The Path Tale Of Tales - Tumblr Posts
I found the secret ending to The Path wtf is this
Not sure how many of u are gonna be stoked for this but I'm working on a The Path CC set for The Sims 4
Drawing my two favorite characters from the path cuz its The Path Week of 2024!

(The artstyles different, i know as well as redesigning them....)
THE PATH WEEK! Day 2: Angst!Charming Wolf!

I thought it would be interesting to give him some lore and maybe turned him into a wolf spirit, who's Fey left in charge of him to watch/guard over the abandoned playground.
I feel like, Fey is the leader of the Wolves and maybe is the oldest out of all of them, idk.
Fey is telling Charming to clean up his damn room but Charming wasn't too happy.

Pt. 2:
For Context:
Charming still didn't clean up his room after an hour and Fey is mad about it...

Fey: That damn kid.... I swear when he gets back, he's going to be grounded for a month!
*Cut to Charming trying to sneak out of the house in the background so he could avoid being grounded for a month by Fey*
Here’s a little anthology fic I’ve been working on about a game that’s near and dear to my heart. Will likely be a mix of character studies, slice-of-life, Red sibling interactions, and good old fashioned horror. Enjoy!
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Open Prompts!
Hello folks! Writing Smoke and Ivy Part 2 is kicking my butt. I’d like to get back on the saddle with some shorter ficlets. So if you have any prompts for The Path fics, please reply to this post with what you’d like me to write! I’ll write just about anything, but I do have things I’m personally uncomfortable writing (i.e. any explicit sexual content, shipping Robin Rose Ruby or Carmen with their wolves, or shipping the Red siblings with each other). Otherwise, go wild!
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
@sulsulesbian Here is your second prompt! This chapter got heaver than I was expecting, so I apologize in advance. Sometimes the world is cruel, and you have to rely on people who can relate to your experience. Also, middle school sucks.
Nevertheless, enjoy?
The Path Assorted Headcanons
There’s an awful lot of them, so I put them under a readmore. Maybe at some point I’ll do post-game headcanons, if people would like that. Enjoy!
EDIT: A few of these were the result of chatting with @lilmisssammy, who has some fantastic (and often very funny) game headcanons as well!
Robin has a new best friend every time she meets someone. New tenant in their building? New best friend! Shy kid gets assigned to be her lab partner? New best friend! Scraggly, hissy, probably feral cat that hangs around their apartment building? New best friend!
Rose volunteers at the local retirement home and is a big hit with the residents. She’s spent a lot of time playing bridge and poker with them, and as a result is the undefeated champion of Red family board game night.
Ginger grew up on a steady diet of martial arts movies. They idolize Bruce Lee as someone who kicked a lot of tail despite being fairly short. On a related note, I think Ginger gets teased a lot at school for being small for their age (among plenty of other things, like their working-class family or lack of gender conformity—kids can be cruel), not that it stops them from picking fights with kids twice their size.
Ruby secretly still loves cartoons, despite feeling like she’s outgrown them. She likes to watch Saturday morning cartoons with Robin, and the two have bonded over this little ritual. Ruby claims she only hangs out with Robin to keep an eye on her, but in reality she just likes the kid, and is grateful that Robin never judges or teases her for her looks or interests.
Speaking of embarrassing hidden interests, Carmen has a hidden soft spot for TTRPGs. She “dated” (read: hung out with and occasionally said vaguely flirty things to) a guy who invited her to a D&D oneshot, and she had a lot more fun playing a bawdy, flirty bard than she’d care to admit.
Scarlet gets up before dawn most mornings to get a head start on chores and to steal away a rare moment of quiet for herself before her siblings wake up. Sometimes she’ll do some light exercise like yoga or a quick jog, sometimes she’ll curl up with a book, and sometimes she’ll just stand on the little balcony in their apartment and watch the sun rise over the city.
Their grandmother used to be a lot like Carmen in her youth. Carefree, charismatic, flirty, and full of life. She and Carmen have bonded over Grandma’s (probably exaggerated) stories of love affairs with dashing sailors and rakish gamblers.
Their apartment technically doesn’t allow pets, but Rose was able to puppy-dog-eyes her siblings into letting her sneak a rabbit into the apartment anyway. The rabbit is from the forest, and, as such, is just a little bit…off.
Robin holds surprise birthday parties for people months before their actual birthday (“it wouldn’t be a SURPRISE if it was actually their birthday, would it, Ruby?”).
Rose has an unfortunate tendency to bring sick or dying animals into the apartment to try and nurse them back to health. By some miracle Rose has never gotten sick doing this, but Scarlet has a recurring stress dream that one of these days Rose is going to get rabies and die.
Ginger and Carmen both love video games, but they have vastly different tastes. Ginger likes action games and platformers, while Carmen likes puzzle games and dating sims. The one thing they both like is Pokémon, though Carmen refuses to so much as look at any Pokémon that doesn’t meet her standards of cute.
Ruby has some “friends” at school who don’t exactly have her best interests at heart. They pressure her into drugs, petty theft, and other reckless behavior largely out of boredom, and Ruby’s more or less willing to do whatever they tell her to do because they’re the only people in school who don’t seem to completely hate her guts.
Scarlet is terrified of spiders. Even looking at one makes her feel physically ill. Part of it is just good old-fashioned arachnophobia. But a bigger part is the fact that she herself feels like a fly in a web, caught in the miserable situation of giving up her own personhood for the sake of everyone else around her and believing she’ll only make things worse the more she struggles.
Their dad walked out on them when they were young, and no one knows where he went. Carmen hopes he’ll come back one day. Scarlet hopes he rots in hell.
Their mom doesn’t have bad intentions, but she spends so much of her time working that she’s almost never around, and she’s a bit too willing to take her kids at their word that everything is fine, and she doesn’t have anything to worry about.
The forest isn’t good or evil, but more of a reflection of the mind of the people who go into it. It’s why there are so many items and locations specific to the siblings’ memories, aspirations, and fears. Visitors to the woods get back what they put in. Unfortunately, this also means that if someone is deeply troubled by something, the forest tends to make them confront it, whether they’re ready or not.
The Girl in White and the Girl in Red used to be one person, but something in the forest caused her to become so psychologically torn that she literally became of two minds: one trying to accept the nature of the world and people and trying to move on and heal; and the other in stubborn denial, refusing to learn and grow.
The Girl in White has some sort of history with the grandmother, but no one’s sure what, exactly, it is. When the siblings ask their grandmother about the strange girl in the pretty white dress, the grandmother becomes withdrawn and sad, only telling her grandchildren to stop going into the woods.
Once Again: Open Prompts
I'm starved for ideas again. Does anyone have any prompts for me? Thanks!
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: The Path (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Robin (The Path), Rose (The Path), Ginger (The Path), Ruby (The Path), Carmen (The Path), Scarlet (The Path), The Girl in White (The Path), Girl in Red Wolf (The Path) Additional Tags: Anthology, Non-Linear Narrative, The Joys and Horrors of Growing Up, Fairy Tale Elements, Psychological Horror, Content Warnings for Individual Chapters, Queer Themes, Writing About An Obscure Art Game That Came Out in 2009 Because Why Not Summary:
A collection of short stories chronicling the lives of the Red siblings before, during, and after the events of the game.
Day One: The Girl in White
The girl in the woods was caught in the snare.
So she pulled herself free, and left her shadow bound.
In the forest she wandered, a splash of color between the slate gray trees. Her home was somewhere far behind her, so she made the woods her home. The forest sheltered her, offering herbs to cure her ills and fruit to fill her belly.
She saw her shadow, white dress stained red, watching her from a field of wildflowers. Petals and pollen drifted past hard black eyes. Accusatory. Fixed.
One day, wandering through brittle grasses, searching for the clues the forest had laid out for her, the road revealed itself to her.
A wide and unpretentious dirt path, lined on either side with dew-dappled wildflowers that glistened in the bright morning sun. Down one way, a small island cottage. Down the other, a city, vast and strange.
A city that had not been there when the girl first entered the woods.
How long had she been in the woods, wandering overgrown dales and fleeing her red-stained shadow? Was there anyone left, in the world beyond, who remembered her? Who would take her in their arms and kiss her hair and say I always knew I’d see you again?
Empires of steel and concrete had grown over the bones of villages, burying the memory of the cottages and farmlands of long-ago years.
She stood on the path and looked upon the unfamiliar city. She turned to look upon the cottage, the forest, the path.
Above, the sky was vast and cloudless.
Nervously, she stepped onto the path. The flowers seemed to beam at her. She stood there, picturing a crossroads. There lay the city, foreign to her. Full of fear, and possibility. There lay the cottage, charming and cozy, and yet something seemed to snarl and salivate within the white painted walls.
To her back, the forest. Beneath her feet, the path.
Her feet moved in no direction at all.
Where to wander? Where to seek? Where to run?
What did she hope to find? What did she hope to flee?
She moved, with slow and delicate steps, toward the city wondering about the people there.
But as she did, she pictured the shadow.
Bound, and lost, and furious.
And scared.
She stopped, and turned back to the woods, where the echo of her, she knew, waited in the snare. Fashioning snares of her own, now.
She could leave the woods, flit like a firefly from place to place. But she wouldn't truly be gone from this place.
Not while her shadow remained.
She turned from the path, feeling the coolness of shadows on her back as she slipped between the trees. There was a teddy bear in the woods, two halves, each with a full, ragged head, clumsily stitched together.
She walked to the place where the snare still lay, wondering how a lost thing could be found.
Wondering how a broken thing could be made whole.