The Perfect Storm - Tumblr Posts
Who the hell reads fluffy/spicy romance novels about women falling in love with scruffy fishermen and then decides to go watch The Perfect Storm?
Me. I did. And I kinda regret it. 😐
GARCIA: This better be hella good. GIDEON: Garcia? ...Hello? GARCIA: Oh, yes, sir. I'm here. I'm sorry. I just...I wasn't...I'm surprised that you're calling me. GIDEON: I need to know who Joseph Davin shared a cell with. GARCIA: Yes, sure. Uh, it was a guy named... [typing] His name was Tony Canardo. They were in together for 18 months, and both were released three years ago. GIDEON: Before the killings started. Is that it? GARCIA: His current address is 865 Kentwood in Jacksonville. GIDEON: That's all you got? GARCIA: Yeah. GIDEON: Garcia. GARCIA: Yes? GIDEON: You do great work. Keep it up. [hangs up] GARCIA: Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.
i wonder if part of garcia's frazzledness in this scene is due to some lingering iciness from gideon post-fisher king (he was easily the most angry with her about her playing a game on the bureau's wifi and letting a hacker in), and i wonder if gideon's "you do great work. keep it up" is him finally letting her off the hook for it. of course it could just be that garcia finds this case especially disturbing, which is throwing her off, and gideon is acknowledging that with his last line. i could go either way.
(sidenote: gideon complimenting her and then hanging up before she can respond is so very in character, i love those little moments like that that tell you something about the character)
also sorry i have nothing else to say about this episode. i actually finished it and went back to grab this exchange because it was really the only part of the episode i had any particularly coherent thoughts on, which is a shame because i think it's a very good, very tightly written episode with a good twist—it just didnt have much i had that itch to yell about.