, not too long ago I wrote a story about the Faerghan plague, and turned on the soundtrack from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, which is gloomy and subdued.

-How often do you title your fics? Is it hard to title?

Looking at my recent WIPs, most of them have titles. But one of them is just labelled "And you thought (name of another WIP) was bad!" and the other has multiple names. One of them sounds good but makes no sense, one's too dramatic, and one makes total sense and sounds terrible. (There is a pretty good one, but the documents still labelled all of them.) With my original stories, if I haven't come up with a name, I'll sometimes just call them the name of the main character or my favorite character. I think whether or not something is hard to title really depends.

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